100字范文 > 泡孔结构 Cell structure英语短句 例句大全

泡孔结构 Cell structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-18 15:26:38


泡孔结构 Cell structure英语短句 例句大全

泡孔结构,Cell structure

1)Cell structure泡孔结构

1.The effects of some process parameters such as gas saturation pressure, pressure drop rate, temperature, gas mixing time, stable shear rate and mechanical vibration on cell structure of foam samples during the dynamic foaming process for microcellular plastics were studied on vibration-induced foaming simulator by using supercritical carbon dioxide as blowing agent.以超临界CO2为发泡剂,用振动诱导发泡模拟装置研究了微孔塑料动态成型过程中气体饱和压力、压力释放速率、温度、气体饱和时间、稳态剪切速率、振动等工艺参数对聚苯乙烯(PS)微孔塑料泡孔结构的影响。

2.The sheet possessed excellent cell structure when the contents of foaming telogen and nucleator were 8 phr and 5 phr respectively.当发泡调节剂和成核剂的用量分别为 8份和 5份时 ,板材能形成优良的泡孔结构。

3.Particle reinforcing is one of the four main methods for improving cell structure and properties of rigid polyurethane foams.微粒增强是改善硬质聚氨酯泡沫的泡孔结构及提高其性能的主要方法之一。


1.Preparation and Cell Morphology of Fine-Celled Wood Fiber-Plastic Composites Foams细小泡孔结构木塑泡沫材料的制备及形态研究

2.Preparation of the Flexible Polyurethane Foam and the Study on Its Characteristic of Cell Structure and Oil Absorption聚氨酯软质泡沫的制备及其泡孔结构和吸油性能的研究

3.Progress of Research on Cell Structure and Properties of Particle Reinforced Rigid Polyurethane Foams微粒增强硬质聚氨酯泡沫泡孔结构及其性能的研究进展

4.The Effect of Different Process Conditions on Cellular Structure and Performances of RPUF工艺条件对硬质聚氨酯泡沫泡孔结构和性能的影响

5.Effect of EPDM on Cellular Morphology of PP Structural FoamEPDM对PP结构发泡材料泡孔形态的影响

6.Effect of Dual-size Cellular Structure on Mechanical Properties of Open-cell Aluminum Foams二元孔结构对开孔泡沫铝力学性能的影响

7.Fabricating and cell structure refining mechanism of aluminum foam with fine cell structure小孔径泡沫铝的制备及孔结构细化机理

8.Effect of Preheating on Cell-structure of Al Alloy Foam Prepared by Two-step Foaming Method预热对二次泡沫化法制备泡沫铝合金孔结构的影响

9.Study on the Designing and Manufacturing Methods of the Regular Cell Metal Foams;规则孔型泡沫金属的结构设计与制造方法研究

10.Evolution Research and Quantitatively Characterization Characterization on the Nanoporous Structure of Gold Foam泡沫金纳米孔结构的定量表征及演变研究


12.Effect of foaming temperatures on the microcellular structure of PMMA工艺温度对超临界CO_2发泡PMMA微孔结构的影响

13.Study on Spherical Pore Al Alloy Foam with Fractal Theory and Fem Method;球形孔泡沫铝孔结构的分形特性和有关性能的有限元法研究

14.XPS foamed board, has a perfect closed-pore alveolate structure.◆ XPS挤出聚苯乙烯发泡板材,具有完美的闭孔蜂窝状结构。

15.Influence of Alloying, Pore Structure and Filler on the Compressive Behavior of the Open-Cell Aluminum Foams;合金化与孔结构及填充物对泡沫铝压缩行为的影响

16.The Structural Feature Extraction of Foam Aluminum Materials Based on Volume Rendering多孔泡沫铝材料的体绘制与结构特征提取技术研究

17.Effect of heating conditions on pore structure and performance of carbon foams加热条件对炭泡沫材料孔结构和性能的影响(英文)

18.Preparationof Porous Silicon Carbide Material By Foaming-Starch Consolidation发泡-淀粉固结法制备多孔碳化硅陶瓷


cellular structure泡孔结构

1.As a result,the density of foams,and dosage of vinyl silicone oil,andcellular structure and testing condition had different important effects on compression stress-strain performance of silicone rubber-foams.结果表明:硅泡沫的密度、乙烯基硅油用量、泡孔结构和测试条件分别对硅泡沫材料的压缩应力松弛率都有明显的影响,但影响程度有所不同。

2.Thecellular structure and surface appearance of PES-MPUE were improved when GPOPs were used.实验结果表明,这种方法可以有效地改善聚酯型微孔聚氨酯弹性体的泡孔结构、表面性能,提高材料的硬度、强度等物理力学性能。

3.The model-pressing foaming technologies for HTV silicone rubber-foams were introduced,by which the silicone rubber-foams with differentcellular structures were prepared.介绍了多种适用于热硫化硅橡胶泡沫的模压发泡成型技术,并分别采用该技术制备了具有不同泡孔结构的硅橡胶泡沫,探讨了成型技术对硅橡胶泡沫开孔率的影响。

3)porous structure泡孔结构

1.Theporous structure was characterized by the scanning (electron) microscope.以丙烯酸丁酯为单体,二乙烯基苯为交联剂,偶氮二异丁腈为引发剂,山梨糖醇酐单油酸酯为乳化剂,水为分散相,用反相浓乳液法制备了泡孔型结构的聚丙烯酸丁酯(PBA)弹性体材料,考察了聚合反应温度、乳化剂用量、分散相体积分数对PBA弹性体材料泡孔结构的影响,并通过扫描电镜对泡孔结构进行了表征。

4)foam structure泡孔结构

1.The effect of nano - montmorillonite on the mechanical properties andfoam structure of PVC composites were studied.研究了纳米蒙脱土对PVC微发泡体系的力学性能和泡孔结构的影响,试验表明:纳米蒙脱土具有成核作用,当纳米蒙脱土用量为6份时,材料体内孔洞较多,且分布均匀,微孔达到最好状态,此时材料的冲击强度较好,热变形温度较高;当蒙脱土用量为8份时,界面有丝络状结构,蒙脱土与基体树脂之间的相容性较好,此时,材料的弯曲强度和拉伸强度较好;电镜试验验证了此结论。

5)bubble structure泡孔结构

1.PVC foaming material was modified by NBR(nitrile rubber) and made by the compression molding of one-step chemical foaming, and effects of assistants content on property andbubble structure of foaming material were investigated in the paper.讨论了主要助剂用量对发泡材料性能和泡孔结构的影响。

6)foam structure morphology泡孔形态结构


