100字范文 > 低温比热 low temperature specific heat英语短句 例句大全

低温比热 low temperature specific heat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-09 09:50:10


低温比热 low temperature specific heat英语短句 例句大全

低温比热,low temperature specific heat

1)low temperature specific heat低温比热

1.The graphite hydrogen sulfate intercalation compound was prepared with H 2O 2 chemical oxidation preparation method and KMnO 4 H 2O 2 oxidation methods, and the physical properties of graphite hydrogen sulfate intercalation compounds are investigated in detail through XRD analysis, thermal analysis, and the analyses in respect of IR spectra, conductivity andlow temperature specific heat.通过在过氧化氢化学氧化法和 K Mn O4 -H2 O2 氧化法制备硫酸石墨插层化合物的基础上 ,详细讨论了其物理性质 ,如物相分析、热分析、红外谱图分析、导电性和低温比热的性质等。

2.In this paper, we report the results of electrical-resistivity,low temperature specific heat, superconductivity and critical magnetic field measurements for the Zr-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) and its corresponding crystallized sample.本文对Zr基块体金属玻璃(BMG)及其晶化样品的电阻率、低温比热、超导电性和上临界场特性进行了研究。

3.Thelow temperature specific heat measurement was carried out under different magnetic fields.对样品低温比热的研究发现,不加磁场时比热中存在着异常大的电子比热线性贡献,这种反常电子比热与样品的宏观导电性是相矛盾的。


1.Building-up of an Cryoganic Vacuoua Adiabatic Calorimeter ant Muasurerrunts for. the Specifie Hsat of the Standard Sampit-Potassium Chloride at teh Low Temperaturer.低温真空绝热量热计的建立及标准样品氯化钾低温比热的测定

2.The Adiabatic, Continuous Heating, Differential Specific Heat Measurement System and the Specific Heat of Polyaniline at Low Temperatures;绝热连续升温差分比热测量装置与聚苯胺低温比热研究

3.Research in low-temperature magnetic behavior caused by superexchange interactions among transition metal ions in various compounds, including the experimental measurement of magnetic susceptibility and specific heat.研究领域:过渡金属离子化合物之合成与磁性研究,包括低温磁化率与低温比热之量测。

4.Specific Heat of an Ideal Free-Particle Model in Three Dimensions with Intermediate Statistics at Low Temperature;服从中间统计法的三维理想自由粒子模型的低温比热

5.Study on Corrosion of Aluminized Mild Steel Heat-exchanger in the Low Temperature Area of Atmospheric-Vacuum Distillation Plant;常减压装置低温部位换热器选材对比

6.Experimental Comparison of Electricity Defrosting and Hot Gas Defrosting in Cold Storage低温冷库电热融霜与热气融霜的对比试验研究

parison between hexagonal prism’s specific heat and Debye model at low temperature低温下六方晶格的固体热容与德拜模型比较

8.Preparation of Equalatomic TiNi Alloy by Hot Pressing Sintering at Lower Temperature低温条件下热压烧结法制备等原子比TiNi合金

9.A Contrast Study of Low-temperature Waste Heat Utilization Modes for a 5000 t/d Class Cement Kiln5000t/d级水泥窑低温余热利用方式对比研究

10.Although the total calorific value of oxypropane flame is higher than that of oxyacetylene flame, its first calorific value is lower, so its burning temperature is lower and its heating time is longer.氧丙烷焰比氧乙炔焰的总热值高,但一次热值低,因此燃烧温度低,预热时间较长。


12.A new type of cryogenic tunnel-injection cryogenic tunnel with heat exchanger低温风洞新形式——换热引射式低温风洞

13.epithermal gold deposit浅成低温热液金矿床

14.high vacuum superinsulation cryogenic container高真空超绝热低温容器

parison study of electronic expansion valve and thermal expansion valve for low-temperature devices电子膨胀阀与热力膨胀阀在低温装置中的比较研究

16.Having a temperature lower than normal body temperature.低体温的比正常体温低的

17.In short, heat flows from the warmer to the cooler body.总之,热总是从高温物体流向低温物体。

18.PTC Thermistors with Low Resistivity at Room Temperature低室温电阻率正温度系数热敏电阻器


low-temperature specific heat低温比热

1.A large difference between Dybye temperatures obtained by ultrasonic measurement and fitting oflow-temperature specific heat is interpreted.解释了超声测量得到的德拜温度和低温比热拟合结果之间的巨大差异 。

3)specific heat低温比热

1.Using spin wave theory and the equation of motion technique for the Green function,specific heat of ferromagnetic antiferromagnetic double layers at low temperature is investigated.应用线性自旋波的理论和格林函数运动方程技术,利用数值计算的方法得到铁磁-反铁磁双层系统的低温比热。

4)low-temperature heat capacity低温热容

5)low temperature heat低温热

1.In this way,thelow temperature heat from FCC is reasonably used,circulating cooling water and electricity for air cooling for FCC are decreased,the amount of steam to be heated in gas separator is greatly reduced,resulting in obvious energy saving and economic results.利用催化裂化装置低温余热作为气体分离装置的重沸器热源,替代原来的气体分离塔重沸器加热蒸汽,合理利用了催化裂化装置的低温热,减少了催化裂化装置的循环冷却水用量及空冷用电量,又大幅降低了气体分离装置加热蒸汽量,取得了显著的节能效果及经济效益。

2.Optimizing the utilization oflow temperature heat(LTH)in a refinery was introduced,such as using LTH from FCC unit instead of steam to heat up water as heat source for the re-boiler of gas separator and etc.介绍了某炼油企业低温热利用节能改造情况。

3.Energy conservation revamping to utilizelow temperature heat in Jinan Company is expounded.介绍济南分公司实施全厂低温热利用节能改造情况 ,通过调整两套催化裂化装置的换热流程 ,利用取出的低温热作为气分装置脱乙烷塔底、脱丙烯塔底重沸器热源 ,替代 1。


1.The Lalab gold deposit is the most typical deposit in the Sibutad ore-concentrated area,and this area is regarded as the most promising economically feasible vein-typeepithermal gold mineralization in the Western margin of the Luzon arc.拉拉布脉状金矿床是西必塔矿集区最典型的矿床,而西必塔矿集区脉状浅成低温热液型金矿是近年来发现的最具经济潜力的金矿床之一。


爱因斯坦模型(见晶格比热)爱因斯坦模型(见晶格比热)Einstein model爱因斯坦模型Einstein model见晶格比
