100字范文 > 英语牛津教材1B-Unit1教案 The Fourth Period Let’s play_小学一年级英语教案

英语牛津教材1B-Unit1教案 The Fourth Period Let’s play_小学一年级英语教案

时间:2024-05-22 20:19:46


英语牛津教材1B-Unit1教案 The Fourth Period Let’s play_小学一年级英语教案

一、教学目标:1.知识目标:学会用draw, write, fold 说出制作贺卡过程。2.能力目标:正确模仿发音并根据指令作出相应反应。3.情感目标:学会通过贺卡传递对亲人、朋友的爱。二、教学重点:分清各步骤的名称。教学难点:fold的识记。三、教具准备:cassette 1b and cassette player, samples of cards, wallchart四、教学过程:step 1 warming up1.song: happy new year2.rhyme: my uncle is comingstep 2 pre-task preparation1.greet each other using “how are you?” “happy new year.”2.show the word cards of four relatives learned in the previous lesson. get students to greet each one with “happy new year!” e.g. happy new year, uncle.3.show the class some new year cards and tell them that they are all made by other students.4.ask “do you like these cards? do you want to make one?”step 3 while-task procedure1.put up the enlarged picture of student’s book page 5.introduce the steps of making a new year card.2.say the words for each step slowly. encourage the students to follow.3.play the cassette tape. the students listen and correct the pronunciation.4.show some good samples of cards to the class.step 4 post-task activity get the students to make new year cards for their parents ,relatives or friends. speak out the action while making. remind them to say “happy new year!” when they send the card.歌曲、儿歌既复习已学知识,又能帮助集中思想,快速进入英语学习状态。复习旧知识,逐步培养英语交际能力。生动、带有感情色彩地复习单词。既轻松,又有助于记忆。引起兴趣,激发求知欲。初步整体感知。示范到位,便于模仿。磁带再次感知,帮助正音。做做说说,调动多种感官参与,帮助记忆。板书设计:课后小结:
