100字范文 > 职业风险基金 professional risk fund英语短句 例句大全

职业风险基金 professional risk fund英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-09 01:45:50


职业风险基金 professional risk fund英语短句 例句大全

职业风险基金,professional risk fund

1)professional risk fund职业风险基金

1.After changing the system,Hainan s accountant firm faces the problem of how to manage theprofessional risk fund.海南省会计师事务所改制后面临着职业风险基金如何管理的问题 ,解决这一问题行之有效的办法是建立行之有效的职业责任保障制


1.Way to Manage the Professional Risk Fund of Accountant Firms;会计师事务所职业风险基金管理刍议

2.On Study of the Individual Risk-taking Fund Based on Insurance for Medical Responsibility;基于医疗责任风险的个人职业保险基金研究

3.The Research on Investment Risk Management of Occupational Pension Fund in China;我国企业年金基金投资风险管理研究

4.Risk and Precaution of Cross-management Fund Business in Commercial Bank;商业银行跨营基金业务的风险与防范

5.The Risk Control and System Arrangement of Venture Capital Fund;创业投资基金的风险控制和制度安排

6.Research on the Quantity of Agricultural Catastrophe Insurance Funds in China我国农业巨灾风险基金数量问题研究

7.An Explorative Study on Risk Early-warning System of Fund in Basic Medical Insurance System for Urban Working People;城镇职工基本医疗保险统筹基金风险预警系统的探索性研究

8.Risk-Pooling Fund Risk Forecast and Countermeasures Research on Urban Employees Medical Insurance in Kunming;昆明市城镇职工基本医疗保险统筹基金风险预测及对策研究

9.Analysisi on the Principal-Agent Risk in the Chinese Corporation Pension Fund Motion;中国企业年金基金运营中的委托代理风险分析

10.Financial Support of Ocean High-tech Industrialization--Risk Investment Fund;海洋高新技术产业化的金融支持:风险投资基金

11.Risky Investment Fund-Support of High-tech Industry s development in china;风险投资基金——中国高新技术产业的资金依托

12.The Individual Account for Healthy and The Overall Fund for Risk个人账户保健康 社会统筹保风险——兼议职工医疗保险基金统账分割

13.Analyze How to Avoid the Moral Risk of Professional Managers Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的职业经理人道德风险规避分析

14.The Performance Evaluation Concerning the Open-end Funds Based on the Risk-adjusted Returns;基于风险调整收益法的开放式基金业绩评价

15.On Risk-adjusted Performance Assessment of Open-end Funds;基于风险调整收益的开放式基金业绩评价

16.Thinking about current situation of birth insurance fund of construction enterprise staff对施工企业职工生育保险基金现状的几点思考

17.Risk Adjust and Genesis Analysis of Open-ended Fund Performance;开放式基金业绩评估中的风险调整和归属分析

18.Research on Interest Risk Management of Commercial Bank Based on Monetary Inovation;基于金融创新的商业银行利率风险管理研究


occupational risk职业风险

1.The article deals with the methods of recognizing theoccupational risks of the clinical nurses.探讨门诊护士识别职业风险的方法;建立科室护理风险防范条例及突发事件应急预案,加强护士风险事件的防范意识和护理技能培训,制定行之有效的防范对策,有效避免和降低了护理职业风险;提高了门诊护理质量,保障了病人就医安全。

2.The thesis summarizes the risks in lawyers occupation as reputation risks,occupational risks and economic risks.本文将律师执业风险总结为信誉风险、职业风险、经济风险 ;对三种风险相应提出了诉讼谋略、制度完善以及责任保险的对策。

3.To analyze the ICU nurses\"occupational risks,proposing specific protective measures in order to prevent or reduce the occu-pational hazards for ICU nurses.通过分析ICU护士的职业风险,针对性提出相应防护措施,以杜绝或减少ICU护士的职业危害。

3)Professional risk职业风险

1.Description is given of the characteristics of construction supervision, with detailed analysis of the professional risks and suggestions for evasion therefrom as a construction supervisory engineer.叙述了建设监理职业的特征,深入剖析了职业风险的来源,最后提出了如何规避建设监理工程师职业风险的措施。

