100字范文 > 内在需要 internal needs英语短句 例句大全

内在需要 internal needs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-24 17:59:51


内在需要 internal needs英语短句 例句大全

内在需要,internal needs

1)internal needs内在需要

1.On the Internal Needs of Children s Growth with Their Countermeasures in the Era of Internet;互联网时代未成年人成长的内在需要及对策研究

2.Focusing on abstract paintings,Kandinsky s aesthetic thoughts evolve mainly in three directions: the possibility of the abstract independent formal elements and "internal harmony" in the world of painting;the possibility of artistic autonomy and the ontological principle of "internal needs";the return to the origin of life and the realization of aesthetic appreciation on the basis of the former.围绕抽象绘画,康定斯基的美学思想主要在三个方面展开:抽象独立的形式元素和“内在和谐”的绘画世界怎样可能;艺术的自治精神和“内在需要”的本体原则何以确立;回归生命的本源意识和以此为基础的审美方式如何实现。


1.Mechanization is the inner demand for the agricultural and rural development.农业机械化是农业和农村发展的内在需要。

2.and not need another drink for a week!在以后的一周内不需要再饮水!

3.Choose the setting that meets your needs for the content you are encoding.选择符合正在编码的内容需要的设置。

4.Ascension requires change, and change in the physical.提升需要改变,而改变在身体内。

5.Empirical results are needed in the transonic Mach regime.在跨音速马赫数范围内需要经验结果。

6.that requires the observer to truly look and behold.内在美才真需要观察者观察和领悟。

7.The Mayan calendar will need to be adjusted by one day in 380,000 years.玛雅历法需要在380,000年内调整一天。

8.When do I need to deposit funds into my account after the account is established?帐户开设后需要在多少时间内存入资金?

9.Kathy, we don"t have to try to see all of Copenhagen in a few days.凯西,我们不需要试图在几天内看完哥本哈根。

10.Please time how long it takes me to do two lengths of the pool.请测一下我在泳池内游一个来回需要多长时间。

11.What clothes do I need for Rio in February?在里约热内卢的二月份,我需要穿什么衣服?

12.The manual labours have to use( portable) johns during their working hours.劳动者在工作时间内需要使用流动性厕所。

13.You will need to seek professional advice about your claim for compensation.你在索赔的问题上需要内行人士作指导.

14.In these Terms and Conditions unless the context requires otherwise:除非文本内容另有需要,在这些协议与条款中:

15.The need is a kind of inherent state of the life organism.需要是生命有机体的一种内在固有状态。

16.We need machines whose parts can be obtains in home market.我们需要能在国内市场买到零件的机器。

17.Leucocyte and red blood cell are inside index, does need go again check what?白细胞和红细胞都在指标内,需要再去验什么呢?

18.Baby formulas are exempt from the ban but will be examined.婴儿配方奶不在禁令之内,但是需要接受检查。


internal need内在性需要

3)inner need theory内在需要原理

4)needs of inner内心需要

5)Inner demand内在需求

1.To solve problems of lacking practicability in teaching of Marxist theory course in vocational college,efforts should first be focused on students themselves and improve their inner demands for the education of Marxist theory.解决高等职业院校马克思主义理论课教育教学实效性不强的问题,要将着眼点首先放在受教育者主体身上,提升他们对马克思主义理论教育的内在需求性。

6)external need外在性需要


股票内在价值 股票内在价值——股票内在价值即理论价值,也即股票未来收益的现值,取决于预期股息收入和市场收益率。
