100字范文 > 钢桁梁 steel truss girder英语短句 例句大全

钢桁梁 steel truss girder英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-31 03:00:33


钢桁梁 steel truss girder英语短句 例句大全

钢桁梁,steel truss girder

1)steel truss girder钢桁梁

1.Safety analysis of train running on the 128m simple-supportedsteel truss girder of Nanjing Yangtze-River Bridge;南京长江大桥128m钢桁梁上列车走行安全性分析

2.Thesteel truss girders of the main bridge of Zhengzhou Huanghe River Rail-cum-Road Bridge are to be arranged in two continuous units.经过多方案比选和研究,第1联钢桁梁采用多点纵向拖拉施工方案架设,第2联钢桁梁采用跨线龙门式吊机悬臂架设。

3.Thesteel truss girder block units were first assembled at the outermost parts of the pier-side brackets.在墩旁托架的最外侧组拼钢桁梁节段单元,每组拼1个节间即通过千斤顶纵向拖拉1个节间长度,如此循环完成武汉天兴洲公铁两用长江大桥3号主塔墩墩顶4节间钢桁梁架设,解决了倒Y形主塔下方吊装的难题。


1.Study on Crucial Technique of Three Main Trusses Steel Bridge with Rigid Cable;三桁刚性悬索加劲钢桁梁关键技术研究

2.Research of Mechanical Properties and Calculation Methods for Double-Truss Four-Line Plate-Truss Composite Continuous Steel Trusses双桁四线板桁组合连续钢桁梁受力性能及计算方法研究

3.Detail Analysis and Research of Railroad Steel Truss Bridge with Integrated Finite Element Method;铁路钢桁梁桥的详细有限元分析研究

4.Transitional construction scheme for steel truss girder footbridge at Daxin station;大新站钢桁梁人行天桥过渡施工方案

5.Risk Analysis of Vehicle Compact Agaist Double-deck Highway Steel Truss Bridge双层公路钢桁梁桥车桥碰撞风险分析

6.Spatial Analysis of Long-Span Continuous Steel Truss Beam Arch Bridges大跨度连续钢桁梁拱桥空间计算分析

7.Buffeting Analysis in Time Doma in for Long-Span Continuous Steel Truss Beam Arch Bridge大跨度连续钢桁梁拱桥时域抖振分析

8.Stress Analysis of Steel Trussed Girder Nodes of Shanghai Minpu 2nd Bridge上海闵浦二桥钢桁梁节点的应力分析

9.Construction Techniques for Assembling and Erecting Steel Truss Girder under Water with the False Work Method膺架法拼装架设水中钢桁梁施工技术

10.Steel construction consisting of steel beams, columns, and trusses is extensively used for high buildings.钢构造由钢梁、钢柱和钢桁梁组成.被广泛应用于高层建筑。

11.Study on Structural Behaviour of Orthotropic Deck of Steel Truss Bridge钢桁梁桥正交异性钢桥面板受力分析研究

12.Closing of the Cable-stayed Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge Middle Main Span of Steel Truss Beam芜湖长江大桥主跨钢桁梁斜拉桥跨中合龙施工

13.Study of Strengthening Lateral Stiffness for Deck Steel Truss Bridge on Speed-Raised Line;提速线上承式钢桁梁横向加固技术研究

14.Techno-economic analysis of erection of large-span cable-stayed steel truss bridges;大跨度钢桁梁斜拉桥架设技术与经济分析

15.Exploration of erection technique and cost of large span steel trussed arch girders;大跨度钢桁拱梁架设技术与造价探讨

16.Construction Control Research of the Hoisting Steel Trussed Girder of Suspension Bridge悬索桥钢桁加劲梁吊装施工控制研究


18.Analysis on bearing capacity of steel beam with large web opening by virtue of vierendeel truss theory开洞钢梁承载力的空腹桁架理论分析


steel truss钢桁梁

1.Reinforcement design and construction ofsteel truss bridge;钢桁梁桥加固设计与施工

2.Damage identification of asteel truss bridge based on the improved BP neural network;基于改进的BP神经网络的钢桁梁桥损伤识别

3.Mechanical behavior ofsteel truss bridge stiffened with rigid cables in construction stage刚性悬索加劲钢桁梁桥施工阶段力学性能(英文)

3)steel trussed girder钢桁梁

1.Level swing method in erection of 100.8 m single-spansteel trussed girder;水平转体法架设单孔100.8m钢桁梁

2.In the comparison and selection of bridge projections of a super bridge,the comparison and selection of panel length ofsteel trussed girder is often neglected.详细介绍天兴洲大桥钢桁梁节间长度的比选过程,确定最佳节间长度,同时论述了节间长度比较的重要性。

3.The North-pan River Bridge is asteel trussed girder suspended highway bridge, with the main span of 636 meters; thesteel trussed girder is made up of the steel truss and deck hitch, in currently novel kingpost structural style.北盘江大桥是一座主跨636m钢桁梁悬索桥,钢桁梁由钢桁架及桥面系组成,是一种目前国内较为新颖的大跨度悬索桥主梁结构形式。

4)steel truss beam钢桁梁

1.Adjusting torque modules ofsteel truss beam assembling high intensity bolt in winter time construction;钢桁梁拼装高强度螺栓冬期施拧扭矩系数调整

2.The theoretical analysis is conducted for the aseismic behavior of steel reinforced concrete column-steel truss beam composite joints by the basis of the results of experimental research against the backdrop of China Science & Technology Museum.结合中国科学技术新馆工程在试验研究的基础上,对型钢混凝土柱-钢桁梁组合节点的抗震性能进行理论分析。

3.Most of Minisize span suspension bridges withsteel truss beam constructed in early age will approach its designed working life.早期修建的小跨径钢桁梁悬索桥大部分已接近设计年限,正确评估其承载能力是桥梁维修、加固和技术改造的基本依据。

5)steel girder钢桁梁

1.Research for rigid effect of nodes of 112 m weddingsteel girder;112m焊接整体节点钢桁梁节点刚性影响的研究

2.1~4 m bolt weldedsteel girders were used in Chongxiante Bridge of the diphase lines of Huanhang railway,Which spans Chongxian Trestle over the circling-city highway in the north of Hangzhou.钢桁架梁架设施工中采用在高架桥两侧用军用墩搭设两个临时支墩,同时利用高架桥桥梁中央分隔带70 cm的空隙,用8根[30槽钢搭设临时支墩,在不加前端导梁的情况下,进行反向拖拉,顺利完成了钢桁梁的架设施工。

3.The development of a new type girder carrying track carriage is the key to the longitudinal transport and erection of long span railwaysteel girders.研究新型的铁路运载桥梁用台车,是解决长跨度钢桁梁纵向运载和架设的关键,初步讨论了滚子式台车的性能、结构特点、使用和发展前景。

6)steel truss girder bridge钢桁梁桥

1.The throughsteel truss girder bridge can be a competitive bridge type for medium span highway bridges owing to the advantages of its low architectural height,fast construction speed and good durability.下承式钢桁梁桥因其具有建筑高度低、施工速度快和耐久性好等优点,可以成为中等跨度公路桥梁中有竞争力的桥型。


