100字范文 > 风温肺热证 wind-warm and pulmonary heat syndrome英语短句 例句大全

风温肺热证 wind-warm and pulmonary heat syndrome英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-07 07:52:38


风温肺热证 wind-warm and pulmonary heat syndrome英语短句 例句大全

风温肺热证,wind-warm and pulmonary heat syndrome

1)wind-warm and pulmonary heat syndrome风温肺热证

1.Clinical study ofwind-warm and pulmonary heat syndrome treated with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine;中西医结合治疗风温肺热证临床观察



1.The Qingqiliangying Injection Interventional Study of Serum Pro-inflammatory and Anti-inflammatory Cytokines in Patients with Wind-heat in Lung Syndrome清气凉营注射液对风温肺热病患者血清促炎、抗炎因子的调节作用

2.A new type of cryogenic tunnel-injection cryogenic tunnel with heat exchanger低温风洞新形式——换热引射式低温风洞

3.temperature rise of hot wind热风温升 -电吹发器

4.The Practical Research on Increasing the Blast Temperature of Hot Blast Stove of Hansteel"s 2~# BF汉钢2~#高炉热风炉提高风温实践研究

5.Cytotoxic effect of taxotere in combination with hyperthermia on human lung cancer cell line SPC-A-1泰索帝合并温热对肺腺癌细胞的杀伤效应

6.a bath in warm mud (as for treating rheumatism).为治疗风湿病在温热的湿泥中沐

7.Adopted far infrared metal heating tube, fast heating and energy saving.采用远红外线金属电热管加热、热风循环,加热速度快、温度均匀、省电。

8.Changes the properties of fire so that it"s heat feels like a warm breeze.改变火焰的性能,使它的热力减弱成温和的热风。

9.Numerical Analysis of Hot-Blast Heated Greenhouse Thermal Environment;热风采暖条件下温室热环境数值分析与研究

10.Preheating Technology of Using Low Caloric Blast Furnace Gases to Ob- tain High Hot Blast Temperature;利用低热值高炉煤气获取高风温的预热技术

parative Studies of the Harm Characteristic of Hot-dry Wind and High Temperature Heat Waves高温热浪与干热风的危害特征比较研究

12.Thermal Shock Behavior of Air Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings under High Temperature Wind Tunnel等离子喷涂热障涂层高温风洞热震行为

13.The Heat and Damp Exchange of the Hot Deep Mine Airflow and the Calculating of the Needing Air-Quantity;高温深矿井风流热湿交换及配风量的计算

14.Study on Potential of Increasing Temperature in Hot Stove at 1BF in JISCO;酒钢公司1号高炉热风炉风温潜力分析研究

15.Study of Coal Mine Wind Thermodynamic Process and Ventilation Temperature Dropping Technology Imitation矿井风流热力过程及通风降温模拟研究

16.Chinese Medicine Treatment of Cough Cough Qingfei Zhike Obstruct Heat of the Clinical Study of the Lung清肺止咳治疗中医咳嗽风邪化热壅肺证的临床研究

17.The Clinical Study on Pi-Pa-Qing-Fei-Granules in the Treatment to Acne with Wind-Heat in Lung Type枇杷清肺颗粒剂治疗肺经风热型粉刺的临床研究

18.The Clinical Observation to Treat Cough after Influenza of Wind Evil Encroach Lung-hyperactivity Injuries Body-fluitype with Ke Ping Tang Recipe咳平汤治疗风邪犯肺、肺热伤津型感冒后咳嗽的临床观察



3)attacking on the lung by wind and heat风热犯肺证

1.Objective To verify the effectiveness and reliability of Kechuanling Effervescent Troche in treating cough in children forattacking on the lung by wind and heat (acute bronchitis).目的验证小儿咳喘灵泡腾片治疗小儿咳嗽风热犯肺证(急性支气管炎)的有效性与安全性。

4)wind and heat blocking the lung syndrome风热闭肺证

1.Evaluation of TCM on children s respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia with "wind and heat blocking the lung syndrome" and "phlegm-heat obstructing the lung syndrome" by multi-center stratified randomization and equal control methods;多中心随机对照评价中医药治疗小儿病毒性肺炎风热闭肺证、痰热闭肺证临床疗效

5)Wind-warm Lung-heat disease风温肺热病

1.ObjectivetTo observe the clinical curative effect of treating Heat-sydrome hi FeiWei ofWind-warm Lung-heat disease with QingFeiXiaoYanYin and antibiotic .目的:观察清肺消炎饮合抗生素治疗风温肺热病热在肺卫证的临床疗效。

6)lung heat syndrome肺热证

1.Objective: To clinical investigate into the therapeutic efficacy on thelung heat syndrome of acute pulmonary system disease with Composite Qiao ruisu.研究鞘蕊苏复方对于急性肺系疾病肺热证的疗效。


肺热证肺热证 肺热证 证名。肺热引起的病证。《素问·痿论》:“肺热者,色白而毛败。”并可见喘鸣等症。《证治准绳·杂病》:“肺热者,轻手乃得,微按全无,瞥瞥然见于皮毛上,为肺主皮毛故也。日西尤甚,乃皮毛之热也。”有虚实之分,参见肺实热、肺虚热、皮毛痿条。
