100字范文 > 机动车辆险 Motor Vehicle Insurance英语短句 例句大全

机动车辆险 Motor Vehicle Insurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-27 02:04:39


机动车辆险 Motor Vehicle Insurance英语短句 例句大全

机动车辆险,Motor Vehicle Insurance

1)Motor Vehicle Insurance机动车辆险

1.Analysis and Study on the Cooperation Between the Insurance Company and the Garage inMotor Vehicle Insurance;机动车辆险中保险公司与汽车修理厂合作分析


1.Analysis and Study on the Cooperation Between the Insurance Company and the Garage in Motor Vehicle Insurance;机动车辆险中保险公司与汽车修理厂合作分析

2.A Research on Risk Control of Auto Insurance Management;我国机动车辆保险经营风险控制研究

3.bumper for road motor vehicles or tractors道路机动车辆或拖拉机用保险杠

4.Studies on Compensation-Fund Models of Vehicle Insurance;我国机动车辆保险赔偿基金模式研究

5.Analysis on Establishing Vehicle Insurance InformationData Center in China;建立机动车辆保险信息数据中心探析

6.Dissuasion of Subrogation of Motor Vehicle Property Insurance;试论机动车辆财产险中保险代位权问题

7.The Business Development and Risk Management of the Vehicle Insurance in China;我国机动车辆保险业务发展与风险管理研究

8.On the Countermeasures to Prevent Risks in Motor Vehicle Insurance;控制机动车辆保险经营风险的若干对策

9.truck body for road motor vehicles道路机动车辆货车车身

10.a wheel that drives a motor vehicle (transforms torque into a tractive force).驱动机动车辆的车轮。

11.braking light for motor vehicles制动刹车灯,机动车辆用

12.Design of Bonus-Malus System in Automobile Insurance;机动车辆第三者责任保险定价中BMS的设计研究

13.Research on Classification Ratemaking on Automobile in China;我国机动车辆保险分类费率厘定的实证研究

14.The Analysis of Automobile Insurance Marketization of China;我国机动车辆保险市场化改革问题分析

15.Study on Mandatory Liability Insurance of Motor Vehicle;机动车辆强制责任保险若干法律问题研究

16.A Study on Motor Insurance Premium Rates Based on Market Principle;我国机动车辆保险费率市场化问题的研究

17.On the Legal Issues of Motor Vehicle Thirty Party Liability Compulsory Insurance;机动车辆第三者责任强制保险法律问题研究

18.Research on Bonus-Malus System in Motor Insurance under Behavioral Game;基于行为博弈的机动车辆保险奖惩系统的研究


vehicle insurance机动车辆保险

1.The Business Development and Risk Management of the Vehicle Insurance in China;我国机动车辆保险业务发展与风险管理研究

3)automobile insurance机动车辆保险

1.The Regression Model Analysis of the U/W Cycle in Automobile Insurance机动车辆保险承保周期的回归模型分析

2.An Analysis of Incurred Losses of Automobile Insurance in China我国机动车辆保险市场的风险理赔因素分析——分位点及受限分位点回归的应用

3.Automobile insurance provides most of profits and premium income for non-life insurance industry in China.机动车辆保险作为我国保险市场经营时间较长的一个险种,是各财险公司保费规模的重要支撑,也是利润的重要来源,同时也是市场形象的重要体现。

4)motor insurance机动车辆保险

1.A Study on Motor Insurance Premium Rates Based on Market Principle;我国机动车辆保险费率市场化问题的研究

2.Motor insurance takes important part in the operation of property insurance company, mainly because the share ofmotor insurance is over 60% in the whole.在财产保险公司的业务中,机动车辆保险业务占据重要地位。

3.In , as China Insurance Regulatory Commission adjusting the policy to the business of themotor insurance, every property insurance company began to design newmotor insurance policy, determinemotor insurance premium and draw up agent system by themselves.中国人民财险股份有限公司(简称人保财险公司)作为我国历史最悠久、规模最大的财产保险公司,一直占据着国内机动车辆保险(简称车险)市场的主导地位。

5)Motor Vehicle Insurance机动车辆保险

1.Types,Harms,Causes and Regulations ofMotor Vehicle Insurance Fraud;机动车辆保险欺诈类型、危害、成因与治理

2.The fee rate reform of motor vehicle insurance from indicated a milestone in the course of motor vehicle insurance development.开始的车险市场化改革是国内机动车辆保险市场的一个重要转折。

3.The thesis tries to make research on the motor vehicle insurance based on the data that can be available since the recovery of the P/C insurance in China in early 1980’s.机动车辆保险是中国产险业中保费比重最大的险种,其发展相对较完善,经验数据的取得也相对容易。

6)motor vehicle property insurance机动车辆财产险


