100字范文 > 失眠辨证论治 Treatment with syndrome differentiation英语短句 例句大全

失眠辨证论治 Treatment with syndrome differentiation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-30 10:27:13


失眠辨证论治 Treatment with syndrome differentiation英语短句 例句大全

失眠辨证论治,Treatment with syndrome differentiation

1)Treatment with syndrome differentiation失眠辨证论治

2)Treatment based on syndrome differentiation辨证论治

1.Treatment based on syndrome differentiation which is a complicated procession,is a characteristic of Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment.辨证论治是中医诊治疾病的特色,是一个复杂干预的过程,如何评价辨证论治的临床疗效是需要解决的重要问题。

2.Some therapeutic principles are suggested in treating metabolic diseases with herbal paste, including reinforcing combined with catharsis, treatment based on syndrome differentiation, treating major symptoms and also minor ones, protecting the function of spleen and stomach.代谢性疾病的膏方处方准则是:补中有泻,泻不伤正;辨证论治,扶正达邪;主次兼顾,全面调理;顾护脾胃,动静结合。

3.The treatment based on syndrome differentiation multily-faceted,distinguishes because the analyzing machine opinion to be unique,knows the abnormal pulse card near the card to gather the senate,knows the time proof distinguishes the body legislation,simplifies by law generation of Preventing"seasonal diseas.清代名医雷丰所著的《时病论》,对冒风、冒暑、冒湿、冒寒(简称“四冒”)的辨证论治颇具特色,辨因析机见解独特,临证识病脉证合参,知时论证辨体立法,以法代方施药精简,对于指导后世医家诊治时病具有较大价值。


1.Research on the Thought of Treatment Based on Disease Differentiation and Syndrome Differentiation in Shanghan Zabing Lun《伤寒杂病论》辨病与辨证论治思路的研究

2.The Clinical Research of Adjuvant Therapy of Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) on AS中医药辨证论治辅助治疗AS的临床研究

3.The Study of Syndrome Differentiation Thinking of Jue Yin Disease in Treatire on Febrile Diseases《伤寒论》厥阴病辨证论治思维研究

4.Research of the Common Zheng Differentation-treatment of Hepatopathy Documents Based on the Statistical Method and the Asociation Rules Data Mining肝脏辨证常见证型辨证论治文献的关联规则数据挖掘研究(一)

5.Research on Thought of Commonness and Change of Diarrhea Syndrome in Shanghan Lun;《伤寒论》下利证的常变辨证论治思维探讨

paratively Research between "Sixiang" Medicine in Korean and Treatment Determination Based on Syndrome Differentiation;韩国四象医学与辨证论治的比较研究

7.Dialectical Liver Failure on the Treatment of Meta-analysis of Efficacy辨证论治肝衰竭疗效的Meta分析

8.The Study of Late-life Depression Pathogenesis and Differential Diagnosis老年抑郁症病因病机与辨证论治研究

9.Huang Yuanyu the Imperial Earth View Instructs the COPD Diagnosis and Treatment the Research黄元御中土观指导COPD辨证论治的研究

parative study of Self-Prepared Chinese Herbal Formula and Treatment Determination according to Syndrome Differentiation in Depression自拟方与辨证论治抑郁症的比较研究

11.Exploration on treatment of peptic ulcer with combined therapy for treating carbuncle and differentiated treatment探讨消化性溃疡从痈论治与辨证论治相结合

12.Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation and Molecular Targeted Therapy of Cancer论中医的辨证论治与肿瘤的分子靶向治疗

13.Application of Evidence-Based Medicine in the Syndrome Differentiation of Traditional Chinese Medicine循证医学在中医临床辨证论治中的应用

14.Treatment of chronic ulcerative rectocotitis with the categorical identification of Traditional Chinese medicine;中医辨证论治治疗慢性溃疡性结肠炎56例

15.Professor SHAO Ming Experience on the Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C邵铭主任医师治疗慢性丙型肝炎辨证论治经验

16.Discussing Characteristic of Therapeutical Principle and Effect in Differentiation of Symptoms and Treatment中医治则的特点及其在辨证论治中的作用

17.Summarize of traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of diabetic retinopathy based on syndrome differentiation中医药治疗糖尿病视网膜病变辨证论治概述

