100字范文 > 过零时刻甄别 zero-crossing time discriminating英语短句 例句大全

过零时刻甄别 zero-crossing time discriminating英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-12 21:17:24


过零时刻甄别 zero-crossing time discriminating英语短句 例句大全

过零时刻甄别,zero-crossing time discriminating

1)zero-crossing time discriminating过零时刻甄别


1.Research of Double Threshold Zero-crossing Time Discriminating Technology in High Precision Laser Pulsed Ranging高精度激光脉冲测距双阈过零时刻甄别技术研究

2.snap off timing discriminator快速关断定时甄别器

3.Identification of Customers Satisfaction Index on Retail Business of Commercial Banks;商业银行零售业务客户满意度指标的甄别

4.Secretaries cleared for Very Secret were rare, so the British Purchasing Council had requisitioned her for a while.经过甄别能担任“绝密”工作的秘书是不多的,所以英国采购团暂时征用了她。

5.A Study about Occupation-Sex Stereotype s Impact on Recruiters Selective Benhavior;职业性别刻板印象对招聘人员甄选行为的影响研究

6.Those who constantly blame others must have seen such faults and shortcomings in themselves. Making self-examination always makes you welcome.时刻责怪别人,必定自己有诸多错失;时刻检讨己过,必能获得别人的欢喜。

7.A short while after this special moment, my father narrowly escaped death following heart surgery.这个特别时刻刚过不久,爸爸就进行了心脏手术,不过幸免于难。

8.blood screening and testing facilities血液甄别和检验设施

9.Quick Neurological Screening Test快速神经学甄别测验

10.epitope identification表位鉴定,表位甄别

11.fission fragment track discriminator裂变碎片径迹甄别器

12.Isotopic discrimination is not likely.同位素甄别是不可能的。

13.Special Inter-Departmental Selection Committee部门间特别甄选委员会

14.Truncate insignificant trailing zero when using null scale.使用空刻度时截去多余的零结尾。

15.In Dimension Z, there are strange moments.在零度空间中常有奇异的时刻。

16.If necessary the evaluation process may include an entrance exam. Matriculated students must be approved by the Dean of Academic Affairs of Tunghai University before they are notified.审查(必要时并得举行甄试)通过者经教务长核定后,始通知注册入学。

17."Ever since the Zhens" maid had looked back that day, Yucun flattered himself that she was well-disposed to him and thought of her constantly.""原来雨村自那日见了甄家之婢曾回顾他两次,自为是个知己,便时刻放在心上."

18.Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date.过去,时时刻刻都遭到翻新;


timing discriminator定时甄别

1.A fast and compacttiming discriminator;一种简便的快速定时甄别电路

3)Zero-crossing Algorithm过零时刻算法

4)time discriminator时间甄别器

5)zero crossing discriminator零交叉甄别器

6)CFD(Constant-Fraction Discriminator)恒比定时甄别


快速神经学甄别测验快速神经学甄别测验Quick Neurological Screening Test, QNST快速神经学甄别测验(Q ulck Neur。lo-gieal Sereening Test,QNST)系马蒂(Mutti,M.)等编(1974),以后进行了修订(1979),原为甄别学习困难用。通过实践说明,此测验对一儿童神经学体查有用,对朗读、书写、拼音或计算等技能的诊断可提供重要参数,而不是甄别学习困难的理想工具。该测验包括15个方面:书写能力、数的知觉能力(在手心上书写)、眼追踪、手指鼻的协调动作、迅速重复手动、前后行走、臂和腿的能力。(龚雄先撰林传燕审)
