100字范文 > 自动找正电气系统 Electrical system for automatic centering英语短句 例句大全

自动找正电气系统 Electrical system for automatic centering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-05 17:23:20


自动找正电气系统 Electrical system for automatic centering英语短句 例句大全

自动找正电气系统,Electrical system for automatic centering

1)Electrical system for automatic centering自动找正电气系统


1.Development and Application of Electrical System for Automatic Centering in Steel Pipe Machining钢管加工中心自动找正电气系统的研制与应用

2.The Research of Auto Adjustor System of Coaxiality and Automatic Control System of Heat Treatment for Producing Drilling Pipes;钻杆对焊自动找正及焊区热处理监控系统研究

3.The fixed gas detection system with automatic self test.具有自我自动校正功能的固定式气体侦测系统.

4.drifting automatic radio meteorological system无线电气象自动漂浮系统

5.Dial-a-Weather automatic telephone answering system“打电话问天气”自动查询系统

6.Analysis on the Conditions for Electrical Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System火灾自动报警系统电气设计条件浅析

7.In this paper, a kind of advanced Automatic superintending and control system for pressurizing cables is introduced.介绍了一种先进的充气电缆气压自动监测系统。

8.Research of General Electric Remote Terminal Controller in Aircraft Automatic Electrical Power System;飞机自动配电系统通用电气远程终端技术研究

9.Research on the Power Plant Electric Integrated Automation Manage System;发电厂电气综合自动化管理系统的研究

10.Design of Automatic Test System for Electrical Power Distribution Equipment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle无人机电气配电主控制盒自动测试系统的研制

11.Application of automatic voltage-var control system in fuel gas power plant电压无功自动控制系统在燃气电厂的应用

12.Optimal Design Method Research for Automatic Control Systems of Electrical Drives;电气传动自动控制系统优化设计方法研究

13.The Development of Pneumatic Automated Manual Transmission Electronic Control System;气动机械式自动变速器电子控制系统开发

14.Controlling and Testing System for Reliability Test-bed of Pneumatic Solenoid Directional Control Valve气动电磁换向阀可靠性试验台自动测控系统

15.Automization Improvement on Electrified Transmission Control System of 1 200 mm Cold Rolling Mill1200mm冷轧机列电气传动控制系统自动化技术改造

16.Electrical control system: electrical control cabinet, sub control station and pneumatic system.电控系统:电气控制柜,分站及气动系统。

17.electric pneumatic remote control system for main engine主机电动气动遥控系统

18.Study on the Technical System of Automatic Tableting Machine for Li/MnO_2 Battery Anode;锂锰电池正极片自动成型技术系统的研究


Auto Adjustor System of Coaxiality自动找正系统

1.The Research ofAuto Adjustor System of Coaxiality and Automatic Control System of Heat Treatment for Producing Drilling Pipes;本论文针对国产钻杆摩擦焊机的特点,找出了影响摩擦焊接质量的关键因素,在对摩擦焊接原理进行详细研究的基础上,优选了摩擦焊接参数;并详细分析了国产摩擦焊机的找正机理,研制开发了基于80C196单片机的钻杆对焊接头与管体自动找正系统,该系统包括信号采集通道,单片机(80C196),程序、数据存储器扩展电路,并行I/O口接口电路,A/D、INT输入接口电路,控制执行装置,同时采用了模块化软件设计方法,整个系统运行稳定、性能可靠,有效保证了钻杆焊接同轴度。

3)auto-leveling system自动找平系统

1.According to the structure and principle of roughness measuring instrument, the measurementcourse of the roughness is simulated using MATLAB,the quantitative relation between roughness index and pavement state parameters are analyzed, and the actual meaning and feasibility to establish new controlling methods ofauto-leveling system for paver and improving the pavement roughness are expounded.参照平整度测量仪的结构及原理,用MATLAB科学计算语言对平整度的测量过程进行了模拟仿真,分析平整度指标与路面状态参数之间的定量关系,并阐述了此项研究对提出新的摊铺机自动找平系统的控制方式,提高路面平整度具有的实际意义与可行性。

4)automatic control system for elevation自动找平系统

1.This paper approachesautomatic control system for elevation of DEMAG DF-140CS pitch paver, summarizes the faults in use for the purpose of any help to the practice of operation.该文通过对DEMAG DF-140CS沥青摊铺机自动找平系统的探讨及其在使用过程中故障的总结, 力求对以后的施工实际有所启示。

2.Based on the engineering cybernetics and optimization theory, this paper puts forward the parameters optimization method which takes slope response ITAE criterion as a target function in order to let theautomatic control system for elevation has a optimal following performance.以控制理论和优化设计理论为基础,提出了以斜坡响应ITAE准则为目标函数对摊铺机自动找平系统进行参数优化的方法,以使该系统对任意变化指令信号达到跟踪性能最优。

5)Auto Leveling System自动找平系统

1.Fuzzy Control Method forAuto Leveling System of Paver;摊铺机自动找平系统的模糊控制方案

6)electric system automation电气系统自动化


