100字范文 > 房地产项目 real estate project英语短句 例句大全

房地产项目 real estate project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-13 02:33:01


房地产项目 real estate project英语短句 例句大全

房地产项目,real estate project

1)real estate project房地产项目

1.Reaserch of Real Estate Project Investment Decision;房地产项目投资决策研究

2.The Cost Control and Management in Real Estate Project;房地产项目工程造价的控制与管理

3.The Applied Study on Value Engineering in Real Estate Project Plan Design;价值工程在房地产项目规划设计中的应用研究


1.Research in Foreign Land Real Estate Project Marketing Survey & Planning;异地房地产项目市场调研和营销策划

2.Principal Project Management Practice of Real Estate Projects--Management of Quality Checking by Every House;房地产项目委托项目管理实践——分户验收管理

3.The Research on the Application of Cost Control in the Real Estate;造价控制在房地产项目中的应用研究

4.Xi an Real Estate Investment Risk Measurement Study;西安市房地产项目投资风险度量研究

5.Web-based Real Estate Project Long-distance Management Research;基于网络的房地产项目远程管理研究

6.Research on BPM in Real Estate Project Investment;房地产项目投资决策的流程管理研究

7.Research on Real Estate Project Management of North American Beautiful Garden Zone;“北美佳苑”小区房地产项目管理研究

8.The Project Research on Investment of Lv Cheng Changsha Osmanthus Real Estate Item;绿城长沙桂花城房地产项目投资研究

9.The Research on Marketing Strategy of Golden Fiord Real-estate Project;金海湾房地产项目市场营销策略研究

10.The Research on Decision Making of the Inverstment of Lijin Project of Macrolink Inc;新华联丽景房地产项目投资决策研究

11.The Strategy Study of Tourism Real Estate Project Development of Chengdu;成都市旅游房地产项目开发对策研究

12.Study on Cost Management of Real Estate Project Life Cycle;房地产项目全寿命周期成本管理研究

13.The Development Plan for the Chengdu TangLake Forest Residential Project;成都棠湖上林苑房地产项目开发方案

14.The Goal Program Model in Real Estate Investment of Bundling Business;房地产投资项目组合的目标规划模型

15.Grey Decision-making to Real Estate Programming Project;房地产投资项目策划方案的灰色决策

16.Research on the Method of Real Options in Real Estate Investment Projects;房地产投资项目的实物期权方法研究

17.Research on Project Cost Management of the Collectivized Real Estate Enterprise;集团化房地产企业项目成本管理研究

18.The Feasible Research of Da Lian Ming Zhu Real Estate Project;大连明珠房地产投资项目可行性研究


real estate projects房地产项目

1.So the key point of EIA ofreal estate projects should be feasible domestic water treatment.西部地区中小城市普遍存在城市生活污水处理设施缺乏或不配套等问题,城镇生活污水严重污染环境,房地产项目环境影响评价应当把生活污水环境影响评价及污染防治措施作为最重要的内容。

2.This paper introduces the fundamental and thought of risk matrix to make decision, probes into the method to apply in making-decision ofreal estate projects, and comments this method.文章介绍了风险矩阵决策的基本原理和思路,探索了其在房地产项目决策中的应用,并对该方法进行了评析。

3.This paper will try to use target costing onreal estate projects, and to research its implementation in China sreal estate projects, with a view to take some advanced thinking into China′s real estate project management.成本企画已成为日本公司成本控制的一种重要模式,成本企画在成本控制方面的优秀思想如顾客满意、市场导向、源流管理、战略管理等思想,对于我国房地产项目的成本控制有着许多启示。

3)real estate房地产项目

1.Investment control of the life cycle ofreal estate program;房地产项目全寿命周期投资控制

2.Problems inreal estate cooperative exploitation contracts;房地产项目联合开发合同的若干问题

3.The Research on the Network Structure of Owner s Contract Management in the Real Estate Development;房地产项目开发中业主方的工程合同网络结构研究

4)real estate item房地产项目

1.This paper mainly analyzes the law influence of its relevant regulations on the transference ofreal estate item.本文重点分析我国《物权法》相关规定对房地产项目转让的法律影响,并对房地产项目转让过程中的风险控制提出意见和建议,以期对我国《物权法》施行后如何运作房地产项目转让提供借鉴。

2.And with the investor ofreal estate item is more and more, the competitive between real estate companies will be more drastic.而房地产项目建筑安装成本是继土地成本之后的最大的成本,本文对苏州东盛步行街项目的成本控制情况进行分析,进而提出自己的结论。

5)the real estate project房地产项目

1.The management ofthe real estate project is very important for the real estate developing company.房地产项目管理对于房地产开发企业来说是至关重要的,开发商前期的精心策划、市场调研、可行性论证、经济分析评价,以及后期的营销策划等都必须通过由项目管理全过程制造出的最终产品来实现。

2.It is meaningful to discuss how to control the life-cycle cost ofthe real estate project so that it can not only make real estate enterprises remain invincible in the increasingly mature market competition and reap siginificant economic benefits, but also resonablely control resources which occupy or consume the project itselfand gain fine social ben.随着我国经济的发展,城市化进程的加快,房地产业突飞猛进已成为我国支柱产业,谈谈如何控制房地产项目全寿命周期成本,意义十分深远。

6)real estate development project房地产开发项目

1.Initial analysis on cost control in implementation ofreal estate development project浅议房地产开发项目实施阶段成本控制

2.In the paper, by analyzing the recent situation and the existing problem of environment in the negative relation,we set up the operation pro- gram ofreal estate development project and check table for response relation of environment assessment based on the kinds of the fruit of enviro.本文通过房地产开发项目与环评不良响应关系现状调查和环境问题分析,在综合各类环评成果的基础上,建立了房地产开发项目与环境评价响应关系检查表和响应操作流程。


