100字范文 > 里弄肌理 Lane Texture英语短句 例句大全

里弄肌理 Lane Texture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-09 17:27:59


里弄肌理 Lane Texture英语短句 例句大全

里弄肌理,Lane Texture

1)Lane Texture里弄肌理


1.An example oflane residence renovation design in Shanghai上海里弄住宅改造设计一例


1.(of meat) to cook by dry heat in an oven.(指肉)在烤箱里弄干、弄熟。

2.Where"s the money coming from?钱是从哪里弄来的?

3.He has earned a bad name for himself there.他在那里弄得很臭。

4.Where do you think I"ve been getting it?你以为我是从哪里弄来的?

5.I" ve got some grit in my shoe.我的鞋子里弄进了一些砂子。

6.I"ve got a speck of dust in my eye.我眼睛里弄进了一粒灰尘。

7.He crushed out his cigarette in the ashtray.他在烟灰缸里弄熄了香烟。

8.A stunk made a bad smell in our yard last night.昨天臭鼬在我们院子里弄得好臭。

9.He was bewildered, and yet he wanted to know.他弄得糊里糊涂,却仍然想弄个明白。

10.Just leave it, Chris, that"s fine,before you wreck the place.别弄了,克里斯,没关系的免得到时你弄垮了这里

11.(of bread and pastries) cooked by dry heat (as in an oven).(指面包和馅饼)通过加热弄干、弄熟(例如在烤箱里)。

12.She plunged the burning pan into water and put out the flames.她将着火的锅扔进水里,将火弄灭了。

13.Not wanting to surprise Li in the act, Hung-chien quickly went into a small alley.鸿渐不好意思撞破他,忙向小弄里躲了。

14.His head was still in such a whirl that he felt confused.他的头还在打着转转,弄得他糊里糊涂。

15.Richard was fiddling with the Ford"s radio.理查德在摆弄这辆福特车里的收音机。

16.teenagers going for joy-rides round town开着弄来的汽车在城里兜风的年轻人.

17.I fell down the stairs at home and broke my arm.我在家里的楼梯上跌倒,弄断了手臂。

18.There"s something between my teeth and I can"t dislodge it.我牙缝里塞了点东西, 就是弄不出来.



1.An example oflane residence renovation design in Shanghai上海里弄住宅改造设计一例

3)Cantonese style lilong广式里弄

1.Cantonese style lilong originated in the early 20th century in Shanghai.广式里弄产生于20世纪初的上海。

4)terrace house里弄住宅

5)LiNong Housing里弄建筑

1.Residents Life Style of Modern Wuhan and Development ofLiNong Housing;近代武汉市民生活形态与里弄建筑的产生和发展

6)LiLong Housing in Wuhan武汉里弄

1.Typology Method in the Conservation and Renewal ofLiLong Housing in Wuhan;武汉里弄保护更新的类型学研究




原料:大米1杯、广式香肠(肝肠)、广式叉烧、广式腊肝(肉)各115克辅料:a猪油1大匙、盐1/2茶匙、味精少许b猪油、酱油各1茶匙、油1小匙做法:1 广式香肠、肝肠、腊肝、叉烧先泡入热水约5分钟,取出,洗净,用牙签在有肥肉处戳数下。2 米洗净,沥干水分,与调味料a一同拌匀,以大火煮至米面汤汁已干后,铺放上1,盖上锅盖,改小火续焖约15分钟。3 打开锅盖,翻动一下上层的腊味,再用筷子在饭上戳数个小洞,再加盖焖10分钟后,浇淋调味料b,继续焖10分钟,熄火。4 取出各式腊味,切片,摆放在饭上即可。tips:烹制前,先戳刺腊味的肥肉,可使油脂溢出,方便腊味的蒸汁流入饭中,使饭粒具有腊味,各式腊肠、肝肠等吃起来也不腻口。
