100字范文 > 精神病专科医院 psychiatric hospital英语短句 例句大全

精神病专科医院 psychiatric hospital英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-20 04:02:51


精神病专科医院 psychiatric hospital英语短句 例句大全

精神病专科医院,psychiatric hospital

1)psychiatric hospital精神病专科医院

1.Method A total of 71 nurses in apsychiatric hospital in Xingjiang Autonomous Region were recruited and investigated with WHO Quality of Life Scale(WHOQOL).目的了解精神病专科医院护士生存质量状况及影响因素。


1.Characters of Nosocomial Infection in Psychiatric Hospital and Its Preventions精神病专科医院医院感染特点与预防控制

2.The status and influencing factors of quality of life in psychiatric nurses精神病专科医院护士生存质量及影响因素调查

3.Developing Drug Counseling Service in Psychiatry Hospital: Experience and Analysis精神病专科医院开展用药咨询的体会与分析

4.Survey of Mental Health Levels of Nurses in Comprehensive Hospitals and Psychiatric Hospitals of Luoyang City洛阳市综合性医院和精神病专科医院护士心理健康水平的调查

5.Patient"s families satisfaction survey on nursing service in mental health hospital精神病专科医院住院患者家属对护理服务满意度调查与分析

6.Function of the Mental Health Department of General Hospital on Prevention and Cure of the Psychosis;综合医院精神科在精神疾病防治中的作用探讨

7.At the end of 1999, psychiatric hospitals provided 3 717 beds and public psychiatric units of general hospitals 1 557 beds.一九九九年年底,精神科医院共有病床3717张,全科医院的公共精神病科则有病床1557张。

8.Study on Job Stress and Mental Health Among Medical Professionals in a Mental Health Center精神专科医院医护人员职业紧张与精神健康研究

9.Psychiatric hospitals to carry out pharmaceutical care practice and experience精神专科医院开展药学服务的实践与体会

10.Survey on mental stress among 86 psychiatric nurses86例精神专科医院护士的症状自评量表调查

11.until eventually she had to go into a mental hospital.最终住进了精神病医院。

12.a physician who specializes in psychiatry.专攻精神病学的医生。

13.This CAT has seriously Psychopathy, KEEP OFF unless you are a Psychopathy Specialist.本猫脑有贵恙,非精神病专科医师请勿靠近。

14."Fellow in Psychiatry, Royal College of Physicians of Canada [FRCPC (Psychiatry)]"加拿大皇家内科医学院精神科院士

15.Study of Mental Illness in Internal Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine of the General Hospital in Shenyang;沈阳市综合医院内科及中医门诊精神障碍患病情况的比较分析

16.Li Qi, famous China"s osteoarthrosis expert, professor at former Beijing No. 2 Hospital and Beijing Special Osteoarthrosis Hospital, disciple of Jingfang School of Traditional Chinese Medicine (a Chinese medicine school).李琪:中国著名骨关节病专家,原北京市二院、北京骨关节病专科医院教授,中医精方派传人。

parison of Treatment Styles for Depression between Psychiatrists and Non-psychiatrists in General Hospitals综合医院精神科门诊中专科和非专科医师抑郁障碍治疗模式的比较

18."Member, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists [MRANZCP]"澳洲及纽西兰皇家精神科医学院院士


the psychiatric hospital非精神病专科医院

3)psychiatric hospital精神专科医院

4)Psychiatric hospital精神病医院

1.Controlled study on life quality of doctors in psychiatric hospital and general hospital;精神病医院与综合医院医师生活质量对照研究

5)mental hospital精神病医院

1.Psychological status among psychology clinic visitors inmental hospital;精神病医院心理咨询来访者的心理状态调查

6)psychiatric day hospital精神科日间医院


