100字范文 > 游戏群体 playing groups英语短句 例句大全

游戏群体 playing groups英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-01 11:28:18


游戏群体 playing groups英语短句 例句大全

游戏群体,playing groups

1)playing groups游戏群体

2)collective play(game)群体游戏


1.Imperfections and Reconstructions on Natural Community Games of Children;略论儿童自然群体游戏的缺失及其重建

2.The Social Impact of the Online Games;网络游戏的玩家群体行为探悉及其社会影响

3.Effect of Game Player Experience and Game Difficulty on Playing Results玩家游戏体验与游戏难度对游戏结果的影响

4.Pervasive Game--An Accessible Game Experience;随境游戏——一个可见可触的游戏体验

5.TEEN Titles rated T( Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages13 and older.青少年标有T(少年)母评级的游戏,适合13岁及13岁以上的群体。

6.On the Differences among College Students about Adoption and Continuance of Online Games;大学生群体对网络游戏采用行为的差异比较研究

7.Go to the gym, play a game.去体育馆,去玩游戏。

8.play games, play sports.做游戏,参加体育项目。

9.On Sport Games--On sport of main games theory in West;论体育游戏——透析西方主要游戏理论的体育观

10.Perfect Integration of Games and Physical Education: On the Game-based Physical Education游戏与体育教学的完美融合——论游戏化体育教学

11.A group of bystanders was invited to join in the game.一群看热闹的人被邀请一起玩游戏。

12.A group of children are playing games on the playground.一群孩子正在操场上做游戏。

13.A group of children were dressed to play charades.一群孩子穿着夜礼服在玩字迷游戏。

14.The game of "Statues" is a similar active mental combination game.“木头人”游戏同样是一种体脑结合的游戏。

15.How does a good soundtrack add to the experience of playing a game?一个好的游戏原声能怎样增加玩游戏的体验?

16.On the Relation between Sport and Game--a probe into game teaching method;浅谈游戏与体育的关系——游戏教学法初探

17.Discussion on Sports and Games;议体育与游戏——有感电子竞技应回归游戏的本质

18.Educational Network Games:Value Experience on the Potential Educational Quality of Network Games;教育网络游戏:网络游戏教育潜质的价值体验


collective play(game)群体游戏

3)Natural community games自然群体游戏

4)sport games体育游戏

1.Findings on the early-stage intelligence development of infancy show thatsport games intended for the normal infancy can help to improve the abilities to recognize and remember things, thus speeding mastery of the language.婴儿早期智力开发研究实验证实,对正常婴儿进行早期识记体育游戏活动,能增强其辩别和记忆能力,加快对语言文字的掌握。

2.In light of the limited time in basketball class, somesport games should be adopted to finish the task in class, as it helps cultivate morality, improve psychological quality, activate mental activities, develop intelligence, raise interest, lift the excitation of the central nervous system, grasp basketball knowledge and skills, foster creativity and self-performance in students etc.体育游戏与篮球课教学有着密切的内在联系,要根据篮球课的各个环节的任务要求选择、创编一些有针对性的游戏,来促进与提高篮球课的教学效果。

3.Abstract: Sport games in college physical education have the function of body- building, entertainment andinstruction, and the principles are healthy and original; the following ought to be paid attention whileorganizingsport games, the choice of coarent, the preparation of floor and apparatus; organization andorganizers as well as judge.体育游戏在学校体育中有健身、娱乐和教育作用;体育游戏的创编要遵循健康、创新的原则;运用体育游戏应注意游戏的内容选择、场地与器材的准备、组织与组织者以及裁判等问题。

5)sports games体育游戏

1.The Role and Applications of Sports Games in Modern Sports Teaching;体育游戏在现代体育教学中的作用及运用

2.On the basketballsports games in the effectiveness of teaching;体育游戏在篮球课教学中的功能与应用

3.Eeffets ofsports games on infant healthy personality;体育游戏对幼儿健康人格发展的探讨

6)Game Entity游戏实体

1.CodingGame Entity Class Based on Java;基于Java创建游戏实体类


