100字范文 > 连续刚构桥梁 Continuous rigid frame bridge英语短句 例句大全

连续刚构桥梁 Continuous rigid frame bridge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-09 05:29:25


连续刚构桥梁 Continuous rigid frame bridge英语短句 例句大全

连续刚构桥梁,Continuous rigid frame bridge

1)Continuous rigid frame bridge连续刚构桥梁

1.Construction monitoring and control of continuous rigid frame bridge连续刚构桥梁的施工监测与控制

2.Taking the reinforcement engineering of Hanjiang bridge in Guanmiao town of Ankang city for instance,the key technologies of every tache such as test,design,construction and monitoring of external prestressed reinforcement method of continuous rigid frame bridge are introduced,which accumulates valuable experiences for the reinforcement of long-span continuous rigid frame bridge.以安康关庙汉江大桥加固工程为例,介绍连续刚构桥梁体外预应力加固法的检测、设计、施工、监控等各个环节的关键技术,可为大跨径连续刚构桥梁的加固积累宝贵的经验。


1.Discussion on the construction control of large span continuous steel bridge浅谈大跨度连续刚构桥梁的施工控制

2.Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge Construction Control Static Analysis and Program Designing;连续刚构桥梁施工控制静力分析及程序设计

3.The Research on Numerical Simulation of Aerodynamic Performance of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge连续刚构桥梁的气动性能数值模拟研究

4.Large-span Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge Health Monitoring and Evaluation System大跨径连续刚构桥梁健康监测与评估系统

5.External Prestressed Reinforcement Processing Technology for Long-span Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge大跨径连续刚构桥梁的体外预应力施工工艺

6.Investigation and prevention measures for potential safety hazard of continuous rigid frame bridge连续刚构桥梁安全隐患排查及防治措施

7.The Structure Design, Construction Technology of Continuous Rigid-Frame Beam Bridges连续—刚构连续体系梁桥结构设计及施工工艺

8.Construction Monitor of Taolaizhao Songhuajiang rigid-Continuous Bridge;陶赖昭松花江刚构—连续梁桥施工控制

9.Study on Closure Proposal for Tie Beam Bridge with Combination of Continuous Rigid Frame连续—刚构组合体系梁桥合龙方案研究

10.Analysis on Common Problems in Closure Segment of Continuous Box Rigide-frame Bridge连续箱梁刚构桥合龙段常见问题分析

11.Analysis of Reasons for Crack of Box Beam Web of a Certain Continuous Rigid-Frame某连续刚构桥箱梁腹板裂缝成因分析

12.Structural Behavior Analysis for a Bridge with Composite System of Continuous Rigid Frame-arch某连续刚构—拱组合体系桥梁结构性能分析

13.Construction Control and Comparative Analysis of Curve High Pie Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge;曲线连续刚构梁桥施工过程中变形控制分析

14.Box-Girder Design Parameter Optimization of Long Span Rigid Frame Bridge;大跨连续刚构桥主梁设计参数的优化研究

15.Shear Lag Effect Analysis in Box Girder of a Continuous Rigid-Frame Bridge with Varying Depth;连续刚构桥变截面箱梁剪力滞效应分析

16.Experiment and Research on Concrete Creep for Long Spans Continuous Rigid-Framed Bridge;大跨径连续刚构梁桥混凝土徐变试验研究

17.Research on Dynamic and Stability for Long Spans and High-Piers Continuous Rigid-Framed Bridge;大跨径高墩连续刚构梁桥的动力及稳定性研究

18.Study of Closure Technics for Long Span PC Bridges of Rigid Frame Combined Continuous Beam;大跨PC刚构—连续组合梁桥合拢技术研究


continuous rigid-framed bridge连续刚构桥梁

1.The semi-active control effect calculation and analysis are performed on a four spancontinuous rigid-framed bridge under seismic travelling waves with different apparent surface velocities,and comparison is made between the calculating results in this case and those under uniform ground motion input.给出了地震行波输入下大跨度桥梁的半主动控制分析方法,对一座四跨连续刚构桥梁进行了具有不同视波速的行波输入下的半主动控制计算分析,并与地震动一致输入下的计算结果进行比较。

2.The seismic response calculation for a four spancontinuous rigid-framed bridge under seismic traveling-wave inputs is performed.给出了地震行波输入下大跨度桥梁的主动、半主动和被动控制分析方法,并对1座4跨连续刚构桥梁进行了行波输入下地震反应计算,分析了8种振动控制情况下纵桥向和横桥向地震反应的减震效果。

3)continuous rigid frame bridge连续刚构梁桥

1.Preliminary research on the cause of the cracks in thin-walled flexible piers ofcontinuous rigid frame bridges;连续刚构梁桥薄壁柔性墩身裂缝产生原因

2.Withcontinuous rigid frame bridge span increasing,cantilever construction of large tonnage anchor are also becoming more common,but local stress distribution is complicated on prestressed anchorage zone of thin concrete box girder webs by the large tonnage,which reveals its distribution of post-tensioned concrete bridge structure to be solved in the future.随着连续刚构梁桥跨度越来越大,悬臂施工中大吨位预压力锚固的应用也越来越普遍,但是大吨位预应力锚固区薄壁混凝土箱梁承压局部应力分布复杂,通过对大吨位锚下混凝土局部应力分析,揭示其分布规律是后张法预应力混凝土桥梁结构有待解决的课题之一。

4)rigid-continuous bridge刚构-连续桥梁

1.The semi-active control and active control analysis of seismic responses for a longspanrigid-continuous bridge is performed,and the influences of the semi-active algorithms on the control effect of the seismic response are compared.总结了六种半主动控制算法,采用磁流变阻尼器,对一座大跨刚构-连续桥梁进行了半主动控制和主动控制地震反应分析,比较分析了半主动控制算法对地震反应控制效果的影响。

5)rigid continuous compound system bridge刚构-连续梁桥

6)beam-T continuous rigid-framed bridgeT梁连续刚构桥