18.Treating Depressive Disorder after Earthquake with Determination of Treatment Based Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs and Psycho-Guidance中医辨证论治结合心理辅导治疗地震后抑郁症


Treatment based on syndrome differentiation辨证论治

1.Treatment based on syndrome differentiation which is a complicated procession,is a characteristic of Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment.辨证论治是中医诊治疾病的特色,是一个复杂干预的过程,如何评价辨证论治的临床疗效是需要解决的重要问题。

2.Some therapeutic principles are suggested in treating metabolic diseases with herbal paste, including reinforcing combined with catharsis, treatment based on syndrome differentiation, treating major symptoms and also minor ones, protecting the function of spleen and stomach.代谢性疾病的膏方处方准则是:补中有泻,泻不伤正;辨证论治,扶正达邪;主次兼顾,全面调理;顾护脾胃,动静结合。

3.The treatment based on syndrome differentiation multily-faceted,distinguishes because the analyzing machine opinion to be unique,knows the abnormal pulse card near the card to gather the senate,knows the time proof distinguishes the body legislation,simplifies by law generation of Preventing"seasonal diseas.清代名医雷丰所著的《时病论》,对冒风、冒暑、冒湿、冒寒(简称“四冒”)的辨证论治颇具特色,辨因析机见解独特,临证识病脉证合参,知时论证辨体立法,以法代方施药精简,对于指导后世医家诊治时病具有较大价值。

3)syndrome differentiation and treatment辨证论治

1.Strengthening teaching ofsyndrome differentiation and treatment and nurturing clinical professionals with practical skills;强化辨证论治教学 培养临床实用人才

2.Formation and development ofsyndrome differentiation and treatment system of Chinese medicine;中医辨证论治体系的形成和发展

3.Professor SHAO Ming Experience on the Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C邵铭主任医师治疗慢性丙型肝炎辨证论治经验

4)Syndrome differentiation辨证论治

1.Research onto intelligentized syndrome differentiation of Practical Venereal Disease of Chinese Medicine;《实用中医性病学》智能化辨证论治研究

2.Restoring the harmony and order of the body: treatment of cancer patients a ccording to syndrome differentiation;恢复机体的和谐有序——探索肿瘤病人的辨证论治

3.Syndrome differentiation and treatment was the best method of protecting fetus;syndome of asthenia or sthenia in puerperaldiaeas should be differentiated each other,so that the treatment is done by different syndome.本文通过对《妇人规》的研究,总结张景岳辨证论治妇科疾病的学术思想特色,如经病形成有多因,调经之要须辨证;妊娠胎气不安,证本非一,治亦不同,辨证祛病;安胎要法,祛其所病,便是安胎,因病而药之,不可拘泥;产后有虚证、不虚证、全实证及虚实夹杂证之别,产后应明辨虚实,因证而治病。

5)syndrome differentiation and treatment administration辨证论治

1.Such new ideas onsyndrome differentiation and treatment administration as cold attack, stroke and dampness syndrome were created in Medical Laws by Yu Chang, with their own characteristics.喻昌的《医门法律》,在辨证论治方面有诸多创见如对中寒阴证、中风、痉病、湿热证、中暑、燥病等各病证辨证论治,各具特色。

6)differential treatment辨证论治

1.These ideas have far-reaching influence especially on the formation, development, and perfection of the three key theoretical systems of Chinese Medicine-the holistic concept,differential treatment, and theories of yin and yang-and have very important historical position.《周易》的哲学思想特别是对中医整体观、辨证论治、阴阳学说三大核心理论体系的形成、发展和完善 ,有着极其深远的历史影响 ,占有十分重要的历史地

2.This paper sums up researches on epidemiology, pathological classification, pathogenic mechanism, TCM etiology and pathogenesis,differential treatment, and specific prescriptions and medications.本文从流行病学及病理类型、发病机理、中医病因病机、辨证论治、专方专药研究等方面进行综述。

3.The study has focused on thedifferential treatment and experimental study of this disease.综合近年来有关文献可知 :中医药在抗乙型肝炎病毒的研究方面取得了一定进展 ,主要从辨证论治和实验研究两大方面进行了探讨。


