100字范文 > 初始种群 initial population英语短句 例句大全

初始种群 initial population英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-14 02:36:44


初始种群 initial population英语短句 例句大全

初始种群,initial population

1)initial population初始种群

1.Study on the productive method on theinitial population by using genetic algorithms to solve the constrained optimization problems;用遗传算法求解约束优化问题时初始种群产生方法的探讨

2.Research oninitial population of genetic algorithm for short-term economic operation of hydropower systems;水电系统经济运行中遗传算法初始种群研究

3.Design the Initial Population of the GENOCOP Algorithm;GENOCOP算法的初始种群的确定


1.Design the Initial Population of the GENOCOP Algorithm;GENOCOP算法的初始种群的确定

2.Mining Classification Rules Based on Genetic Algorithms with Non-random Initial Population基于非随机初始种群遗传算法的分类规则挖掘

3.Effective Initial Population Generation Based Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution Networks基于有效生成初始种群的配电网无功规划优化遗传算法

4.By using this method, the speed of caculation is obviously faster than that of using the random caculation directly to e- volve the initial population.该方法较直接利用随机数产生初始种群的方法具有更快的运算速度。

5.Neighbour field method for population initialization of TSP一种求解TSP初始化种群问题的邻域法

6.Improvement on Population Initialization of Genetic Algorithm Solution for VRP遗传算法求解VRP的种群初始化改进

7.The crash reduces the population size toward the original level.随着暴跌,导致种群数量回到它的初始水平。

8.Failed to call initialize on the cluster config initiliaze interface.未能在群集配置初始化接口上调用初始化。

9.Failed to call initialize on the cluster config initiliaze interface. This issue can be resolved using Cluster Administrator.未能调用群集配置初始化接口上的初始化。这个问题可以通过使用群集管理器解决。

10.The Research on Initialization of Ants System and Configuration of Parameters for Different TSP Problems in Ant Algorithm蚁群算法中系统初始化及系统参数的研究

11.Simulation of Genetic Drift in Closed Population under Different Initial Gene Frequencies不同初始基因频率下闭锁群体遗传漂变的模拟

12.Effect of initial conditions on climax community in hydrogen bio-production reactor初始条件对生物制氢反应器中顶极群落的影响

13.I see. What about the initial deposit amount for the other two?明白了。其他两种的初始存款额是多少?

parison and Evaluation of MM5 Forecasting Results between Two Different Initial Fields两种初始场MM5模式预报效果对比评估

15.A K-means Algorithm Based on Optimized Initial Center Points一种优化初始中心点的K-means算法

16.Preliminary Survey on Distribution Characteristics and Population Density of Miscanthus sacchariflorus Community in Hubei Province湖北省荻群落分布特点和种群密度的初步调查

17.Have you any idea of the birth pangs of civilization?你知道人类文明创始之初的种种艰难吗?

18.Dynamics of Energy Flow in Capra hircus Population.成都麻羊种群能量流动态的初步研究


population initialization种群初始化

1.An effective heuristicpopulation initialization technology based on problem characteristic and solutions to overcome the premature convergence problem of the algorithm are studied.提出了一种解决位置管理问题的差分进化算法,给出了一种将采用浮点编码的种群个体映射为问题解的方法、基于问题特性的种群初始化启发式方法,以及早熟收敛问题的解决策略。

2.An effective heuristicpopulation initialization technology based on problem characteristic and solutions to overcome the premature convergence problem of the algorithm were studied.提出了一种解决位置管理问题的离散差分进化算法,给出了种群的离散编码方法和一种新的变异操作机制,提出了基于问题特性的种群初始化启发式方法,以及早熟收敛问题的解决策略。

3)Searching for excellent initial group初始种群寻优

4)Chaotic Initial Population混沌初始种群

1.TheChaotic Initial Population helps to improve the initial diversity.为实现提高接触网系统的可靠性并降低维修费用的目标,本文提出了一种混沌自适应进化算法(CESA)来求解这一多目标优化问题,新算法的混沌初始种群算子提高了初代种群的多样性,分组选择策略保证了各代中一定数量的劣势个体能参与进化,自适应遗传算子增加了劣势个体的交叉和变异概率,从而避免算法早熟,增强了算法的全局搜索能力。

5)initial population diversity初始种群多样性

1.An average hamming distance method was proposed for measuring theinitial population diversity.提出平均海明距离方法来度量初始种群的多样性,建立理论模型分析短周期PRNG(一种典型低质量PRNG)周期、GA个体编码长度等因素对GA初始种群多样性的影响规律。

6)initial population初始群体

1.Improvement and implementation of technology ofinitial population in genetic algorithm;遗传算法中初始群体技术的改进与实现