2.This article have elaborated the intension of registered accountants audit professional risk, and analyzed the cause of audit professional risk from the angle of economy in order to strengthen risk management to promote the development of the cause of registered accountants audit.文章阐述了注册会计师审计职业风险的内涵 ,并从经济学的角度在经济人假设、信息不对称、代理理论三个方面分析了注册会计师审计职业风险的成因 ,以期权拉风险意识 ,强化风险管理 ,促进注册会计师审计事业的发展。

4)professional risks职业风险

1.CPAprofessional risks comprise ethical risks,action risks and legal risks,the first two of which are closely related.牢固树立并全面实施职业谨慎和职业怀疑理念,加强受托责任意识,是防范职业风险的根本。

2.Owing to the economic system′s transform,the consummate legal system,enlargement of audit category and the drawback of ways to audit,in China theprofessional risks of registered accountant′s audit has been increased.由于经济体制转轨 ,法律环境不完善 ,加之审计范畴拓宽和审计方法的缺陷 ,以及社会公众对注册会计师审计的认识不足 ,使我国注册会计师的审计职业风险大大提高 ,因此 ,要改善审计环境 ,改进审计方法 ,降低注册会计师的审计职业风险。

3.Objective We want to find the cause ofprofessional risks of medical staffs and make feasible suggestions for medical staffs in China.目的探寻我国医疗机构从业人员职业风险的产生原因,提出可行性建议。

5)Risk fund风险基金

1.It also points out suggestions, such as setting up geological prospecting risk fund, bringing up and regularizing the market of mining rights, strengthening the support of commercial geological work and perfecting macro-control of mining prospecting and development.指出了商业性地质工作运作中面临的五个问题和困难 ,并提出了诸如建立地质勘查风险基金、培育规范矿业权市场、加强对商业性地勘工作支持力度及健全矿业勘查开发领域的宏观调控等四项对策建议。

6)fund risk基金风险

1.This article firstly points out thatfund risk is one of the most important reasons which make close-end funds traded with discounts.本文开创性提出基金风险是引起基金折价的重要原因之一,即基金相对其投资组合的风险增加会导致基金折价。


风险投资基金风险投资基金风险投资基金又叫创业基金,是当今世界上广泛流行的一种新型投资机构。它以一定的方式吸收机构和个人的资金,投向于那些不具备上市资格的中小企业和新兴企业,尤其是高新技术企业。风险投资基金无需风险企业的资产抵押担保,手续相对简单。它的经营方针是在高风险中追求高收益。风险投资基金多以股份的形式参与投资,其目的就是为了帮助所投资的企业尽快成熟,取得上市资格,从而使资本增值。一旦公司股票上市后,风险投资基金就可以通过证券市场转让股权而收回资金,继续投向其它风险企业。[编辑]风险投资基金的发行方法在一些风险投资较为发达的国家,风险投资基金主要有两种发行方法: 一种是私募的公司风险投资基金。通常由风险投资公司发起,出资 1%左右,称为普通合伙人,其余的99%吸收企业或金融保险机构等机构投资人出资,称为有限合伙人,同股份有限公司股东一样,只承担有限责任。普通合伙人的责权利,基本上是这样规定的:一是以其人才全权负责基金的使用、经营和管理;二是每年从基金经营收入中提取相当于基金总额2%左右的管理费;三是基本期限一般为15~,期满解散而收益倍增时,普通合伙人可以从收益中分得20%,其余出资者分得80%。 另一种是向社会投资人公开募集并上市流通的风险投资基金,目的是吸收社会公众关注和支持高科技产业的风险投资,既满足他们高风险投资的渴望,又给予了高收益的回报。这类基金,相当于产业投资基金,是封闭型的,上市时可以自由转让。 目前世界上的风险投资基金大致可分为欧洲型和亚洲型两类,它们的主要区别在于投资对象的不同。 风险投资基金是一种"专家理财、集合投资、风险分散"的现代投资机制。对于风险企业而言,通过风险投资基金融资不仅没有债务负担,还可以得到专家的建议,扩大广告效应,加速上市进程。特别是高新技术产业,风险投资通过专家管理和组合投资,降低了由于投资周期长而带来的行业风险,使高新技术产业的高风险和高收益得到有效的平衡,从而为产业的发展提供足够的稳定的资金供给。此外,作为风险投资基金的投资者,也可以从基金较高的规模经济效益与成功的投资运作中获取丰厚的投资回报。
