100字范文 > 假信号 false signal英语短句 例句大全

假信号 false signal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-21 00:11:20


假信号 false signal英语短句 例句大全

假信号,false signal

1)false signal假信号

1.In this paper,a search problem for a target in an area being interfered byfalse signal is considered A search process is divided by two stages,which are the signal′s gaining and in vestigating,and conditions of the optimal investigating time being terminated has been given by this mode研究了在假信号干扰下搜索某区域内目标的问题 ,在将搜索目标的过程分为信号的获取阶段和鉴别阶段之后 ,利用本文建立的最优搜索模型 ,给出了求最优终止时间的算

2.The effects of disturbed andfalse signals on Scanning Electron Acoustic Microscope (SEAM)are presented in this paper.本文对扫描电声显微镜电声成像中出现的干扰信号以及假信号的产生进行了讨论。


1.A false signal in telecommunication links from beats between signal frequency and sampling frequency.假信号信号频率和取样频率之间的拍子在无线电通信线路产生的假信号

2.Signal which prevents accidental operation by spurious signals or avoids possible ambiguity.防止假信号的意外作用或者避免二义性而设置的信号。

3.A false or spurious electronic signal caused by a brief, unwanted surge of electric power.假信号由一种多余的短暂电力增加引起的一种假的或杂散的电子信号

4.Analysis and Verification of Common Fake Signal Appearing in System-level EMC Test系统级EMC实验中常见虚假信号的分析与验证

5.The signalman"s signature sign is significant to the vacant vacation.信号员的签字符号对空假期具有重要意义。

6.False signal and its filtering in position measurement on hobbing滚齿机位置测量中的“假”信号与滤波

7.Processing of the EEG and Its Application in the Artificial Hands;脑电信号的处理及其在假肢中的应用

8.Data Acquisition and Processing of sEMG Signials for Intelligent Artifical Limb;面向智能假肢的表面肌电信号采集与处理

9.Mechanical Design of Multi-Dof Prosthetic Hand and EMG Signal Control;多自由度残疾人假手机构设计及肌电信号控制

10.Studies on the Methods of EEG Acquisition and Its Application in the Artificial Hands;脑电信号采集方法及其在假肢中应用研究

11.Research of the Automobile Obverse Impacting Dummy with Digital Signal Analysis;汽车正面碰撞假人的研制及其数字信号分析

12.Analysis of the Narrow Band Precondition about MUSIC Algorithm in the Shortwave Band短波段内多重信号分类算法的窄带假设分析

13.Joint Estimation for Multi-Sources and Multi-Parameters on Nonideal Assumptions in the Field of Array Signal Processing;非理想系统假设下阵列信号多信源多参数联合估计

14.Let us compare our unknown analog input signal to a "guess".现将一个未知的模拟输入信号同一个假定值进行比较。

15.Modern school mainly contains clientele effect thought, signaling hypothesis and agency cost theory.现代学派主要有追随者效应学派,信号假说,代理成本理论。

16.The Study Advances and Prospects of Processing Surface EMG Signal in Prosthesis Control肌电假肢控制中的表面肌电信号的研究进展与展望

17.The Role of Quorum Sensing in the Pulmonary Infection in Rats Due to Pseudomonas Aeruginosa;密度感知信号系统在铜绿假单胞菌致大鼠肺部感染中的作用

18.A Signalling Game Theory Model of Market with Conterfeit Products;假冒伪劣产品与真品共存于市场的信号传递博弈模型


false signal虚假信号

1.This paper explains the mechanism of transbandfalse signal produced by receiving high power pulse signal in two bands radar reconnai ssance receiver, and gives a method to eliminate thisfalse signal via the later signal processing.阐述了两波段雷达侦察接收机由大信号引起的跨波段虚假信号的机理,并通过后期信号处理给出了消除此种虚假信号的方法。

3)signaling hypotheses信号假说

4)alias,false signal,glitch,ghost signal,spurious signal假信号<火>

5)flase signal假信号错误信号

6)spurious free无虚假信号


