100字范文 > 国际关系理论 international relations theory英语短句 例句大全

国际关系理论 international relations theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-10 20:55:16


国际关系理论 international relations theory英语短句 例句大全

国际关系理论,international relations theory

1)international relations theory国际关系理论

1.China s Peaceful Rising in the Perspective of International Relations Theory;国际关系理论视野下的中国和平崛起

2.Relationality and processual construction:bringing Chinese ideas intointernational relations theory关于本位与过程建构:将中国理念植入国际关系理论(英文)

3.Feministinternational relations theory came into being at the late 1980s.女性主义国际关系理论产生于20世纪80年代中后期。


1.Game Theory and Development of International Economic Law;国际关系理论中的博弈论与国际经济法的发展

2.Construction of Chinese Theory and Chinese School of International Relations;建构中国国际关系理论 创建中国学派

3.On the Absence of Social Variables in IR Theories;论国际关系理论中社会性因素的缺失

4.English School and the Concept of International Society国际关系理论中的英国学派与国际社会学说

5.It also presents a discussion of connections between theories of international relations and major changes in international relations.本课程也会论及国际关系理论和国际关系重大变化之间的联系。

6.Rationalism and Its Influence on IR Theories;理性主义及其对国际关系理论的影响

7.World History, the English School and International Relations Theory世界历史、英国学派与国际关系理论

8.China s Peaceful Rising in the Perspective of International Relations Theory;国际关系理论视野下的中国和平崛起

9.A Theoretical Analysis of International Relations of China s Good-Neighbor Diplomacy;对中国睦邻外交的国际关系理论分析

10.Chinese International Relations Theories:A Subjective Perspective;中国的国际关系理论:一种主体性视角

11.Contemporary Chinese IR Theories:Status Quo and Development当代中国国际关系理论:现状和发展

12.The Interaction between the Teaching of International Relations and International Law;国际关系理论与国际法学在教学上的互动

13.Review of International Relations Theories and International Hot Issues (Last Part);国际关系理论和国际热点问题研究述评(下)

14.Analysis of Violation of International Norm in International Politics违反国际规范行为的国际关系理论分析

15.Nationalizing International Theory:The Emergence of the "English School" and "IR Theory with ChineseCharacteristics;对国际理论的民族化——英国学派与中国特色国际关系理论的浮现

16.Gender and International Relations:Research on the Possibility of Constructing a Feminist Theory of International Relations;性别与国际关系:有关“女性主义国际关系理论建构的可能性”的探讨

17.The Scientism Trap in International Relations Theoretical Studies;国际关系理论研究中的“科学主义陷阱”

18.A Preliminary Study of Relations between International Trade Theoryand International Direct Investment Theory;国际贸易理论和国际直接投资理论关系初探


theory of international relations国际关系理论

1.The three Connections and its effluence of moderntheory of international relations and international law studies;论现代国际关系理论与国际法研究的三次联结及其影响

2.Chinesetheory of international relations can be derived from four sources, namely, Marxisttheory of international relations, theory and practice of China’s diplomacy after the liberation, the essence of Chinese culture and foreign theories of international relations.中国国际关系理论体系的创立有四大理论来源:马克思主义关于国际关系的理论、新中国外交的理论与实践、中华文化精粹和外国国际关系理论。

3)IR theory国际关系理论

1.The English School has made positive contributions to the enrichment and development ofIR theory.英国学派为国际关系理论的丰富和发展做出了积极贡献,其别具一格的研究传统成为学者们不断挖掘的思想宝库。

4)the theory of international relations国际关系理论

1.On Value Tendencies in the Theory of International Relations;国际关系理论中的价值取向问题

2.But because of the peculiarity of art science, nationality is also an important characteristic ofthe theory of international relations.本文是从知识性的角度讨论国际关系理论的普适性和国别性。

5)Theories of International Relations国际关系学理论

6)main strain theories of the US IR美国主流国际关系理论

1.Great international fames has been given to him for his challenging themain strain theories of the US IR,and for his constructing a new English School.挑战美国主流国际关系理论学派的经历和建树使他享有极高的国际声誉,对多元方法论的遵从又使他能与英国学派的学统交融。


