100字范文 > 保险会计准则 Insurance Accounting Standards英语短句 例句大全

保险会计准则 Insurance Accounting Standards英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-16 09:20:41


保险会计准则 Insurance Accounting Standards英语短句 例句大全

保险会计准则,Insurance Accounting Standards

1)Insurance Accounting Standards保险会计准则

1.With the development of multinational insurers, the international coordination ofInsurance Accounting Standards has become an unavoidable part in setting up ChinaInsurance Accounting Standards.随着保险公司国际化经营程度的不断提高,保险会计准则国际协调已成为我国保险会计准则建设中不可回避的重要问题。

2.Because of the particularity and complexity of insurance management, Our country should establish the insurance accounting standards to be on speaking terms.我国已经加入WTO四年多,面对逐步开放的保险业市场,在中国实施符合国际要求的正式保险会计准则是必然的,趁国际财务报告准则实施之际探讨其对我国保险业的影响,对我国建立和实施合理的保险会计准则有现实意义。


1.The Explore of China Insurance Accounting Standard s Model & Path;中国保险会计准则的构建模式及路径探索

2.The Affect on Property Insurance Companies of Acquisition Costs Change of New Accounting Principles;从保单获取成本看新会计准则对财产保险公司的影响

3.Article 4 The original insurance contracts issued by insurers shall be subject to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 25 - Original Insurance Contracts.第四条保险人签发的原保险合同,适用《企业会计准则第25号--原保险合同》。

4.To Prevent Accounting Ethics Risk by Perfecting Accounting Standards;通过完善会计准则规避会计道德风险

5.The Influence of the New Criterion in Accounting on the Guarantee of the Quality of Accounting Information;新会计准则对保证会计信息质量的作用

6.Research on the Influence of New Guarantee Accounting Standards to the Guarantee Industry;担保会计准则对于担保行业的影响研究

7.Risk Preevention of Derivative Tools Under New Accounting Pricinples;谈新会计准则下衍生金融工具的风险防范

8.Research on New Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards Comparison;新会计准则与国际会计准则比较研究

9.Thinking about Discussing International Accounting Standards according to New Accounting Standards;从新会计准则看我国会计准则国际化

10.Associate Member of the Corporation of Insurance Brokers保险经纪人协会准会员

11.CPA Audit Risk Measurements and Avoiding under the New Standard;新准则下注册会计师审计风险的计量与规避研究

12.IASA (Insurance Accounting and Statistical Association)保险会计与统计协会

13.It may not include any allowance for expenses or commissions in connection with the issuance of the insurance policy.但保险公司签发保单时所付出的费用或佣金,则未必会计算在内。

14.standard of accounting and auditing practices会计及核数执业准则

15.Analysis of Influence on Solvency Margin of Life Insurance Companies in China by New Accounting Standards;会计准则调整对我国寿险公司偿付能力额度的影响

16.About the Effect of Chinese Accounting Standards on the Banking Stability新会计准则对银行业稳定的影响——基于央行风险监测的视角

17.Optimal Reinsurance under VaR and CTE RulesVaR和CTE准则下的最优再保险

18.The Comparative Study of Chinese Accounting Standards and International Accounting Standards;我国会计准则与国际会计准则的比较研究


accounting principle会计准则

1.Modification,Innovation,and Imperfectness of New Accounting Principle;对新企业会计准则变化、创新及不足的探讨

2.On the International adjustment ofaccounting principles;试论会计准则的国际协调

3.Interaction and Concession between Accounting Principle and Tax Law;会计准则与税法的关系及其协调

3)accounting principles会计准则

1.A creative idea on the construction ofaccounting principles of China;建设我国会计准则的创新思考

2.Modeling, Depending Environment & Theoretical Analysis of Establishment of Accounting Principles;会计准则制定模式选择、依存环境及其理论分析

3.Earnings Management and the Accounting Principles Influence on It;盈余管理及会计准则对其产生的影响

4)accounting standards会计准则

1.Thinking about the choice of information neutrality or economic consequence——Based on the constitution ofaccounting standards;信息中立与经济后果的抉择思考——基于会计准则的制定

2.Analyses on the application of fair value measurement attribute inaccounting standards;浅析我国会计准则中公允价值计量属性的应用问题

5)accounting criterion会计准则

1.Analysis of constituting mode ofaccounting criterion;对会计准则制定模式的分析

2.It is also emphasized on the great changes in twelveaspects,such as to carry outtheaccounting criterion,to put into use the accounting l.本文阐述了按照高度集中的计划经济体制建立的会计制度存在的问题;分析了建立社会主义市场经济体制与国际会计惯例接轨进行会计改革的必要性;着重论述了由于会计准则的实施,使会计法规、会计管理模式、会计要素、会计平衡公式和会计报表体系等十二个方面发生的重大变化。

3.After comparing and analyzing the"Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises——Basic Standard"and theories and content of respective financial statements,this paper interprets the implementation of the newly issuedaccounting criterion,which will have a dramatic effect on the disclosure of financial positions and performances of listed companies and the quality of accounting information as well.对《企业会计准则——基本准则》和相关财务报表列报依据的理论、内容进行比较后,解读新会计准则的实施对上市公司财务状况、经营成果的披露乃至会计信息质量的影响,认识新会计准则的制定对会计信息质量的提高所起的保证作用。

6)accounting standard会计准则

1.Difference analysis ofaccounting standard for business enterprises: debt restructuring after and before revision;《企业会计准则—债务重组》修订前后的差异分析

2.The impact of the new intangible assetsaccounting standard on the accounting information of listed companies;新无形资产会计准则对上市公司会计信息影响

3.How to choose the guide of constitutingaccounting standards on the basis of accounting environmental characteristics;基于会计环境特征的会计准则制定导向选择


