100字范文 > 成长记录袋评价 portfolio assessment英语短句 例句大全

成长记录袋评价 portfolio assessment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-03 03:57:58


成长记录袋评价 portfolio assessment英语短句 例句大全

成长记录袋评价,portfolio assessment

1)portfolio assessment成长记录袋评价

1.As a newly rising assessment method,portfolio assessment has attracted intense attention.成长记录袋评价作为一种新兴评价方式受到了极大的关注。

2.Portfolio assessment is an assessment method which emerged in America in the later 1980s.成长记录袋评价是20世纪80年代末期美国教育实践中涌现出的一种学习评价方法。


1.Practice and Study on Mathematics Growing-up Portfolio Assessment for Grade 7 Students;七年级学生数学成长记录袋评价的实践研究

2.The Problem and the Counterplan of Portfolio Assessment in Primary School Mathematics;小学数学成长记录袋评价的问题与对策

3.On the Adoption of Portfolio in the Students Performance Assessment System;浅谈实施学生成长记录袋评价的困难及对策

4.An Applied Study on Portfolio Evaluation Methods for Students of the Vocational Secondary School;学生成长记录袋评价方法在中职学校数学教学中的应用研究

5.A Study of Implementation of Student Ideological and Moral Portfolio Assessment初中生思想品德成长记录袋评价的实施状况研究

6.The Use of Portfolios in Large -scale,High -stake Assessment Program;成长记录袋在大规模、高利害评价中的应用

7.A Kind of Effective Formative Assessment--Review on the Profile in America;一种有效的形成性评价方法——美国的成长记录袋制度述评

8.An Effective Practice of Qualitative Assessment: Using Portfolio Assessment to Promote the Development Function of Student Assessment;质性评价的有效尝试:通过学生成长记录袋实现评定的发展性功能

9.The Application of Portfolios in Learning Assessment of Sport and Health Course in High School;成长记录袋在高中体育与健康课程学习评价中的应用

10.Research on Portfolio Assessment of Student In Theory of Constructivism;建构主义评价观下学生成长纪录袋评价探究

11.Application of the Portfolio Assessment to Medical Education in China;成长记录袋评定法应用于医学教育的理论探讨

12."Growing Record"-the Role in Mathematics Teaching;“成长记录袋”在数学教学中的应用

13.The Application Study of Grow up Recording Evaluation in Morality Course;成长记录评价在思想品德课中的应用研究

14.Study on Moral Assessment in 《Shanghai Secondary and Primary School Student Development Record》;关于《上海市中小学生成长记录册》中品德评价的研究

15.The Theory and the Research of Practice about Portfolio Assessment in Biological Education;生物教学中成长档案袋评价的理论与实践研究

16.The Application of File Pouches Evaluation Approach in Physics Teaching;成长档案袋评价方式在物理教学中的应用

17.Study on the Strategies of Designing and Evaluating of Kindergarten Teachers" Portfolio幼儿教师成长档案袋制作与评价策略研究

18.Municipal Valuation Office generates tax demand notices based on valuation roll.市级估价办公室根据评估记录完成税负通知。


mathematical portfolio assessment数学成长记录袋评价

3)Grow up Recording Evaluation成长记录评价

1.The Application Study ofGrow up Recording Evaluation in Morality Course;成长记录评价在思想品德课中的应用研究


1.The Application of Portfolios in Learning Assessment of Sport and Health Course in High School;成长记录袋在高中体育与健康课程学习评价中的应用

2.In the current curriculum reform in fundamental education of China,it has been proposed that quality assessment methods such as theportfolio should be introduced into the students performance assessment system in order that the methods for assessing students performance are various and students are also encouraged to realize their full potential.新一轮课程改革倡导把学生成长记录袋评价这种质性评价方法引入学生评价体系,以实现学生评价方法的多元化,更好地促进学生的发展。

3.As far as the activities of maths study and teaching, plausible reasoning, quadratic function,portfolio, maths communion, mathematics curriculum with other subjects are concerned, thirteen points of suggestion are put forward in detail.就数学学习活动、数学教学活动、合情推理、二次函数、学生成长记录袋、数学交流、数学课程与其他学科群等内容,提出13条具体修订建议。

5)portfolio assessment成长记录袋

1.One of rationales ofportfolio assessment is the constructivism.建构主义评价观是成长记录袋评价的理论基础之一,由于认识上的不足,我国在学生成长记录袋实施中出现学生被动学习的性质并未真正改善、学生自我评价重视不足以及对教师指导、家长参与的误解等问题,必须予以纠偏,并认真处理好学生主动性发挥与教师指导、尊重学生差异与评价标准以及对作品的分析总结与量化评价这几对关系,以保证其顺利推行。

2.Under the background of basic educational courses reform and advocating developmental education on evaluation,portfolio assessment system is the field that lots of educators and teachers focus on.在积极推进基础教育课程改革,大力倡导发展性评价的大背景下,成长记录袋评价是目前教育评价研究者十分关注的一个研究领域。

6)teaching portfolios教学成长记录袋


