100字范文 > 精英蚂蚁寻优策略 super excellent ant colony optimization strategy英语短句 例句大全

精英蚂蚁寻优策略 super excellent ant colony optimization strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-06 11:54:23


精英蚂蚁寻优策略 super excellent ant colony optimization strategy英语短句 例句大全

精英蚂蚁寻优策略,super excellent ant colony optimization strategy

1)super excellent ant colony optimization strategy精英蚂蚁寻优策略

1.The optimum designs of long-span orthotropic steel bridge deck and its pavement system were studied based onsuper excellent ant colony optimization strategy.基于精英蚂蚁寻优策略,将大跨径桥梁的钢桥面板和铺装层作为桥面铺装系整体进行结构优化设计。


1.Super Excellent Ant Colony Optimization Strategy for Long-span Steel Bridges Deck Pavement Design大跨径钢桥面铺装结构精英蚂蚁寻优策略

2.The Study of Deploitation Strategy for Antano Brand Children Clothes in ChangChun Market;蚂蚁阿诺品牌童装长春市场开拓策略研究

3.And here it"s a attacking real prey -- an ant.这个侵略者是一只蚂蚁。

4.ACOA is asimulated evolutionary algorithm of simulating to seek food of ants in nature.蚁群优化算法就是对自然界中蚂蚁的寻食过程进行模拟而得出的一种模拟进化算法。

5.Real Estate Portfolio Optimization Based on Self-adaptive Ant Algorithm;基于自适应蚂蚁算法的房地产投资组合优化决策

6.A Replication Strategy Based on Ant Colony Optimization in Storage Grid Environment;存储网格环境下一种基于蚂蚁算法的副本创建策略

7.Study on Management Optimization Based on Ant Algorithms;基于蚂蚁算法在管理优化方面的研究

8.Research on cultural continuous ant colony optimization algorithm基于文化的连续蚂蚁优化算法的研究

9.small reddish slave-making ant species.小型而略带红色的使用奴隶的蚂蚁。

10.Study on the Optimized Desulfuration Static Model Based on Intelligent Ant Algorithm;基于智能蚂蚁算法优化的脱硫静态模型研究

11.Improved Ant Heuristics for Vehicle Routing Problem;改进的蚂蚁算法应用于车辆路径优化问题

12.Application Research of Ant Algorithm in Combination Optimization Problems;蚂蚁算法在组合优化问题中的应用研究

13.Configuration of parameters α,β and ants’number for function optimization蚂蚁数和α、β的设置在求解函数优化中的影响

14.Hello, Ant. Good morning.哈罗!蚂蚁。早安!

15.Ant Colony Optimization for the Traveling Salesman Problem Based on Ants with Memory;基于带记忆的蚂蚁的蚁群优化算法在TSP上的应用

16.Analysis of Optimizing Pseudo-Boolean Functions with Single Ant ACO System and(1+1)EA单只蚂蚁蚁群算法与(1+1)演化算法优化拟布尔函数分析

17.Study of Optimization Control Strategy of Ice Gather Cold System Based on Ant Group Formula;基于蚁群算法的冰蓄冷优化控制策略研究

18.Research on Elevator Group Control Strategy Based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm基于蚁群算法的电梯群控调度优化策略研究


elitist ants精英蚂蚁

3)ants optimizing algorithm蚂蚁寻优算法

4)ant optimization algorithm with reusing abilities重用蚂蚁寻优

5)ant-meeting strategy蚂蚁相遇策略

6)optimal policy finding策略寻优

1.Owing to on-line learning ability and self-adapted ability reinforcement learning becomes a powerful tool foroptimal policy finding questions.增强学习属于机器学习的一种,它通过与环境的交互获得策略的改进,其在线学习和自适应学习的特点使其成为解决策略寻优问题有力的工具。


占优策略均衡占优策略: 无论其他参与者采取什么策略,某参与者的唯一的最优策略就是他的占优策略。 占优策略均衡: 由博弈中的所有参与者的占优策略组合所构成的均衡就是占优策略均衡。
