100字范文 > 铝板带箔 aluminum plate strip and foil英语短句 例句大全

铝板带箔 aluminum plate strip and foil英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-12 05:11:52


铝板带箔 aluminum plate strip and foil英语短句 例句大全

铝板带箔,aluminum plate strip and foil

1)aluminum plate strip and foil铝板带箔

1.Simplified determination of the rolling oil additives foraluminum plate strip and foil rolling铝板带箔轧制油添加剂的简易测定方法


1.Forecasting the China s demand for the aluminum alloy plate,strip and foil in its Eleventh-Five-Year Plan ;对中国“十一五”期间铝板带箔需求的预测

2.Simplified determination of the rolling oil additives for aluminum plate strip and foil rolling铝板带箔轧制油添加剂的简易测定方法

3.Quality Control in the Production Process of Aluminum Sheets for Car Heat Exchangers汽车热交换用铝板带箔材生产过程中的质量控制

4.Effect of adding aluminum foil on spot welding capability of Al-Mg-Si based auto body sheets铝箔夹层对铝-镁-硅合金车身板点焊性能的影响

5." Niobium steet,shrip and foil"GB/T3630-1983铌板材、带材和箔材

6." Tantalum and tantalum alloy sheet,strip and foil"GB/T3629-1983钽及钽合金板材、带材和箔材

7.Development and Application of Full Oil Regeneration System for Aluminum Strip and Foil Rolling Mill铝带箔轧机全油回收系统的开发与应用

8.The coating is applied on the surface of the rolled, pressed aluminium plates.这一涂层是应用于包金箔的、制的铝制金属板上的。

9.Research on RCS Influence Factors of Aluminum foil Plates with Folded Structure铝箔V-型皱褶构型板的雷达散射性能影响因素的研究

10.The effect and ability of the shape control instrument on the aluminum foil rolling mill in Alcoa(Shanghai)Co. Ltd.分析了美铝(上海)铝业有限公司铝箔轧机板形控制手段的作用和能力。

11.Poly-Cello Laminated Paper or Foil for Flexible Package.保丽纸及袋、铝箔袋

12.Hot stamping foilGB/T10456-1989电化铝烫印箔

13.Aluminium foil for general purposeGB3198-1996工业用纯铝箔

14.Note: The hydrophilic coating base material is executed by the aluminium foil used for air conditions.说明:亲水涂层铝箔的基材按空调器用铝箔执行。

15.The Optifoil Concept-A Foil Minimill;最优化铝箔厂──建设新铝箔厂的最佳选择

16.Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy sheets and strips--Tolerances on form and dimensionsGB/T3194-1998铝及铝合金板、带材的尺寸允许偏差

17.Design and Research on Engineering of High Precision Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Plate, Sheet and Strip;高精度铝及铝合金板带材工程设计与研究

18.Necessary Construction a Secondary Aluminium FRPs Works in China;对建设大型再生铝合金板带厂的设想


aluminium sheet milling equipment铝板带箔轧机

3)beaten alumin(i)um铝板;铝箔

4)aluminium strip-foil铝带箔

1.Shape control system for 1400mm coldaluminium strip-foil mill;1400mm铝带箔冷轧机板形控制系统

5)vapor barrier tape铝箔胶带

6)aluminum strip and foil rolling mills铝带箔轧机


800mm铅带箔轧机800mm铅带箔轧机瞬翻一心:味班…讲’一科 ,一已子一几,、一、:一\一…蒸令、,300mm铝带箔轧初
