100字范文 > 供应链管理(SCM) Supply Chain Management(SCM)英语短句 例句大全

供应链管理(SCM) Supply Chain Management(SCM)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-30 22:19:33


供应链管理(SCM) Supply Chain Management(SCM)英语短句 例句大全

供应链管理(SCM),Supply Chain Management(SCM)

1)Supply Chain Management(SCM)供应链管理(SCM)


1.Supply Chain Management and Information Technology;供应链管理(SCM)与信息技术(IT)

2.The Design and Implementation of Supply Chain Management;SCM供应链管理系统的设计与实现

3.The management of SCM supply chain and the effects it does on the circulation;SCM供应链管理及其对流通业的影响

4.Applicability Study of Supply Chain Management in Construction Industry;供应链管理(SCM)在建筑业中的适用性研究

5.Suppliers relationship management and its evaluation under the circumstance of SCM in Baogang;SCM环境下包钢供应商管理与评价研究

6.Research and Application of Material Supply Management System Orienting to ERP and SCM;面向ERP和SCM的物资供应管理系统研究与应用

7.The Application of Supply Chain"s Supplier Management Theories into H Company"s Supplier Management基于SCM思想的供应商管理在H公司的应用

8.Integration of ERP?CRM and SCM Based on Integrated Supply Chain;基于集成化供应链的ERP、CRM与SCM的整合

9.Demand Chain Management:Market Orientation Based on SCM;需求链管理:基于市场导向的SCM

10.Supply Chain Integration: SCM in Dell Company;供应链一体化——DELL公司的供应链管理

11.New Research Area on Supply Chain--Construction Supply Chain Management;供应链研究的新领域——工程供应链管理

12.Supply Chain and Reverse Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Integration;供应链、逆向供应链管理与企业集成

13.Demand Chain Management--A New Trend of Supply Chain Management;需求链管理——供应链管理的新趋势

14.The Research of Supply Chain Management Based on Internet;基于Internet的供应链管理

15.Management of Supply Links Based on Extranet;基于Extranet的供应链管理

16.Research on Supply Chain Management and Green Supply Chain Management of Construction Engineering Enterprise;建筑业供应链管理和绿色供应链管理的研究

17.Suppliers Management and VMI Application under SCM Strategy;供应链战略下的供应商管理及VMI应用

18.Analysis on the Role of the Learning SC to Emergency Management;学习型供应链对供应链应急管理的作用分析


Supply Chain Management供应链管理(SCM)

3)Supply chain management (SCM)供应链管理(SCM)


5)Supply Chain Management(SCM)供应链(SCM)


1.SCM: Comparative Analysis and Measures between WISCO and Baosteel;供应链管理:武钢与宝钢的对比分析及措施

2.Logistics of Pharmaceutical Industry inSCM Environment;论供应链管理环境下的医药物流

3.Analysis onSCMIS Structure Oriented to Equipment Manufacturing Industry;面向装备制造业供应链管理信息系统结构分析


供应链管理(SCM, Supply Chain Management)供应链管理(SCM, Supply Chain Management):是一项企业电子化的利器。何谓供应链管理?这是一项运用网际网路的整体解决方案,目的在把产品从供应商即时且有效率的运送給厂商与消费者,将物流配送、库存管理、订单处理等资讯流,进行整合,透过网路传输,其功能在于降低库存、保持产品有效期、降低物流成本,以及提高服务顾客品质。
