100字范文 > 医保政策 medical insurance policy英语短句 例句大全

医保政策 medical insurance policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-02 17:25:55


医保政策 medical insurance policy英语短句 例句大全

医保政策,medical insurance policy

1)medical insurance policy医保政策

1.Objective: To probe into psychological states of family members of psychosis patients undermedical insurance policy and its related influencing factors.[目的]探讨医保政策下精神病人家属的心理及影响其心理的相关因素。


1.Carryout Medicare Policy and Management with Excellent Service;落实医保政策,规范医保管理,提供优质服务

2.Study on influence of health insurance policy on community health service utilization;医保政策对社区卫生服务利用的影响研究

3.Agency for Health Care Policy and Research保健医疗政策研究所

4.Research on Justice of the Social Medical Insurance and Proposals of the Government Insurance Policies;社会医疗保险公平性与政府保险政策建议研究

5.Policy Analysis on Difficulties in the Execution of Health Care Security Policy in Rural Areas我国农村医疗保障政策执行困难的政策分析

6.Challenges of health insurance policy for flexible employees;灵活就业人员医疗保障政策难点分析

7.Study on the Policy of the New-type Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance in China我国新型农村合作医疗保障政策研究

8.Analysis on medical expenditure containment related policy (2):Basic medical insurance policy;医药费用控制相关政策分析(二)——基本医疗保险政策

9.Discussion on improving socialpolicies on old-age insurance and medical insurance;完善养老保险和医疗保险的社会政策探讨

10.The Things that should Be Noted by Government when Formulation the Policy of Social Medical Insurance政府制定社会医疗保险政策时应注意的问题

11.Problem in the Medical Treatment Insurance Policy of AIDS Patients and Countermeasure Discussion;完善艾滋病人医疗保险政策的对策探讨

12.Analyses of Hospitalizing Medicine for Patients with or without Medical Care and Study on Relative Policies;医保与非医保住院患者使用药品分析及相关政策研究

13.Experts evaluating the Social Medical Insurance Treatment Policy in outpatient clinics targeting on specific chronic diseases in Guangzhou专家对“广州市社会医疗保险指定慢性病门诊医保待遇政策”评价

14.Problems and measures of health policy matched in the social health insurance system;社会医疗保险配套医药卫生政策存在的问题及对策探讨

parative Study of International Medical Security Systems and Policy Options for China;医疗保障制度国际比较研究及政策选择

16.To Evaluate Basic Medical Insurance Policy and Exercise Status of Chengdu;成都市基本医疗保险政策及实施情况评估研究

17.Policy Analysis and Institution Arrangement of Rural Cooperative Medical System;农村合作医疗保险的政策分析与制度构建

18.Public Administration Analyse of Informal Employee Fundamental Medical Insurance;灵活就业人员基本医疗保险的公共政策分析


New Medical Insurance Policy新医保政策

3)health care policy医疗保健政策

1.During the period when China adopted the “fairness over profit” welfarehealth care policy, the doctor-patient relationship was generally harmonious.医疗保健政策深刻地影响着医患关系 ,并左右着医患关系的发展与变化。

4)Medical Security Policies医疗保障政策

5)medical insurance of peasant-workers policy农民工医疗保险政策

6)hospital policy医院政策


保学医保学医 保学医 我国古代医生的职称。保学医始设于南北朝时期南齐太常寺内。其主要职责是传授医学知识。
