100字范文 > 海洋生态损害 Marine ecological damage英语短句 例句大全

海洋生态损害 Marine ecological damage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-18 11:10:50


海洋生态损害 Marine ecological damage英语短句 例句大全

海洋生态损害,Marine ecological damage

1)Marine ecological damage海洋生态损害

1.Section 2,Article 90 of China’s Marine Environmental Protection Law provides for the legal remedy for marine ecological damage.我国《海洋环境保护法》第90条第2款对海洋生态损害的救济问题作出了规定。


ment on the“Standing”in Compensation Litigation for Damages on Marine Ecosystem--On the 90th Provision of Marine Environment Protection Law;论海洋生态损害赔偿诉讼的原告资格——兼评《海洋环境保护法》第90条

2.Legal Research on Mainbody of Marine Ecological Damage Claims in China;我国海洋生态损害索赔主体法律问题研究

3.Research on the Anti-fouling Damage to Marine Ecology Environment;船舶有害防污底漆对海洋生态环境的损害研究

4.A Study of Damage Assessment on Ocean Environment and Ecosystem from Liquid Chemicals Transportation in Bulk船载散装化学品泄漏对海洋环境与生态损害评估研究

5.Strictly controlling the dumping of wastes at sea so as to prevent pollution damage to the marine environment, maintain ecological balance,严格控制向海洋倾倒废弃物,防止对海洋环境的污染损害,保持生态平衡,

6.Study on China’s Legal Remedy for Marine Ecological Damage by Oil Spill--Focus on the Section 2,Article 90 of China’s Marine Environmental Protection Law我国海洋溢油生态损害的法律救济问题——以《海洋环境保护法》第90条第2款为中心

7.Prevention of Pollution Damage to the Marine Environ- ment by Coastal Construction Projects防止海岸工程对海洋环境的污染损害

8.The Aprraisal of Oil Spill Pollution Damage to Marine Ecosystem and the Research on the Aprraisal Index System;溢油对海洋生态污损的评估及指标体系研究

9.Value evaluation on ecological risk caused by marine chemical spill海上化学品泄漏环境风险生态损害价值评估

10.The Ecophysiological Responses of Harmful Algal Chattonella Marina to Nitrogen and Phosphorus氮、磷等环境因子对有害赤潮生物海洋卡盾藻的生理生态效应

11.Claims Report on Marine Pollution Damage海洋污染损害索赔报告书

12.Statistics of Key Oceanic Disasters in 20012001年主要海洋灾害损失统计

13.On the State s Claims for Compensation for Pollution Damage to Marine Environment;论污染造成海洋环境损害的国家求偿


15.marine protozoan ecology海洋原生动物生态学

16.Preliminary Research of the Effects of Harmful Algal Bloom on Structure and Function of Pelagic Ecosystem;有害赤潮对海洋浮游生态系统结构和功能影响的初步研究

17.Chapter II Prevention of Pollution Damage to the Marine Environ- ment by Coastal Construction Projects第二章 防止海岸工程对海洋环境的污染损害

18.terrestial and marine ecosystems陆地和海洋生态体系


ecological damage生态损害

1.In order to maintain sustainable development of mine,survey of state ofecological damage is becoming more and more important.德兴铜矿矿山多年开采对矿区生态环境造成极大的损害,为维护矿区可持续发展,生态损害现状调查尤为重要。

2.Enterprises are the mainstay ofecological damage,and it is necessary to constraint corporate behavior and preventecological damage occurred,the market mechanism of incentives and penalties is one of the measures.生态损害是指由于企业生态环境危害行为所造成的生态环境本身的损害,企业是生态损害行为的主体,因此有必要通过对企业行为的约束规制,防止生态损害的发生,市场的激励和惩罚机制是其中措施之一。

3.The fact ofecological damage is that the ecological and environmental trespass endangers on the eco-environmental system or on the whole consisting of those interacting parts which are foundations for human survival and development,and results in any damage fact that has caused or will cause significant adverse effects on physical,chemical and ecological functions.生态损害事实指生态环境侵害行为以人类生存和发展所必须依赖的生态环境的任何组成部分或者其任何多个部分相互作用而构成的整体为侵犯对象,并造成其物理、化学、生物性能的任何重大退化的危害后果,或可能造成这种危害后果的客观事实。

3)marine ecology海洋生态

1.Survey and preliminary study of the status quo ofmarine ecology of Liudao Bay in Sanya;三亚六道湾海洋生态现状调查与初步研究

2.Exotic species of marine propagation andmarine ecology conservation;海洋动植物引种与海洋生态保护

3.To investigate the effects of aquatic breeding onmarine ecology, we analyzed the seawater samples from two of the most active aquatic breeding regions in Southern China the "Marine Fishing Village" at Shen ao Bay, Nan ao Island and Zhelin Bay at Raoping, which have suffered a lot from red tides.针对沿海增养殖业对海洋生态的影响 ,对中国南部沿海 2个增养殖业发达区———南澳岛深澳湾“海上渔村”和赤潮灾区饶平柘林湾进行了实地考察和取样分析。

4)marine ecosystem海洋生态

1.In compensation litigation for damages onmarine ecosystem,the plaintiff"s standing frequently caused disputes.在海洋生态损害赔偿诉讼中,原告的诉讼主体资格经常是引起争议的问题。

2.The first chapter is divided into 2 parts, the first part introduces the status ofmarine ecosystem, and points out that people are paying more and more attention to how to keep and recovermarine ecosystem.针对当前日益严重的海洋环境污染和海洋资源枯竭造成的海洋生态失衡问题,本文用五章的篇幅进行了海洋生态法制研究。

5)marine environmental damage海洋环境损害

6)marine ecology海洋生态学

1.Advance of systemic dynamic complexities and its application inmarine ecology research;系统动力学复杂性及其在海洋生态学中的研究进展


大海洋生态系大海洋生态系large marine ecosystemsdoha一yang shengtalxi大海洋生态系(IOrgem胡ne eeosystems)1954年美国渔业资源学家K.舍曼和海洋地理学家L.M.亚历山大提出的有关海洋资源保护与管理的新概念。其定义为:①世界海洋中较大的区域,一般在20万平方千米以上;②具有独特的海底深度、海洋学和生产力特征;③其生物种群具有适宜的繁殖、生长和摄食策略及营养关系;④受控于共同要素的作用,如污染、捕捞及其他环境条件。它作为一个具有整体系统水平的研究和管理单元,不仅可以广泛应用于专属经济区内,也可以应用于生态学和地理学上相关联的多个专属经济区或更大的区域。1990年国际自然保护同盟(IUCN)、政府间海委会(roC)和美国海洋大气局联合召开了大海洋生态系国际会议,目的是把大海洋生态系研究和管理推向世界。全世界沿岸区被分为49个大海洋生态系,其中,黄海、东海、南海和黑潮流域4个大海洋生态系与中国管辖海域有关。(黄宗国)
