100字范文 > 辨证研究 study on differentiation英语短句 例句大全

辨证研究 study on differentiation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-25 00:03:40


辨证研究 study on differentiation英语短句 例句大全

辨证研究,study on differentiation

1)study on differentiation辨证研究


1.Study on the Micro Syndrome Differentiation of Deficiency of Both Qi and Yin Syndrome in Patients with IgA Nephropathy;IgA肾病气阴两虚证的微观辨证研究

2.The Study on the System of Differential Diagnosis According to the Theory of Triple Warmer--The History of the Triple Warmer Diagnosis System is Discussed Also;宋代三焦辨证学说的研究——兼论三焦辨证发展史

3.Quantified diagnositic standard for large intestinal cancer of spleen qi deficiency syndrome大肠癌脾气虚证辨证量化标准的研究

4.Analysis of the Relationship between the Assistant Check-up and the Differentiation of Diseases and Symptoms in Nipple Discharge;乳头溢液常用辅助检测与辨病辨证相关性研究

5.Research on the Thought of Treatment Based on Disease Differentiation and Syndrome Differentiation in Shanghan Zabing Lun《伤寒杂病论》辨病与辨证论治思路的研究

6.Research of the Common Zheng Differentation-treatment of Hepatopathy Documents Based on the Statistical Method and the Asociation Rules Data Mining肝脏辨证常见证型辨证论治文献的关联规则数据挖掘研究(一)

7.Research on the Digitalization Technologies of "Differentiation of Syndromes by Observing Eyes";中医“望目辨证”的数字化技术研究

8.Application Fundamental Research about the Objective Syndrome Differentiation of Tinnitus;耳鸣中医辨证客观化的应用基础研究

paratively Research between "Sixiang" Medicine in Korean and Treatment Determination Based on Syndrome Differentiation;韩国四象医学与辨证论治的比较研究

10.Research of Application of Brain and Blood Diffentiation to Vascular Dementia;脑血辨证对血管性痴呆的适用性研究

11.Study on the Law of the Differentiation of Syndromes of Mycoplasma Pneumonia of Children;小儿支原体肺炎的中医辨证规律研究

12.The Study on Clinic Rule of TCM Syndrom Type in Hyperthyroidism(YingQi);甲亢(瘿气)临床辨证分型规律的研究

13.The Study of Distributed Regularity of Traditional Chinese Medical Syndrome in Primary Osteoporosis;原发性骨质疏松症中医辨证规律研究

14.The TCM Type Study about Lead Poisoning of Children for 303 Cases;303例儿童铅中毒的中医辨证分型研究

15.From empiricism to speculation: a retrospection to management research methods;从实证到思辨:管理研究方法的反思

16.Effective Mechanism of Confidence upon Identifying for Attesting Witness;信心对目击证人辨认的影响机制研究

17.Discrimination of a Few Paradoxes in Positive Study of Capital Market;资本市场实证研究中的几对悖论辨析

18.Clinical Study of Differentiation and Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medication on Optic Atrophy中医辨证治疗视神经萎缩的临床研究


study on differential treatment辨证论治研究

3)Study on Syndrome Factor Differentiation证素辨证研究钩玄

4)A Research on Eyewitness Identification目击证人辨认研究

5)theoretical research思辨研究

1.This paper analyzes the conception oftheoretical research and empirical research respectively.文章首先分析了思辨研究和实证研究的概念。

6)listening skills study听辨研究


