100字范文 > 边际分布 marginal distribution英语短句 例句大全

边际分布 marginal distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-21 04:07:59


边际分布 marginal distribution英语短句 例句大全

边际分布,marginal distribution

1)marginal distribution边际分布

1.This paper explores Sklar s theorem based on the bivariate distribution,Introduces the method of generation Copula function and joint distribution functions with a givenmarginal distribution based on Sklar s theorem.基于二维分布讨论了Sklar定理,介绍了由Sklar定理直接生成Copula函数的方法以及生成给定边际分布的联合分布函数的方法。

2.A result among the joint distribution,marginal distributions and the distribution of linear combination of a class of non-independent random matrices is put forward.给出了一类非独立的多个正态随机矩阵的联合分布、边际分布及其线性组合的分布之间关系的一个结果。

3.But it is criticized for ignoring themarginal distributions and not capturing the tail correlation between risks.假设风险满足一定条件,利用Copula和蒙特卡洛模拟方法对边际分布的选择和边际分布间的尾部相关关系两个方面进行分析,并得出结论:第一,在一定条件下,边际分布的选择并不影响对总风险的估计;第二,相关系数模型可能因为边际分布间的尾部相关关系而低估总风险。

2)homogeneity of marginal distribution齐性边际分布

3)marjinal probability distribution边际概率分布

4)equal margin multivariate exponential distribution等边际多元指数分布

5)marginal analysis边际分析

1.Calculation of economic recoverable reserves of oilfield withmarginal analysis method;应用边际分析法计算油田经济可采储量

2.The authors study the marginal values, economic outputs and economic profits of various well stimulations by means of the theory and method ofmarginal analysis and the statistics analysis of the field data in recent years.认为陇东油区低渗、低压、低产和非均质严重的特点 ,决定了油井措施在油田稳产中起着举足轻重的作用 ,针对该油区缺乏统一、科学的油田增产措施经济效益评价方法的问题 ,应用石油经济产量的概念 ,重点采用边际分析理论方法和近几年现场应用资料数据的统计分析结果 ,研究了油井措施的增产边际值、经济产量及产生的效益 。

3.When the priori probabilities and likelihood functions of the local detectors are unknown, the optimal detection fusion models at the fusion center are derived based on the combination of Bayesian assumption withmarginal analysis method.在先验概率和各局部检测器的似然函数均未知的情况下,综合利用贝叶斯假设和边际分析方法,推导出了分布式检测融合模型,对融合模型进行了详细的讨论,并在多种不同的条件下进行了计算机仿真,结果表明,对于这种特殊情况下的分布式检测融合,针对不同的传感器数量、代价函数的不同取值以及融合中心的度量准则,通过选择不同的融合模型可以使融合中心的性能达到最优。


1.Inframarginal Analysis of Highway Foundation Construction --Application of New Classical Economics and Inframarginal Analysis;公路基础建设的超边际分析——新兴古典经济学及超边际分析的应用

2.Optimization Model of Cut-off Grade in Open-pit Mine;露天矿边际品位优化模型——边际分析和机会成本分析方法的应用

3.Marginal Analysis of the Research on the Forest Resource Environmental Value;森林资源环境价值研究中的边际分析

4.A Study of Salary Cost Effectiveness Based on Fringe Analysis;基于边际分析的薪酬成本有效性研究

5.Iframarginal Analysis of the Intercity Division Structure Evolution in the Same Region;区域内城市间分工结构演变的超边际分析

6.A Probe to Margin Analysis of Portfolio Investment Assets Allocation组合证券投资资产配置的边际分析法初探

7.Neoclassical Economic Analysing about the Coordination Between Economic and Eco-environment System;经济与生态环境系统协调的超边际分析

8.Antidumping Game of Dumping Margin and Injury Margin;倾销边际与损害边际反倾销效应分析

9.Analysis of economic back ground of international unilateralism国际单边主义行为的经济背景分析

10.Marginal reduction cost analysis for wind power CDM project;风力发电CDM项目边际减排成本分析

11.A kind of Form and Analysis on Marginal Utility Function;边际效用函数的一种确立形式及分析

12.Whether or not the Enterprise Produce is Producted by Counting Contribution Marosin;从“边际利润”分析企业产品可否产销

13.Analysis to An Marginal Benefit of a Customary Rule对一项民间习惯规则的边际收益分析

14.Analysis of the Border Effects on Growth and Yield of High Yielding Hybrid Rice高产杂交稻生长和产量边际效应分析

15.On Economics Analysis and Application based on Margin and Elasticity浅谈边际与弹性的经济学分析与应用

16.Empirical Analysis on the International Trade Theory of Bilateral Tradebetween Russia and China中俄双边贸易的国际贸易理论实证分析

17.Actual Case Analysis on Application of Marginal Social Cost Theory to EIA边际社会成本理论在环评中应用的实例分析

18.Stability Analysis of Soil Slopes under Actual Stress State;基于实际应力状态的土质边坡稳定分析研究


homogeneity of marginal distribution齐性边际分布

3)marjinal probability distribution边际概率分布

4)equal margin multivariate exponential distribution等边际多元指数分布

5)marginal analysis边际分析

1.Calculation of economic recoverable reserves of oilfield withmarginal analysis method;应用边际分析法计算油田经济可采储量

2.The authors study the marginal values, economic outputs and economic profits of various well stimulations by means of the theory and method ofmarginal analysis and the statistics analysis of the field data in recent years.认为陇东油区低渗、低压、低产和非均质严重的特点 ,决定了油井措施在油田稳产中起着举足轻重的作用 ,针对该油区缺乏统一、科学的油田增产措施经济效益评价方法的问题 ,应用石油经济产量的概念 ,重点采用边际分析理论方法和近几年现场应用资料数据的统计分析结果 ,研究了油井措施的增产边际值、经济产量及产生的效益 。

3.When the priori probabilities and likelihood functions of the local detectors are unknown, the optimal detection fusion models at the fusion center are derived based on the combination of Bayesian assumption withmarginal analysis method.在先验概率和各局部检测器的似然函数均未知的情况下,综合利用贝叶斯假设和边际分析方法,推导出了分布式检测融合模型,对融合模型进行了详细的讨论,并在多种不同的条件下进行了计算机仿真,结果表明,对于这种特殊情况下的分布式检测融合,针对不同的传感器数量、代价函数的不同取值以及融合中心的度量准则,通过选择不同的融合模型可以使融合中心的性能达到最优。

6)margin analysis边际分析


