100字范文 > 排他效力 exclusive effect英语短句 例句大全

排他效力 exclusive effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-28 03:37:23


排他效力 exclusive effect英语短句 例句大全

排他效力,exclusive effect

1)exclusive effect排他效力

1.Exclusive effect is an independent effect of real right,not only referring to theexclusive effect between repellent real rights and establishment,compatible real rights and exertion and realization.排他效力是物权的一项独立效力,不应仅仅指相斥物权之间于成立上的排他效力,还应包括相容物权之间于行使和实现上的排他效力。

2)exclusive validity of real right物权排他效力

3)The Research on Exclusive Effect of Real Right论物权的排他效力

4)effect of exclusive choice of court agreement排他性选择法院协议效力

1.There are only indirect rules oneffect of exclusive choice of court agreements in Convention.排他性选择法院协议效力的准据法依被选择法院国家的法律确定。


1.Discussion on Effect of Exclusive Choice of Court Agreements;排他性选择法院协议效力相关问题探讨

2.My Proposal on the Intellectual Property Issues in the Draft Convention on Exclusive Choice of Court Agreements;《海牙排他性法院选择协议公约(草案)》有关知识产权问题的建议

3.Study on the Defensive Mechanism of Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements海牙《选择法院协议公约》之防御性机制研究

4.Applicable Scope of Convention on Choice of Court Agreement;论《海牙选择法院协议公约》的适用范围

5.Effect of Mediatorial Agreement Choosing Both Mediation and Litigation;既选择仲裁又选择诉讼的仲裁协议效力

6.The Discussion on the Hague Choice of Court Convention and the Influence on Chinese Legislation;论海牙《法院选择协议公约》及对我国立法的影响

7.Negotiation Over Exclusive Court of Jurisdiction Agreement and Protection of Title to New Plant Species in China;排他性法院管辖协议公约谈判与我国植物新品种权保护

ments on the Scope of the New Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements;海牙《选择法院协议公约》适用范围之评析

9.Study on Major Issues in Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements海牙《选择法院协议公约》所涉主要问题研究

10.On the Principle of Party Autonomy under 《Convention on Choice of Court Agreements》论《选择法院协议公约》视角下的意思自治原则

11.The Hague Convention on the Choice of Court Agreements and Its Inspiration on the Protocol Governing System of Our Country论海牙《选择法院协议公约》及其对我国协议管辖制度的启示

12.Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements and Its Revelation to Legislation of Chinese Private International Law;海牙《协议选择法院公约》对中国国际私法立法的启示

13.The choice of jurisdiction of a court by agreement shall not violate the provisions of exclusive jurisdiction under the law.协议选择的法院管辖不得违反法律关于专属管辖的规定.

14.The Impact of Hague Agreement of Conventional Choosing Court in International Commercial Arbitration;浅析海牙《协议选择法院公约》对国际商事仲裁的影响

ments on the Reasons of Refusal of Recognition and Enforcement under the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements of 《选择法院协议公约》拒绝承认与执行外国判决的理由

16.General Discussion on the Characteristics、Legal Binding Force and its Nature;浅析仲裁协议特征、法律效力及其性质

17.The Way of Jurisdiction by Agreement in International Civil Lawsuits--Comment on Art,Convention of 30 June on Choice of Court Agreemeents;论国际民事诉讼中协议管辖的方式——兼评《选择法院协议公约》相关条款

18.Improvement of Cluster-head Selection Method based on LEACH Protocol基于LEACH协议簇头选择算法的改进


exclusive validity of real right物权排他效力

3)The Research on Exclusive Effect of Real Right论物权的排他效力

4)effect of exclusive choice of court agreement排他性选择法院协议效力

1.There are only indirect rules oneffect of exclusive choice of court agreements in Convention.排他性选择法院协议效力的准据法依被选择法院国家的法律确定。

5)validity of involvement涉他性效力

6)exhaust dynamic effect排气动力效应

1.This paper describes improving the performance of a two-stroke gasoline engine by stratified charging andexhaust dynamic effect.介绍了采用分层进气和排气动力效应提高二冲程汽油机的性能,在全负荷速度特性上,改进后汽油机的最低油耗率为313g/kW·h,较原机降低34。


