100字范文 > 临床急症 clinical emergency英语短句 例句大全

临床急症 clinical emergency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-25 06:29:23


临床急症 clinical emergency英语短句 例句大全

临床急症,clinical emergency

1)clinical emergency临床急症

2)emergency and hard disease clinical of traditional Chinese medicine中医急症和疑难病临床

3)Clinical first-aid临床急救


1.Analysis on Clinical Emergency Treatment and Characteristics of Spontaneous Pneumothorax50例自发性气胸临床急救及特点分析

2.Study on Clinical Emergency Response of Taizhou Medical Rescue System Attacked by Typhoon;台州市医疗急救系统在应对台风伤害中的临床急救评估研究

3.The emergent hemoperfusion of 28 patients with acute poisoning血液灌流抢救急性中毒28例临床研究

4.Clinical analysis of twenty cases of drown children of first aid before and in hospital儿童溺水院前院内急救20例临床分析

5.Pre-hospital care and clinical analysis on 52 cases with sudden death52例猝死患者的院前急救与临床分析

6.Emergency salvage of 92 patients who suffered disulfiram-like reactions急诊救治双硫仑样反应92例临床分析

7.Application of concept map in clinical teaching of emergency nursing概念图在急救护理临床教学中的应用

8.Chinical analysis of emergency rescue in 240 cases with severe craniocerebral injury重型颅脑损伤240例急诊救治临床分析

9.Clinical Analysis of Acute Organophosphorus Pesticide Poisoning急性有机磷农药中毒救治的临床分析

10.Clinical Analysis on First Aid of 56 Cases with Acute Myocardial Infarction Before Hospitalization急性心肌梗死的院前急救56例临床分析

11.Clinical analysis of first aid outside hospital in patients with acute left ventricular dysfunction急性左心衰患者50例院前急救临床分析


13.Clinical analysis of first aid death in 2002 in Shenzhen深圳市2002年度急救死亡病例调查临床分析

14.Application of Clinical Nursing Pathway(CNP) in the First Aid to the Patients Suffered from Severe Trauma临床护理路径在重症外伤急救中的应用

15.The emergency equipment hospital department of clinical that science the use of and management浅谈医院临床科室急救设备的科学使用及管理

16.Treatment of acuet organophosphorus pesticides poisoning with long effective Tuoning长托宁救治急性有机磷农药中毒临床观察

17.Clinical analysis on 3 cases of acute pulmonary edema caused by hydrogen phosphide poisoning3例急性磷化氢中毒性肺水肿临床救治分析

18.Clinical Application of Blood Purification in Treatment of Acute Poisoning血液净化技术在急性中毒救治中的临床应用


emergency and hard disease clinical of traditional Chinese medicine中医急症和疑难病临床

3)Clinical first-aid临床急救

4)clinical symptoms临床症状

1.Methods:from January 2001 to December a total of five years in our hospital endoscopic diagnosis of reflux esophagitis patients with endoscopic,while completing theclinical symptoms questionnaire on gastrointestinal diseases coexist .方法:对2001年1月~12月共5年间我院经内镜确诊的反流性食管炎患者,结合内镜表现,同时填写临床症状调查表,结合并存上消化道疾病的临床表现进行分析。

2.Objective:To explore the effect of Citalopram onclinical symptoms of chronic schizophrenia and life quality of female patients.结论:西酞普兰可能改善女性慢性精神分裂症患者的临床症状和生活质量。

3.VSV mainly infects epithelial tissue,the most importantclinical symptoms in the infected livestock are large number of salivation,emerged in blisters and erosions oral mucosa,skin of niple,hoof and crown skin.VSV主要呈嗜上皮性,大量流涎是家畜感染最重要的临床症状,其特征为口腔黏膜、乳房皮肤及蹄冠部皮肤出现水泡及糜烂,人感染后出现类似流感的症状。

5)Clinic symptom临床症状

1.Observation on modality of pathogenicity lepidoptera euileidae caterpillar and the clinic symptom of sufferer eucleid caterpillar dermatitis;致病性鳞翅目刺蛾幼虫形态及皮炎患者临床症状研究

6)clinical manifestation临床症状

1.Influence of evaluation ofclinical manifestation to the surgical choices in degenerative scoliosis临床症状评估对退行性脊柱侧凸术式选择的影响


《疑难急症简方》《疑难急症简方》 《疑难急症简方》 医方著作。四卷。清·罗越峰辑。刊于1895年。本书汇集各种急症简易方,癫狗恶狗、毒蛇恶虫、食毒五伤、跌打五伤等70类,包括多种病证的治疗方剂。现有《珍本医书集成》本。
