100字范文 > 初筛实验室 screening laboratory英语短句 例句大全

初筛实验室 screening laboratory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-30 14:08:58


初筛实验室 screening laboratory英语短句 例句大全

初筛实验室,screening laboratory

1)screening laboratory初筛实验室

1.Practical exploration of implementing networked management at AIDS antibodyscreening laboratory in grass roots;基层艾滋病抗体初筛实验室网络化管理探索


1.Investigation on the Status of HIV Anti-body Screening Lab Network in Baotou City包头市艾滋病初筛实验室监测网络现况调查

2.The current condition and analysis of the "HIV" Screening laboratory testing quality administration for certain military region某战区HIV初筛实验室检测质量管理现状与分析

3.initial laboratory phase实验室初期试验阶段

4.Management and Protection of Nosocomial Infection in HIV-serological Screening Laboratories艾滋病筛查实验室医源性感染的防护与管理

5.Quality control of laboratories working for AIDS antibody screening tests河南省艾滋病筛查实验室质量控制现状分析

6.Analysis of Serum Panel Evaluation of HIV-screening laboratoriesin Qingdao City in 青岛市HIV筛查实验室血清学考核结果分析

7.Analysis on present situation for HIV-screening laboratories in Leshan乐山市艾滋病筛查实验室现状调查分析

8.Quality Evaluation of HIV Screening Laboratories in Jieyang City in 揭阳市艾滋病筛查实验室质量评价

9.Restore Lab Clients to Original State将实验室客户端软件还原到初始状态

10.Discussion on Lab Level Management Mode in Vocational Colleges of Science and Engineering;高职院校理工科实验室管理模式初探

11.Discussion on the Coordinated Development of Professional Laboratory and Subject Construction;专业实验室与学科建设协调发展初探

12.Primary Probing into the Establishment and Management of Lab in Economy and Management Speciality;经济管理专业实验室建设与管理初探

13.The Design of All-Digital Language-Teaching-Lab;初探语言教学实验室的全数字化设计

14.A preliminary study of the operation mechanism of new labs of creation for the students in our university;我院大学生创新实验室运作机制初探

15.On the Application of Verifying Standards of the Pressure Transmitter to the Laboratory压力变送器检定标准实验室应用初探

16.Treatment of poisonous and deleterious materials from biological laboratory生物实验室常见有害物质处理的初探

17.Laboratory Biosafety Education among Medical Graduate Students医学研究生实验室生物安全教育初探

18.This method is easier to use to screen for mycobacteria and is the method routinely used in sputum specimens sent to the laboratory.这个方法易用于筛查分枝杆菌,也常用于实验室痰液标本检查。


HIV primary screen labHIV初筛实验室

1.Methods Conduct quality control(QC) onHIV primary screen lab.方法对HIV初筛实验室进行质量控制 (QC)。

3)HIV anti-body screening lab艾滋病初筛实验室

1.[Objective]To explore the status ofHIV anti-body screening lab network in Baotou and evaluate whether it could satisfy the need of AIDS control and prevention,in order to provide basis for AIDS surveillance.[目的]了解包头市艾滋病初筛实验室监测网络能否适应当前艾滋病防治工作的需要,全面掌握艾滋病初筛实验室的现况,为更好地对艾滋病的监测提供依据。

4)antibody screening laboratory筛查实验室

1.METHODS A set of blind serum panel(including 3 strong positive, 2 weak positive, 5 negative) was issued to every HIV/AIDSantibody screening laboratory which must accomplish t.目的了解茂名地区艾滋病筛查实验室的建设和运作情况,提高检测人员的专业水平和实验室工作质量,促进全市艾滋病筛查实验室的规范化建设和管理。

5)testing sieve实验(室用)筛

6)laboratory screening实验室筛选


保险商实验室安全标准(见保险商实验室)保险商实验室安全标准(见保险商实验室)safety standards of UL: see Underwriters Laboratories; ULBaoxianshang Sh啊nshi anquan bicozhun保险商实验室安全标准(saJ七ty stand助dsofUL)见保险商实脸室。
