100字范文 > 临床易感因素 Clinical predisposing factor英语短句 例句大全

临床易感因素 Clinical predisposing factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-29 23:23:44


临床易感因素 Clinical predisposing factor英语短句 例句大全

临床易感因素,Clinical predisposing factor

1)Clinical predisposing factor临床易感因素


1.The Clinical Predisposing Factors and the Prevention to the Ventilator Associated Pneumonia呼吸机相关肺炎的临床易感因素及预防进展

2.Clinical Research for Gene Polymorphism of GSTT1 and Susceptibility of Ovarian Cancer;GSTT1基因多态性与卵巢癌易感性的临床病例分析

3.The Correlation of Follicle Stimulating Hormone Receptor Genetic Polymorphism to Ovarian Serous Cancer and Its Prognosis卵泡刺激素受体基因多态性与浆液性卵巢癌易感性及临床预后关系的研究

4.Analysis of Risk Factors of Surgical Site Infections after Rectal Cancer Resection;直肠癌手术切口感染相关因素的临床病例分析

5.Risk Factors of Nosocomial Invasive Fungal Infection for Infants小婴儿院内深部真菌感染危险因素的临床研究

6.Clinical analysis on the correlation of the infectious factors of surgery incision325例外科手术患者感染相关因素的临床分析

7.Clinical Study on Risk Factors of Infection in Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis类风湿性关节炎患者感染风险因素的临床研究

8.The Study of Nonmotor Complications and Gene Mutation in Patients with Parkinson"s Disease;帕金森病非运动并发症的临床评价及其与易感基因的相关性研究

9.Clinical Epidemiological Report on Familial Psoriasis Vulgaris and Study of Its Susceptibility Loci;家族性寻常型银屑病临床流行病学调查及易感基因定位研究

10.Clinical, Electrophysiological, Pathological and Genomic Study of Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies;遗传性压迫易感性神经病的临床、电生理、病理和基因突变分析

11.The Expression of BRCA1 Protein in Sporadic Breast Cancer and Its Clinical Significance;乳腺癌易感基因(Brca1)在散发性乳腺癌中的表达及临床意义

12.The Factors Associated with Clinical Symptoms and Death of HIV Infections Treated by Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy接受抗病毒治疗的HIV感染人群临床症状和死亡及其影响因素研究

13.The Clinical Study of Risk Factors Affecting the Occurrence of UTI within the Hospital Patients with SCI in the Period of Rehabilitation脊髓损伤住院患者康复期尿路感染危险因素的临床研究

14.Analysis of the risk factors causing nosocomial infection in premature infants and the clinical research on interventions早产儿医院感染危险因素分析及干预措施临床研究

15.Renin gene expression in the vascular endothelial cells infected by the clinical isolate of cytomegalovirus人巨细胞病毒临床分离株感染血管内皮细胞伴肾素基因表达

16.Analysis on clinical correlated factors of pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by fungi infection肺结核患者合并肺部真菌感染临床相关因素分析

17.Clinical Analysis and Prevention of Serious Stroke Complicated the Inhospital Infection重症脑卒中并发医院感染危险因素临床分析及预防

18.Self-efficacy of Novice Nurses and Its Influencing Factors:A Literature Review临床新护士自我效能感及其影响因素的研究进展


Clinical factors临床因素

3)clinical factor临床因素

1.Relativeclinical factors of porcelain-fused-to-metal color reproduction;影响金属烤瓷修复体颜色的临床因素

2.Objective:The research is aimed at investigating the developing rule and the relationship between syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)andclinical factors of gastric cancer so as to guide clini- cal work and indicate prognosis.探索胃癌中医证型与临床因素的相互关系及证的动态性演变规律,以期指导临床和提示预后。

3.Objective: The research is aimed at investigating the developing rule and the relationship between syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) andclinical factors of gastric cancer, so that it can be helpful to the clinical work and indicating the prognosis.目的:探索胃癌中医证型与临床因素的相互关系及证的动态性演变规律,以期指导临床和提示预后。

4)Susceptible factors易感因素

1.Objective To explore the susceptible factors of vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC).目的探讨影响女性外阴阴道念珠菌病发病的易感因素。

2.This article reviews the susceptible factors induced by aortic dissection.现对引起主动脉夹层的易感因素做一综述。

5)Risk factor易感因素

1.Risk factors that may be involved in the disease process were analyzed.目的了解我院医院下呼吸道感染的易感因素,采取有效控制措施,降低下呼吸道感染率。

6)Risk factors易感因素


