100字范文 > 煤与瓦斯突出指标 coal and gas outburst index英语短句 例句大全

煤与瓦斯突出指标 coal and gas outburst index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-28 20:00:06


煤与瓦斯突出指标 coal and gas outburst index英语短句 例句大全

煤与瓦斯突出指标,coal and gas outburst index

1)coal and gas outburst index煤与瓦斯突出指标

1.Analysis on critical value ofcoal and gas outburst indexes in Furong Mine;芙蓉煤矿煤与瓦斯突出指标临界值分析

2)coal and gas outburst煤与瓦斯突出

1.Mechanism and region prediction ofcoal and gas outburst;煤与瓦斯突出机理及其区域预测技术对比

2.Geological factors analysis and prevention ofcoal and gas outburst in Huaibei Coal Field;淮北煤田煤与瓦斯突出地质因素分析与防治

3.Micro seismic monitoring and measuring technology for pumping presuure,coal and gas outburst and water inrush;冲击地压及煤与瓦斯突出和透水的微震监测技术


1.Study on the Gassy Coal THM Coupling Model and Coal and Gas Outburst Simulation含瓦斯煤THM耦合模型及煤与瓦斯突出模拟研究

2.Research on Gas Occurrence Law and Its Practice in Coal and Gas Outburst Seam煤与瓦斯突出煤层瓦斯赋存规律及应用研究

3.Preliminary Study on Coal and Gas Outburst in Shenyang Hongling Coal Mine沈阳红菱煤矿煤与瓦斯突出初步研究

4.Analysis of Geological Law of Coal and Gas Outburst in Huainan Mining Area淮北矿区煤与瓦斯突出的瓦斯地质规律分析

5.An Extra-large Coal and Gas Outburst Acci- dent and Its Emergency Treatment一起特大煤与瓦斯突出事故抢救实例

6.Micro Seismic Monitioring Location Research of Coal and Gas Outburst;微地震监测煤与瓦斯突出的定位研究

7.Study on the Relation of the Regional Earthquake and Coal and Gas Outburst;区域地震和煤与瓦斯突出相关性研究

8.Study on the Influence of Geological Structure to Coal and Gas Outburst;地质构造对煤与瓦斯突出的影响研究

9.Fractal Forecast Theory and Its Application of Coal and Gas Outburst煤与瓦斯突出的分形预测理论及应用

10.Research on MapX-based Coal and Gas Outburst Pre-warning Technology基于MapX的煤与瓦斯突出预警技术研究

11.Prediction Model of Coal and Gas Outburst Based on Support Vector Machines基于SVM的煤与瓦斯突出预测模型研究

12.The Dynamic Evolution Procession on Coal and Gas Burst煤与瓦斯突出动态损伤演化过程研究

plex Prevention and Control Techniques for Coal and Gas Outburst in Yangjia Coal Mine杨家矿井煤与瓦斯突出综合防治技术

14.Analysis on the Situation of Prediction Technology of Coal and Gas Outburst煤与瓦斯突出预测技术发展现状分析

15.Study on Prediction Method of Coal and Gas Out Burst Based on RBF Nerve Network基于RBF网络的煤与瓦斯突出预测研究

16.Analysis on Geological Factors of Coal and Gas Outburst Zhongmacun Coal Mine中马村矿煤与瓦斯突出地质因素分析

17.Outbursts of coal and gas prone is related to the evolution history of deformation and coalification of coal-seams.煤与瓦斯突出倾向与煤层的变质变形历史有关。

18.Long Borehole Gas Pre-pumping Applied Research on Thick Coal Seam Groups with Coal and Gas Outburst长钻孔在煤与瓦斯突出厚煤层群瓦斯预抽中的应用研究


coal and gas outburst煤与瓦斯突出

1.Mechanism and region prediction ofcoal and gas outburst;煤与瓦斯突出机理及其区域预测技术对比

2.Geological factors analysis and prevention ofcoal and gas outburst in Huaibei Coal Field;淮北煤田煤与瓦斯突出地质因素分析与防治

3.Micro seismic monitoring and measuring technology for pumping presuure,coal and gas outburst and water inrush;冲击地压及煤与瓦斯突出和透水的微震监测技术

3)coal and gas outbursts煤与瓦斯突出

1.The study ofcoal and gas outbursts prediction system based on GIS;基于GIS的煤与瓦斯突出预测系统研究

2.Themodynamic process analysis ofcoal and gas outbursts;煤与瓦斯突出的热动力过程分析

3.The geologic factors ofcoal and gas outbursts in Maans han Coal Mine;马鞍山煤矿煤与瓦斯突出的地质因素

4)coal-gas outburst煤与瓦斯突出

1.Investigation intocoal-gas outburst occurred in Daping Coalmine, by using theories of gas-geology;大平煤矿特大型煤与瓦斯突出瓦斯地质分析

