100字范文 > 水流流向 flow direction英语短句 例句大全

水流流向 flow direction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-08 10:56:36


水流流向 flow direction英语短句 例句大全

水流流向,flow direction

1)flow direction水流流向

1.Theoretical analysis of the deflection degree of theflow direction under bevel bridge;斜交桥下水流流向偏转角度的理论分析

2.By drawing the isoline figures offlow direction and flow velocity,this paper analyzed the difference between two kinds of design schemes,concluded and summaried the advantages and disadvantages of the perfected schemes.本文用数值模拟的方法对两种桥梁设计方案进行对比研究,通过绘制工程前后的水流流向变化等值线图和流速变化等值线图,分析两种设计方案对河道流场影响的差异,归纳总结出改良方案的优缺点。


1.A current flowing across another current.交叉水流流向与另一水流交叉的水流

2.Influence of flow direction on drag force of group of cylinder piles flowing around by current水流流向对圆柱群阻力特性影响研究

3.A current that flows in an opposite direction to the flow of another current.逆流,反向电流;逆电流与另一水流或电流的流向相反的水流或电流

4.(of water)flow in the specified direction(指水)(向某方向)流动

5.Steam trap flow direction in accordance with that of the pipe line.疏水阀的流向要与管路流向一致。

6.An inward flow or current, as of air.向内的流体一股向内的气流或水流,如空气

7.The current was drifting us along.潮水使我们漂流向前。

8.Water always flows from a higher to a lower level, but everybody has an ambition to rise higher up in society.水向低处流, 人往高处走。

9.a strong surface current flowing outwards from a shore.从岸边向外流的强大表面水流。

10.Water for the Future世界水日:珍惜流向未来的清流

11.A backward flow of water, as from the action of oars.反流,逆流向后流的水,如由浆的划动引起

12.Numerical Simulation with the Inlet and Outlet Channels of Two-way Tubular Pumping Station;双向贯流泵站进出水流道流场数值模拟


14.From the higher point on the table the water moves laterally, vertically, or obliquely downward.水从水面的高处倾向、垂向或斜向地向下流动。

15.Can be installed vertically (flow up or flow down) or horizontally.可以垂直(流向朝上或流向朝下)安装或水平安装。

16.The flow of ground water is toward streams, lakes, or oceans.地下水经流的方向是朝向河流、湖泊或海洋的。

17.Vertical velocity distribution of longitudinal flow in a vegetated channel植被覆盖的河道水流纵向流速垂向分布

18.The stream was so sluggish that I could hardly tell which way it flowed.小河里的水流动缓慢,我说不出水往哪个方向流。


bidirectional flow双向水流

1.Navigation channel changes inbidirectional flow from Baisha to Maocaojie after operation of Three Gorges Reservoir;三峡蓄水后白沙~茅草街双向水流河段航道的变化

2.Based on the analysis of the evolution characteristic of shoal withbidirectional flow in the Dongting Lake,the regulating principles are put forward and applied to the channel renovation of the reach from Baisha to Maocaojie in the Dongting Lake.在分析洞庭湖双向水流浅滩演变特点的基础上,提出了双向水流河段浅滩整治的原则,并应用到洞庭湖区白沙至茅草街河段航道整治中。

3)steady flow单向水流

1.Experimental study on vortex-induced vibrations of a pipeline near a plane boundary insteady flow;单向水流作用下近壁管道横向涡激振动实验研究

4)two-way flow双向水流

1.The reasons influencing the evolution of the shoal and the mechanism of thetwo-way flow are analyzed on the basis of the flow and sediment movement rules.以河网双向水流河段水沙运动基本规律为基础,深入讨论了双向水流作用机理及河段内浅滩演变影响因素,得出双向水流河段浅滩整治的一般原则;并结合洞庭湖区白沙至茅草街双向水流河段来水来沙特性分析了河段内三个碍航浅滩的形成原因,根据一般原则提出了整治设想。

5)flow direction水流方向

1.By means of GIS method,the digital elevation model(DEM)is established,theflow direction,flow accumulation,subcatchment boundaries and stream network spatial distribution are studied.采用GIS的方法,建立了环县数字高程模型(DEM),研究了本区地表水流方向、集流能力、子集水区的划分及水系网络空间分布等水文特征。

6)flow direction median中水流向

1.It is suggested that the control offlow direction median during the low water level period plays a leading role in the river bank.提出河岸治理应以控制落水期中水流向为主, 综合考虑航运、防洪、护岸等因素。


