100字范文 > 益气解毒法 method of supplementing qi and removing toxic substances英语短句 例句大全

益气解毒法 method of supplementing qi and removing toxic substances英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-11 23:43:29


益气解毒法 method of supplementing qi and removing toxic substances英语短句 例句大全

益气解毒法,method of supplementing qi and removing toxic substances

1)method of supplementing qi and removing toxic substances益气解毒法

1.Study on mechanism of treating ulcerative colitis withmethod of supplementing qi and removing toxic substances;益气解毒法治疗溃疡性结肠炎机制探析


1.The Clinical Research on HBV-DNA Effect of Yiqijiedu Method;益气解毒法对HBV-DNA影响的临床研究

2.Clinical Trial on Treating Chronic Hepatitis B of Deficient Spleen Type With Benefitting Qi and Removing Virus;益气解毒法治疗慢性乙型肝炎脾气亏虚型的临床研究

3.Treating the Relapse of Condyloma Acuminatum with Suppiementing Qi, Disinhibiting Dampness and Resolving Toxin Method;益气利湿解毒法治疗尖锐湿疣的复发

4.The Clinical Study on Treating Acute Viral Myocarditis with Yi-Qi-Yang-Yin-Huo-Xue-Jie-Du-Fa;益气养阴活血解毒法治疗急性病毒性心肌炎的临床研究

5.Clinical Study on Therapeutic Method of Resolving Toxin Combining With Promoting QI and Activating Blood Circulation in Treating UA;解毒与益气活血法伍用治疗不稳定性心绞痛的临床研究

6.Studies of Yiqi Yangyin Jiedu Therapy in Treatment with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer益气养阴解毒法联合化疗治疗中晚期非小细胞肺癌的临床研究

7.The law Yiqijieduquyu Improvement of liver cancer patients after TACE involved in the quality of life Clinical Observation益气解毒祛瘀法改善肝癌介入术后患者生活质量疗效观察

8.Observational Effect on PFS of Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer by Replenishing Qi,Nourishing Yin and Eliminating Nodes and Toxic Substance Methods益气养阴、散结解毒法对转移性乳腺癌患者PFS的影响

9.Treatment of 38 Cases of Lymphedema of Upper Limbs Following Breast Cancer Operation by Qi-Enriching,Yin-Nourishing,Toxin-Relieving and Depression-Releasing Therapy益气养阴解毒开郁法治疗乳腺癌术后上肢淋巴水肿38例

10.Progress in the Research on Yiqi Yangyin Jiedu Therapy Combined with Chemotherapy on Middle-advanced Stages Lung Cancer益气养阴解毒法配合化疗治疗中晚期肺癌的研究进展

11.Clinical Observation on 30 Cases of Active Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated by the Comprehensive Therapy of Reinforcing qi,Detoxification and Dissolving Blood Stasis益气解毒化瘀法综合治疗活动期类风湿关节炎30例临床观察

12.Clinic study of Yiqi Huoxue Jiedu in treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy益气活血解毒法治疗糖尿病周围神经病变的临床研究

13.Influence of Increasing Pneuma and Promoting Blood Flow and Deintoxication on ICAM-1mRNA in Colon Tissue of Ulcerative Colitis Rat益气活血解毒法对UC模型大鼠结肠组织ICAM-1mRNA的影响

14.Clinical research of replenishing Qi,nourishing Yin,detoxication and dredging collateral in treating early diabetic nephropathy益气养阴解毒通络法治疗早期糖尿病肾病的临床研究

15.Clinical Study on Treating Viral Myocarditis with Yi-Qi-Yang-Yin-Jie-Du-Fang;益气养阴解毒方治疗病毒性心肌炎的临床研究

16.The Treatment Mechanism of Cell Apoptosis of Yiqi Tongluo Decoction on IPF Fibrosis Phase益气通络解毒方治疗IPF的细胞凋亡机制

17.Research on effect of nourishing Yin,replenishing Qi and detoxicating on systemic lupus erythematosus养阴益气解毒方对系统性红斑狼疮的干预研究

18.Effects of Yiqijiedu formula on cell proliferation and genes expressive levels of epithelia in mice益气解毒方对转基因小鼠上皮细胞及基因影响


Huoxue Jiedu Yiqi method活血解毒益气法

3)increasing pneuma、promoting blood flow and disintoxication益气活血解毒法

4)Yiqi Yangyin Jiedu therapy益气养阴解毒法

1.Objective:To the pathogenesis characteristic of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients’“toxic、deficiency”,to observe the effct and the influence of immunologic function ofYiqi Yangyin Jiedu therapy in treating patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and discusse the mechanism.目的:针对中晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者“毒、虚”之病机特点,观察益气养阴解毒法治疗中晚期非小细胞肺癌的临床疗效及其对毒副反应、免疫功能的影响,并探讨其作用机理。

5)Yiqijieduquyu Law益气解毒祛瘀法

6)replenishing qi and detoxicating益气解毒

1.Clinical observation on treatment of 123 cases of AIDS with therapy ofreplenishing qi and detoxicating;益气解毒法治疗艾滋病123例临床观察


