100字范文 > 外交关系 diplomatic relations英语短句 例句大全

外交关系 diplomatic relations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-19 03:59:52


外交关系 diplomatic relations英语短句 例句大全

外交关系,diplomatic relations

1)diplomatic relations外交关系

1.Nevertheless,there existed the following favorable conditions for the establishment ofdiplomatic relations between China and the European Communities: 1.基于以上原因 ,中欧在 1975年建立了外交关系 ,从而揭开了双边关系中新的一页。

2.The dissertation focuses on the history of the tangle, the foreign policies of the three powers in relation to Samoa, anddiplomatic relations among them.本文主要从大国外交政策和外交关系的角度论述1871-1900年的萨摩亚问题。

3.Culture has constituted an important constraint on nations’diplomatic actions anddiplomatic relations.文化因素越来越成为国家外交行为,外交关系的重要制约因素,外交中文化因素的研究成为国际政治研究领域的重要课题之一。


1.diplomatic relationsph.1.外交关系

2.an exercise in diplomatic relations外交关系上的举动.

3.establish (resume,sever) diplomatic relations建立(恢复、断绝)外交关系

4.Break off diplomatic relations with a country与某国断绝外交关系

5.Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations维也纳外交关系公约

6.to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level建立大使级外交关系

7.The two countries terminated diplomatic relations.该两国终止外交关系。

8.In September of that year, China and Japan restored diplomatic relations.九月恢复中日外交关系。

9.the severance of diplomatic relations, of communications, of family ties外交关系、 通讯、 家庭关系的断绝.

10.The Mexican Foreign Minister said the exchange was a step toward normal relations.墨西哥外交部长说互派外交大使是双方恢复正常外交关系的一步。

11.Libya has diplomatic ties with Beijing, and not Taiwan.利比亚与北京方面有外交关系,与台湾没有外交关系。

12.a breach of diplomatic relations between two countries两国之间外交关系的破裂.

13.The two countries severed diplomatic relations because of the Border problem由于边界问题,两国中断了外交关系。

14.Iran ruptured its diplomatic relations with Iraq.伊朗断绝了与伊拉克 的外交关系.

15.Pave the way for the normalization of the diplomatic relations Between the two countries为两国外交关系正常化铺路

16.The United States severed diplomatic relations with CuBa in 1961.美国于1961年中断了同古巴的外交关系。

17.In January 1979, the People"s Republic of China and the United States established formal diplomatic relations.1979年1月,中美两国正式建立外交关系。

18.Britain was about to break off diplomatic relations with Libya.英国曾打算与利比亚断绝外交关系。


foreign relations外交关系

1.Vietnamand USA renewed theirforeign relations in 1995 and since then, their relations have got a full-scale and rapid development.越南与美国于1995年恢复了正常的外交关系,并随之取得了全面、飞速的发展。

3)the law of foreign relations外交关系法

4)triangular diplomatic relations三角外交关系

5)Foreign Relations Committee外交关系委员会

1.Based on committee system, the leverage American congresshas over foreign affairs is effected, to a large extent, by the International RelationsCommittee of the House of Representatives and theForeign Relations Committee ofthe Senate, the latter is more influential of the two.根据美国宪法,总统与国会分享外交权,而委员会制度是美国国会的基础,国会的外交权在很大程度上交到了委员会手中,具体由众议院的国际关系委员会和参议院的外交关系委员会行使,其中参议院外委会的权力和影响力更大一些。

6)Severance of Diplomatic Relations断绝外交关系


