100字范文 > 测试功耗 test power英语短句 例句大全

测试功耗 test power英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-13 04:14:02


测试功耗 test power英语短句 例句大全

测试功耗,test power

1)test power测试功耗

1.With the development of VLSI manufacture technology and the higher integration degree,test power consumption has become one of the main concerns of IC designers.基于扫描结构的数字集成电路,学术界已提出了许多方法降低该电路的测试功耗,本文对此方面的研究进行综述。

2.There are three serious problems: These are test application time, test data volume, andtest power consumption.其中比较严重的问题有三个:它们分别是测试时间、测试数据量和测试功耗。

3.As CMOS device dimensions have been down to the very deep-submicron,test power is higher than the power produced in circuit s work period.随着CMOS器件进入超深亚微米阶段,测试时产生的功耗比系统正常工作时的功耗高很多,测试功耗正逐渐成为影响芯片设计的重要因素,芯片测试时的低功耗技术也已经成为当前学术界和工业界的一个研究热点。


1.Testing Time and Testing Power For a SOC Co-optimizationSOC测试时间与测试功耗协同优化

2.Research on novel low test power based on two threshold VLSI双阈值VLSI低测试功耗方法研究

3.An Effective Method for Depressing Scan-based Test Power一种有效降低扫描结构测试功耗的方法

4.Improve Test Compression Ratio and Reduce Test Power of EFDR Codes by Scan Chain Reconfiguration用扫描链重构来提高EFDR编码的测试压缩率和降低测试功耗

5.Research on Low-Power Test in VLSI Scan Test;VLSI扫描测试中的低功耗测试方法研究

6.Power Consumption and Factor Test消耗功率及功率因素测试

7.Development of a Lower Power Consumption Dielectric Loss Angle Tester Based on DSP基于DSP的低功耗介质损耗测试仪的研制

8.DCScan: A Power-Aware Scan Testing ArchitectureDCScan:一种低功耗的扫描测试结构

9.Power Constraints in SOC Test Scheduling基于功耗约束的SOC测试调度研究

10.Low Power Consumption Design and Test for Handheld RFID Reader手持式RFID读写器的低功耗设计与测试

11.Low Power Testing Way for RAM of the MCU System一种单片机系统RAM的低功耗测试方法

12.Research on Circuit Fault Diagnosis and Low-Power Test;电路故障诊断可测性设计及低功耗测试研究

13.Two-Stage Scan Architecture for Low Power Path Delay Fault Scan Testing;基于两级扫描结构路径延迟故障的低功耗测试

14.Research and Implementation of Low-power Test Structure Based on Segment Transformation;基于片段间转移的低功耗测试结构研究与实现

15.Research on the Low-power and Small Volume Oil-Well Down-hole Pressure Test System微功耗小体积石油井下压力测试系统研究

16.The Research on NoC Test Scheduling and Mapping Method Concerning Low-Power面向低功耗的NoC测试调度与映射方法研究

17.The Research on Low-Power and Data Compression Techniques in SoC TestSoC测试中的低功耗与数据压缩方法研究

18.Energy Saving Test on "Power Balance" of Improved Pumping Well改进抽油机井“功率平衡”测试实现节能降耗


test power dissipation测试功耗

1.Thetest power dissipation is one of the critical facts which should be considered carefully when designing the SoC for testability,so a parallel boundary scan TAM and its test controller are proposed.在SoC测试时,测试功耗和测试成本是其可测性设计中最重要的一点要求。

2.Experiments on ISCAS\"89 benchmark circuits have shown an average reduction of 55% in test data volumes and an average reduction of 52% in the test application time compared with the serial scan method;meanwhile,the averagetest power dissipations can be ignored.为了同时解决目前SOC测试工作中面临的测试数据量、测试功耗、测试时间三方面的难题,提出一种基于random access scan架构的SOC测试方法。

bined with the structure character of Random Access Scan(RAS),this new test group is optimized,which solves the problems such as test data volume,test power dissipation,and test time.结合Random Access Scan结构特性,对该测试集合进行优化,同时解决在测试工作中面临的测试数据量、测试功耗、测试时间等3方面问题。

3)low power test低功耗测试

4)low power testing低功耗测试

5)Low-power test低功耗测试

6)power and fuel consumption measuring功率油耗测试

1.Design ofpower and fuel consumption measuring instrument for simple diesel engine单缸柴油机功率油耗测试仪设计


测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定check of the acceptability of test results and determination of the final test resultC凡(3)二3.3d,时,取此3个结果的平均值作为最终侧试结果;否则取它们的中位数作为最终测试结果。。,为重复性标准差(即在重复性条件下所得侧试结果的标准差)。在口田T 11792一1989中还对重复性和再现性条件下所得侧试结果可接受性的检查方法和最终测试结果的确定做了详细讨论和规定。(马毅林)ceshi 11叩uo kejieshCxjxing d6 iiancha he zuizhong ceshi】i闪旧de que心ing测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定(checkof山eac,ptability of test,ults助ddsterminationofthefi耐testresult)在商品检验中进行一次测试的情形不多见,当得到一个测试结果时,所得结果不可能直接与给定的重复性标准差作可接受性的检查。对测试结果的准确性有任何疑问时都应再进行一次测试。所以,对两个测试结果进行可接受性的检查是一般的情况。可接受性的检查,实际上是一种统计检验。任何两个测试结果只要能通过可接受性的统计检验即可认为是一致的,均可接受。比如,在重复性条件下,所得结果之差的绝对值(下称绝对差)不超过相应的重复性限r(见重复性和再现性)的值,则认为两个结果是一致的,均可接受;如果两个侧试结果的绝对差超过r,则认为它们是不一致的,必须增加测试。按国家标准《测试方法的精密度在重复性或再现性条件下所得测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定》(GBIT 1 1792一1989),在重复性条件下,如果两个测试结果的绝对差不超过r的值,可取两个侧试结果的平均值作为最终测试结果。如果两个结果的绝对差超过r的值,并且测试费用较低,须再做两次测试。当4个结果的极差(即其中的最大值与最小值之差)不超过相应的临界极差c,瓜(4)二3.6a,时,取4个结果的平均值作为最终测试结果。如果两个结果的绝对差超过r的值,并且测试费用较高时,只须再作一次测试。当3个结果的极差不超过相应的临界极差
