100字范文 > 基座消隐 earthwork suppression英语短句 例句大全

基座消隐 earthwork suppression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-07 10:08:45


基座消隐 earthwork suppression英语短句 例句大全

基座消隐,earthwork suppression

1)earthwork suppression基座消隐


3)pedestal suppression消基座

1.The coupled mode equation is applied to analyze the character istics of thepedestal suppression of NOLF.基于非线性FP腔 (NOLF)双稳效应 ,提出一种利用掺铒光纤放大器 (EDFA)及NOLF对经DSF压缩后的超短光脉冲进行消基座的方案 。

4)pedestal control tube消隐脉冲电平调整管;基座控制管

5)extinguisher loci消失基因座,绝灭基因座


1.extinguisher loci消失基因座,绝灭基因座

2.Genome-wide Discovery and Analysis of Missing Pathway Genes and Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Elements;全基因组中网络缺失基因和微型转座子的发现及研究

3.Analysis of four new variant alleles at FUT2 locus;FUT2基因座4个新变异等位基因的分析

4.Genotype Validation of 12 STR Loci by Sequencing Method测序方法验证12个STR基因座的基因型

5.The Research on LacZ/H2-K~b Gene Transfection with SB Transposon System;利用SB转座系统进行LacZ/H2-K~b基因转座研究

6.Study on the application of differentially methylated X-linked HUMARA in forensic medicine;HUMARA基因座差异甲基化的法医学意义

7.Evaluation of Commen Used STR Loci in Tumor Tissues from Human Digestive System;常用STR基因座在人消化系统肿瘤组织中的变异分析

8.Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) Via Genome Scanning in Chicken;通过基因组扫描定位鸡的重要性状基因座

9.The nomenclature principle of loci and alleles of Y-STRs;Y染色体STR基因座及其等位基因命名原则

10.Analysis of the genetic polymorphisms of the STR TPOX locus in two populations and study on three rare genes;TPOX基因座三个基因的检出及遗传多态性分析

11.Investigation on gene frequencies of CSF1PO,TPOX and TH01STR loci in Maonan ethnic group in Guizhou贵州毛南族人群CSF1PO,TPOX和TH01STR基因座基因频率调查

12.Analyzing GRIA3 Gene Mutations Located in AUNX1 Locus in a Chinese Pedigree with Auditory NeuropathyAUNX1基因座位内的听神经病家系GRIA3基因突变分析

13.Progress of study on mapping quantitative trait loci in beef cattle肉牛的数量性状基因座定位研究进展

14.Genetic and Molecular Organization of Bronze Genomic Region of Maize;玉米Bronze基因座位的分子和遗传特征

15.Screen Friendly Gene Locus by Cre/lox Recombination System;利用Cre/lox重组系统筛选友好基因座

16.Study of Genetic Polymorphism of DYS714 STR Locus on the Y Chromosome;新Y-STR基因座DYS714遗传多态性研究

17.Genetic polymorphisms of two short tandem repeat loci in Chinese Han and Thai populations;两个STR基因座的遗传多态性研究

18.Application of D6S1043 and D12S391 loci in Forensic Paternity Testing;D6S1043和D12S391基因座在亲权鉴定中的应用



3)pedestal suppression消基座

1.The coupled mode equation is applied to analyze the character istics of thepedestal suppression of NOLF.基于非线性FP腔 (NOLF)双稳效应 ,提出一种利用掺铒光纤放大器 (EDFA)及NOLF对经DSF压缩后的超短光脉冲进行消基座的方案 。

4)pedestal control tube消隐脉冲电平调整管;基座控制管

5)extinguisher loci消失基因座,绝灭基因座


1.Thehiding of two dimension figure is realized by means of Auto CAD Automation technology and through definition and analysis of their geometric character.以AutoCADAxtiveX自动化技术为图形生成手段 ,通过对二维图形几何特征的定义与分析实现二维图形的消隐技术 ,以解决在参数化绘制装配图中遇到的一个几何图形被另外一个或几个几何图形覆盖时的消隐问题。

2.We use perspective shifting,hiding, coloring and mapping method to render the surface model of engineering structure, such as pavement, slope, retaining- wall, bridge, tunnel, and other traffic engineering facilities.采用能模拟公路的路面、边坡、挡墙、桥梁、隧道和交通工程设施等的可见部分表面模型,通过透视变换、消隐处理、加上颜色纹理进行着色,生成一幅幅具有较强真实感的公路全景透视图。

3.This method has been used to thehiding of 2D assemby drawings and proved to be a simple and practical way for engineers to go with advanced development in their own fields.本文提出了一种利用AutoCAD的内嵌语言——Autolisp开发编制参数化绘图程序的新思路,并将其运用到二维装配图的消隐中,为广大工程技术人员结合本专业进行二次开发提供了一条简便可行的途径。


基座基座sode基座〔别心e;助咖‘],模的模的所有单子模的和.当其不存在时,基座取作0.与这个定义相应,可在环中考虑环的左基座(leftsode)及右基座(rig」It soc】c).其中每一个都是一个双侧理想,并且在环的所有自同态下不变.基座可以表示成单模的直和.完全可约模(completely峨沮ucible由司d留)(半单模(~一sin1P】em闭ules))可以刻画成与其基座重合的模.JI,A.众印朋x田撰醉卜注】模M的子模N称为大的(la卿),或本质的(裂enti川),如果对M的每个非零子模N’,有N自N‘笋o.N在M中的补(co哪k~t)(以及本质补(e粥en石al comP】enle刀t))是一个子模N‘,使得N自N’=o且N+N’=M(以及N门N’=o,N+N’是大的).模称为有补的(comPI~Ilted),如果每个子模有一个补.每个子模总有一个(不必唯一)本质补.一个模是有补的,当且仅当模是完全可约的.因而当且仅当模与其基座重合.M的基座也可以定义为M的所有本质子模的交.基座是最大的半单子模.更一般地,对模格矶一个元素a〔了是大的,或本质的,如果对所有b笋0,有a八b笋0.模格的基座(50山ofa似司dar」al石ce)定义为八毛了的大元}.区间【O,soc(.梦)]是一个有补格.
