100字范文 > 寒热错杂型 simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat syndromes英语短句 例句大全

寒热错杂型 simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat syndromes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-09 10:32:49


寒热错杂型 simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat syndromes英语短句 例句大全

寒热错杂型,simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat syndromes

1)simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat syndromes寒热错杂型

1.To value the clinical efficiency and security of CHUANBITAI granule for treatingsimultaneous occurrence of cold and heat syndromes in bronchial asthma,60 cases were averagely and randomly divided into the observation group (treated by CHUANBITAI granule)and the control group(treated by CHUANKENING tablet).为评价喘必泰颗粒治疗寒热错杂型支气管哮喘的临床疗效及其安全性 ,采用随机分组 ,治疗组用喘必泰颗粒 ,对照组用喘咳宁片 ,结果显示治疗组总有效率为 93 。


1.The Effect of Decoction Shuchuanheji on IL-13 of Children with Cough Variability Asthma;舒咳合剂对寒热错杂型CVA患儿IL-13的影响

2.The Observation of Banxiaxiexin Soup s Clinical Effect in Treating the Felling of Fullness with Cold and Heat;半夏泻心汤加减治疗寒热错杂型痞满临床观察

3.The Clinical Research about Modified Yuebi Decoction to Treat the Cold-heat Complicated Syndrome of RA越婢汤加减治疗类风湿关节炎寒热错杂证的临床研究

4.Interaction among a Screw Dislocation, Interfacial Crack and Inclusion under Uniform Heat Flux;均匀热流场中螺型位错、界面裂纹与夹杂的相互作用

5.The Clinical Research on the Level of Urine Leukotriene E_4 in the Children with Cough Variant Asthma Attack (Cold-heat Complication) and the Effect of Chinese Medicine Therapy;小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘发作期(寒热夹杂型)尿白三烯E_4变化及中药治疗的临床研究

6.Effects of habitat complexity on species diversity of small mammals in pastures and forest interlaced regions寒温带牧林交错区生境复杂度对啮齿类物种多样性的影响

7.Clinical and Animal Test Study on the Treatment of Exopathic Fever in Children by Using Qingjie Decoction;清解汤治疗小儿表寒里热型外感发热的临床与实验研究

8.Study on water-heat-salt transfer in soil freezing-thawing based on Simultaneous Heat and Water model基于水热耦合模型的干旱寒冷地区冻融土壤水热盐运移规律研究

9.Hybrid Experiment of Dorset×Oura Tibetan Sheep Grazing in Alpine Pasture高寒牧区放牧条件下陶塞特羊与欧拉型藏羊杂交试验

10.Model Establishment of Acetic Acid Daub Ulcer Combined with Cold and Hot Syndrome and Study of Cold and Hot Formula on Formula and Syndrome Correlation醋酸涂抹型胃溃疡寒热证模型的建立及相关性方剂影响的研究

11.Development of novel Sb-doped SnO_2-based NTC thermistor materials新型Sb掺杂SnO_2基NTC热敏材料的研制

12.He must regard the intricate patterns of evolution and coevolution.他必须研究进化和共同进化错综复杂的类型。

13.The Interaction between the Screw Dislocation and the Inclusion with Imperfect Interface;螺型位错与含缺陷非理想界面夹杂的干涉问题

14.Electronic structure and doping effect of kink in edge dislocation of body-centred cubic ironFe中刃型位错上扭折及掺杂体系的电子结构


16.Development of Maize Hybrid "Hanyu 1" Adapted to Highland and Cold Area;高寒山区杂交玉米“寒玉1号”的选育

17.The Characteristics of Inflammation in Asthma and the Association of It with Cold-phlegm and Heat-phelgm Syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine支气管哮喘炎症特点及其与中医“寒痰”、“热痰”证型关系的研究

18.Super Big Mini Models- The intricacies of filming in the world of models and miniatures.超级大的微缩模型-如何拍摄错综复杂的微缩模型。


cold-heat complex寒热错杂

1.Wumei pills can treat roundworm coldness in the extremities and long time diarrhea ofcold-heat complex type.乌梅丸主治蛔厥、又主寒热错杂之久利。

3)simultaneous occurrence of the cold and the heat syndrome寒热错杂证

1.Meanwhile, integrated with the conclusion of the literature review and the pharmacological research results, it illustrates the compatibility principle of the cold and the heat drugs and proves its scientific-ness to treat thesimultaneous occurrence of the cold and the heat syndrome.同时,结合文献研究结论及现代药理研究,阐明方剂寒热并用配伍原理及其在治疗寒热错杂证方面的科学性,并进一步推理寒证和热证的病理机制,提出寒热并用方剂研究的方法和技巧,以企对方剂寒热并用配伍的研究发挥有益的作用。

4)cold-heat complication寒热夹杂

1.Objective: To observe the levels of urine leukotricnes E4 (LTE4) in the cases with cough variant asthma (CVA) (Cold-heat complication) at onset and after the Chinese medicine therapy, explore the relation with leukotrienes to the pathogenesis for CVA and the mechanism of Chinese decoction of Shukeheji on CVA, and find a new way to treat the patients suffered from CVA.目的:通过临床观察小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘发作期(寒热夹杂型)与尿白三烯E_4(尿LTE_4)的关系及中药“舒咳合剂”治疗本病前后的变化,旨在探讨白三烯在咳嗽变异性哮喘(寒热夹杂型)发病中的可能作用及中药治疗本病的作用机制,为寻找有效控制气道炎症及预防气道重塑发生的抗哮喘中药提供理论依据和临床论证。

5)typing of cold and heat寒热分型

1.Objective Clinical analysis of the relationship between the symptom location and traditional Chinese medicinetyping of cold and heat in patients suffering from acute diarrhea.方法依据临床资料 ,对 6 12例急性腹泻病人按病变部位分为小肠性腹泻或结肠性腹泻 ,并进行中医寒热分型。

6)The model of cold-syndrome and heat-syndrome寒热模型


