100字范文 > 保险中介机构 insurance intermediary organization英语短句 例句大全

保险中介机构 insurance intermediary organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-30 19:45:34


保险中介机构 insurance intermediary organization英语短句 例句大全

保险中介机构,insurance intermediary organization

1)insurance intermediary organization保险中介机构

2)insurance intermediary保险中介

1.Research on Regulation of Insurance Intermediary in China;我国保险中介市场监管研究

2.Analysis of Insurance Intermediary s Value Chain and a Study on Successful Business Model;保险中介渠道价值链分析及盈利模式研究

3.Research of Influence Factors of Transaction Costs and Countermeasure in China Insurance Intermediary Market;我国保险中介市场交易成本的影响因素及对策研究


1.Advantage of Insurance Agency System and Development of Insurance Agency in China;保险中介制度的优势与中国保险中介的发展

2.The Role of Insurance Intermediary Agent and the Development of the Sports Insurance in China体育保险中介与我国体育保险业的发展

3.Current Situation and SWOT Analysis of Domestic Insurance Intermediaries;中资保险中介发展现状及其SWOT分析

4.(iii) Insurance intermediation, such as brokerage and agency;(ⅲ)保险中介,如经纪和代理;

5.Studies on the Development of Engineering Insurance Intermediary in China;我国建设工程保险中介发展对策研究

6.Thoughts and Suggestions on Many Issues about Insurance Intermediaries in China;我国保险中介若干问题的思考与建议

7.On System Arrangement and Innovation of Chinese Insurance Medium;刍议我国保险中介的制度安排与创新

8.The Sustainable Development of China s Insurance Intermediary Market;论我国保险中介市场的可持续性发展

9.An Analysis on the Asymmetric Information between Insurers and Insurance Intermediaries;保险人与保险中介人之间的信息不对称问题研究

10.Insurance assessor is the product of market economy and social distribution, just like other market media organization.保险公估作为一种保险中介组织,与其它市场中介组织一样,是市场经济与社会分工的产物。

11.Research on the Incentives of the Insurance Intermediaries Principal-Agent Legal Institution;保险中介委托-代理法律制度的激励性研究

12.Analysis of Insurance Intermediary s Value Chain and a Study on Successful Business Model;保险中介渠道价值链分析及盈利模式研究

13.Research on the Construction of Insurance Intermediarymarket Structure and Its Supervisory System of Our Country;我国保险中介市场的构建及监管制度研究

14.Insurance Intermediary System in Developed Countries and Its Implication;发达国家保险中介人制度模式及其启示

15.Impact and Policy on China s Insurance Intermediary Market as Entering WTO;加入WTO对我国保险中介市场的冲击及对策

16.Research and Application of RBAC Model Based on Role in the Insurance Medium System基于角色的RBAC模型在保险中介系统中的研究与应用

17.Research of Influence Factors of Transaction Costs and Countermeasure in China Insurance Intermediary Market;我国保险中介市场交易成本的影响因素及对策研究

18.The Developing Form and Path Arrangement of Insurance Intermediaries in China--from the Perspective of Institutional Economics;我国保险中介制度的模式选择及路径安排——基于制度经济学的视角


insurance intermediary保险中介

1.Research on Regulation of Insurance Intermediary in China;我国保险中介市场监管研究

2.Analysis of Insurance Intermediary s Value Chain and a Study on Successful Business Model;保险中介渠道价值链分析及盈利模式研究

3.Research of Influence Factors of Transaction Costs and Countermeasure in China Insurance Intermediary Market;我国保险中介市场交易成本的影响因素及对策研究

3)insurance intermediaries保险中介

1.Analyzinginsurance intermediaries through the theories of institutional economics is conducive to our understanding of the internal restraining power ofinsurance intermediaries as an institutional arrangement from a broader view of economics,sociology,history,civilization,etc.以制度经济学作为理论依据来分析保险中介,有助于我们从经济、社会、历史和文化等更广阔的分析视角去把握保险中介作为一种制度安排的内在制约因素,从而更科学地确定我国保险中介的发展模式及路径安排。

2.The main distribution channels refer toinsurance intermediaries,usually an insurance agent or broker,between the buyer and the insurer.现今分销主渠道是保险中介,中介的主要两种形式是保险代理人和经纪人,在提高保险营销效率方面发挥着重要的作用。

3.This paper analyzes the present situation an d problems existed ofinsurance intermediaries market in China objectively,through the combination of theory and reality.本文采用理论与现实相结合的方法 ,客观地分析了我国保险中介制度法律规范的现状及其存在的问题 ,并通过中外保险中介法律制度的比较研究 ,以我国国情为基础 ,提出应以保险中介专门法规为主 ,配套法规为辅的制度完善构

4)insurance agency保险中介

1.Based on the principal agent theory, this paper studies the principal agent relationship on theinsurance agency market.利用委托—代理理论对保险中介市场的委托代理关系进行了研究。

5)Insurance Intermediary保险中介人

1.Of West developed countries, the insurance intermediary systems of the UK, American and Japan have their respective characteristics.在发达国家的保险中介人制度中 ,英、美、日三国的保险中介人制度各具特色 ,代表着三种不同类型的保险中介人制度模式 ,促进了本国保险业的发展。

6)insurance intermediary industry保险中介业


