100字范文 > 新标准三年级上册Module3 Unit1教案_小学三年级英语教案

新标准三年级上册Module3 Unit1教案_小学三年级英语教案

时间:2021-04-26 22:30:47


新标准三年级上册Module3 Unit1教案_小学三年级英语教案


课题: module 3 classroom

unit 1 point to the door.


课题: module 3 classroom unit 1 point to the door.

一、teaching aims:

(一)knowledge aims

1. 能听懂,会说,会读单词:door, window, blackboard, bird, the, please.

2.能听懂,会说,会读句型:stand up /sit down/ point to,并口头运用这类语句发指令,同时能根据指令做动作。

(二)ability aims:help the students can understand the orders “stand up /sit down/ point to,”and can do the actions .

(三)emotion aims:



二、important points: 运用句型“point to...”发出指令。

三、difficult points:

1. the correct pronounciations of the words:blackboard/please/bird /the /window/ door.

2. 使学生能够透彻理解stand up.sit down.和point to三个指令性短语的意思,并在老师的帮助下灵活运用,指认身边的实物及图片。

四、teaching tools:cai, word cards, tape,cd -rom.,bird model.

五、teaching ways: tpr,任务型教学方法学法,循序渐进法,直观教学法,游戏法

teaching process:

i 、warming up

1.t:sing a song 《hello ,hello》first stand up ,please.you did a good job.now sit down,please.( stand up,sit down. 从开学的第一节课就开始训练,大部分学生能理解.)

2.free talk:

ask the individual student using the sentences that we have learnt “hello,xxx.good morning/afternoon!/how are you?(真实的对话,最能检查学生对所学知识的学习、掌握和运用情况)

ii、presentation and practice

1.提前将一小鸟的模型放在窗前,教师指着小鸟说today let’s know a new friend.

look it’s coming. 教师模仿鸟的声音:hello ,i’m a bird. my name is tweet-tweet.(learn the new word “bird”.)

t:say "hello" to tweet-tweet.

ss: hello, tweet-tweet.

t:hello,boys and girls.(教师扮演小鸟,模仿鸟的语气向孩子们问好,创设真实的语境,激发学生学习兴趣,以及灵活运用语言能力。)

2.t: i will write “bird” on the blackboard. (learn the new word “blackboard”.)

read the new word one by one.

3.point to the door and say this is a door. learn the new word “door.”

4. the same methods to learn “window”.

t: where are the blackboard,window, door and bird?


5.tweet-tweet will send some orders,listen carefully(由小鸟发出指令,可以更好激发学生的积极性)----stand up,please /sit down,please./ point to…说的时候尽可能慢些,让学生听清楚“ please, point , stand up ,sit down”,教师教新授单词,并要求学生边说边做出相应的动作,帮助学生理解。then check the reading up and correct the pronounciations.

6.now let’s say a chant . ok? and when you chant it, you can do the actions.