2.Mechanism of controllingcoal-gas outburst and its practice;防治煤与瓦斯突出原理及应用

3.Catastrophe theoretical analysis of disintegrated outburst of a single coal shell incoal-gas outburst煤与瓦斯突出中单个煤壳解体突出的突变理论分析

5)outburst of coal and gas煤与瓦斯突出

1.12 coal seams withoutburst of coal and gas through mining No.以红菱煤矿保护层开采为工程实例,通过开采11#煤层,对存在煤与瓦斯突出的7#煤层和12#煤层进行卸压,利用FLAC3D数值模拟中小同步开挖的渗透率变化情况,对保护层开采过程中煤岩体的渗透性进行了分析,得出了煤岩体透气性变化规律。

2.In the paper,taking Hong Ling coal mine in Shen Yang forexample,during mining 11~# coal seam,7~# and 12~# coal seam withoutburst of coal and gas were depressurized, author studieddistributing law of mining—induced fractures and mutative law ofpermeability of coal and rock.本文以沈煤集团红菱煤矿保护层开采为工程实例,通过开采11~#煤层,对存在煤与瓦斯突出的7~#煤层和12~#煤层进行卸压,研究保护层开采后采动裂隙分布规律及煤岩体透气性变化规律。

6)coal and gas burst煤与瓦斯突出

1.Studies of an ANFIS-based system on the prediction of thecoal and gas burst;煤与瓦斯突出预测的自适应神经-模糊推理系统研究

2.Through experimental study of hydraulic cutting seam drainage methane indoor about big coal sample , phenomenon ofcoal and gas burst in the process of hydraulic cutting seam is brought to light.通过室内1:1大煤样水力割缝抽放瓦斯的实验研究,揭示了水力割缝过程中煤与瓦斯突出现象,依据煤体特性、应力状态、应力水平、水射流压力、瓦斯压力等实验结果,并结合数值模拟计算,分析了水力割缝中煤与瓦斯的突出机理。

3.The correlation between structure and regional distribution ofcoal and gas bursts are studied by means of fractal geometry.以焦作煤田为研究对象 ,应用分形几何学理论和方法对地质构造进行描述并对其与煤与瓦斯突出区域分布的关系进行了研究 ,确定了煤田中构造网络的分形特征 ,探讨了其分维特征和煤与瓦斯突出分布间的关系 ,为突出区带的划分提供了新的研究思


瓦斯突出煤矿井下生产过程中,煤层和岩层内的大量瓦斯向采掘空间突然喷射的工程地质现象。喷出的瓦斯成分一般是沼气(CH4),个别是二氧化碳。夹有煤块的瓦斯突出称煤和瓦斯突出,夹带岩石的,称岩和瓦斯突出。煤(岩)和瓦斯突出不但破坏巷道、设备,而且常造成人员伤亡。突出的条件主要有 3个:岩层的重力和构造应力;瓦斯的含量和压力;煤层本身的松软结构。瓦斯在煤层中的赋存状态分吸附和游离两种。煤层吸附量的多少,取决于煤的变质程度、结构和成分,同时与矿压和围岩的封闭性有关。突出的强度与类型煤(岩)和瓦斯突出的强度,常用一次突出的煤量或岩石量表示。 100吨以下的为一般突出,100~500吨的为严重突出,500~1000吨的为大突出,1000吨以上的为特大突出。如1975年8月8日发生在中国四川重庆三汇坝矿区,喷出甲烷1200000立方米,煤和矸石12780吨。1975年6月13日发生在吉林营城煤矿五井,喷出二氧化碳14000立方米及砂岩1005吨。两次都是少见的特大突出。瓦斯突出分3种:①突出,在地压和瓦斯联合作用下产生,瓦斯参与了煤岩的破碎和运搬过程。抛出的煤有明显的气流运搬特征:煤的堆积角度小于煤堆的安息角,粒度分布呈分选现象。②压出,主要由地压造成,涌出瓦斯和粉煤都较少。③倾出,煤岩倾出后,形成孔洞的轴线与水平交角大于45°,煤的堆积角度与煤堆的安息角相接近。突出最为常见,占总数的50%以上。突出的防治措施首先通过勘察研究划定突出区段,然后针对瓦斯突出所在煤层的特点,采取防治措施。具体措施有:①开采解放层。在多煤层矿井中,选择一个无突出煤层或突出危险性较小的煤层作为解放层,首先开采,使上下邻近煤层卸压,从而消除突出危险。这是比较有效的区域性措施。②抽放瓦斯,降低瓦斯压力,削弱瓦斯在煤层中的作用。③水力冲孔,煤层注水,安设专门支架等措施也有一定效果。④震动性放炮诱发突出。控制振动强度,采用挡栏措施可获一定效果。
