100字范文 > 报告接种率 reported vaccination rate英语短句 例句大全

报告接种率 reported vaccination rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-02 16:02:11


报告接种率 reported vaccination rate英语短句 例句大全

报告接种率,reported vaccination rate

1)reported vaccination rate报告接种率

1.The averagereported vaccination rates of BGG.兴化市2000年常规免疫接种率监测评价结果显示:基础免疫卡介苗(BCG)、脊髓灰质炎疫苗(OPV)、百白破混合制剂(DPT)、麻疹疫苗(MV)、乙型肝炎疫苗(HBV)的平均报告接种率分别为99。


1.Study on the Estimation of Routine Immunization Coverage of China,-~中国常规免疫报告接种率的估算

2.Evaluation on the Routine Immunization Reporting System at township level in Anqing Prefecture during 1997 and 2001安庆市1997—2001年乡级常规免疫接种率报告评价

3.It was reported that the soldiers in the camp were vaccinated with smallpox virus.报告说营地所有的士兵接种了开花疫苗。

4.Post-vaccinal neurological complication-report of 9 cases with clinical discussion接种后神经系统合并症——9例报告及探讨

5.It repeats calls for abolition of the system of "direct provision".报告一再呼吁取消这种“直接供应”的制度。

6.Report of A Case of Abnormal Reaction Caused by Immunization of Rabies Vaccine一起接种狂犬病疫苗引起异常反应的报告

7.Results The total reporting rates were: 82.58% at the county level, 42.79% at the units with auditing rate as 96.96% .结果全国的县区报告率为 82.58%,单位报告率为42.79%;

8.MIRR (Materials Inspection and Receiving Report)材料检验与接收报告

9.A New Model of Financial Report s Reform--Value Report;财务报告变革的一种新模式——价值报告

10.Monitoring of vertical transmission of HIV and adverse reactopms after vaccination in infantsHIV母婴阻断及其婴儿预防接种不良反应监测报告

11.The study volunteers who received the vaccine are being advised of their potentially increased susceptibility, Merck said.接种了疫苗的志愿者被告知:他们受感染的概率增加。

12.Under these circumstances; the new investment opportunity with its 18 percent will clearly be attractive.在这种情况下,报酬率为18%的新投资机会显然可以接受。

13.Specify the report recipients and the type of information included in reports.指定报告接收人和报告中所包含的信息的类型。

14.The report notes that China" s economy has averaged a9.5 percent growth rate.报告提到,中国经济平均增长率为9.5%。

15.The report entered into the effect of high interest rates on the market.这报告讨论的是市场高利率的影响

16.The Report of Thermal Efficieney Level of Nangjing Industrial Boilers南京市工业锅炉热效率水平调查报告

17.Doxycycline is a potent photosensitizer and has been reported as causing a high incidence of phototoxic reactions.强力霉素是一种强光敏性药物,已有报告表明其光敏反应的发生率较高。

18.A statement showing number and description of Contract Products covered by this Contract on hand or in process shall be furnished by Licensee to Licensor.接受方应向许可方出具一份报告以说明手中的和正在加工中的合同产品的数量和种类。


acceptance report接收报告

3)adopt a report接受报告

4)exchange rate reports汇率报告

5)Report incidence rate报告发病率

6)mortality rate/standardized死亡率/报告


