100字范文 > 消谐模型 harmonic elimination model英语短句 例句大全

消谐模型 harmonic elimination model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-22 15:52:14


消谐模型 harmonic elimination model英语短句 例句大全

消谐模型,harmonic elimination model

1)harmonic elimination model消谐模型

1.The Homotopy algorithm of the inverterharmonic elimination model is presented and the problem must be solved to gain Homotopy mapping is analysed in this paper.:提出了逆变器消谐模型求解的同伦算法 ,分析了消谐模型的建立、同伦映射的特点及同伦方程的求解方法 ,研究了在具体应用中同伦算法的优化步骤 ,给出了算例 ,证明了此方法的正确性。

2.The Homotopy algorithm of the inverterharmonic elimination model is presented and the Homotopy mapping is analysed in this paper.主要研究逆变器消谐模型求解的同伦算法,分析消谐模型的建立,同伦映射的特点及同伦方程的求解方法,并用实例进行分析,证明了此方法的正确性。

2)L-type eliminatorL型消谐器

3)harmonic model谐波模型

1.Based on the harmonic balance theory,the linearharmonic models are built for the two-level and three-le.该文对电磁轴承脉宽调制型开关功放,基于谐波平衡原理,建立电磁轴承开关功放的线性化谐波模型。

2.Based on the discussion of three phaseharmonic models of power system main elements and traction substations,by using nodal admittance matrices, a three phaseharmonic model of the whole system is presented.本文在用节点导纳矩阵法讨论了同步发电机、电力变压器、输电线、并联补偿装置、综合负荷和牵引变电所的三相谐波模型的基础上,建立了全系统的三相谐波模型,从而为应用三相分析法进行谐波分布计算奠定了基础。


1.A Study of Fundamental and Harmonic Frequency Modeling for Traction Network of Electric Railways;电气化铁道牵引网基波与谐波模型研究

2.An Investigation on the Modeling and Characteristics and Flicker Effect of Interharmonics;间谐波源模型和间谐波电压特性及其闪变效应的研究

3.Harmonic Model for Nonlinear Power Electronic Circuits and Its Application to Harmonic Analysis非线性电力电子装置的谐波源模型及其在谐波分析中的应用

4.Investigation of the MOA S Model Monitoring On-line Based on Harmonic-analysis Method;基于谐波分析法的MOA在线监测数学模型的研究

5.Element Modeling and System Simulation for Power System Harmonics;电力系统谐波分析的元件模型和系统仿真

6.The Research on Harmonic Source Model of Electrified Railway Traction Load电气化铁路牵引负荷的谐波源模型研究

7.A Novel Neural Network Model for Power System Harmonics Analysis一种适用于电力系统谐波分析的神经网络模型

8.An Algorithm of Optimal Phase Estimation in Harmonic Sinusoidal Speech Model一种谐波正弦语音模型的最佳相位估计算法

9.Harmonic Source Location Based on Non-linearity Index of Time-Domain Equivalent Model基于负荷时域等值模型非线性度的谐波源定位

10.Harmonic Resonance Research of Power System Based on Model Analysis Method;基于模态分析法的电网谐波谐振研究

11.Structure Analysis of Propeller Radiated-noise DEMON Spectrum Feature基于模型的舰船辐射噪声包络谱谐波族特征结构分析

12.Study on Modeling and Solution Algorithms of Capacitor Optimization with Harmonic Consideration in Distribution Systems;考虑谐波影响的配电网电容器优化模型及相关算法研究

13.The Interaction of 1-D Model Atom with Two-Color Laser Field and the Enhancement of Conversion Efficiency of HHG;一维模型原子与双色激光场相互作用及高次谐波转化效率的提高

14.The Interaction of 1-D Model Atom with Laser Field and the Enhancement of Conversion Efficiency of HHG;激光与一维模型原子相互作用及高次谐波转化效率的提高

15.Parameters Estimation of Two-dimensional Harmonics Signal Based on Quaternion Model;基于四元数模型的二维谐波信号参量估计算法研究

16.Study of Methods of Harmonic Retrieval of State-space Model Based on Cross-high-order Cumulants;基于互高阶累积量的状态空间模型的谐波恢复方法的研究

17.The High-Order Harmonics Generation from a One-Dimensional Model Atom and a United Two-Atom System by Two-Color Laser Field;一维模型原子和联合双原子体系在双色场辐照下的高次谐波发射

18.The High-Order Harmonics and Attosecond Pulse from a Model Atom Irradiated by Bichromatic Laser Field;模型原子在双色场辐照下的高次谐波发射及阿秒脉冲生成


L-type eliminatorL型消谐器

3)harmonic model谐波模型

1.Based on the harmonic balance theory,the linearharmonic models are built for the two-level and three-le.该文对电磁轴承脉宽调制型开关功放,基于谐波平衡原理,建立电磁轴承开关功放的线性化谐波模型。

2.Based on the discussion of three phaseharmonic models of power system main elements and traction substations,by using nodal admittance matrices, a three phaseharmonic model of the whole system is presented.本文在用节点导纳矩阵法讨论了同步发电机、电力变压器、输电线、并联补偿装置、综合负荷和牵引变电所的三相谐波模型的基础上,建立了全系统的三相谐波模型,从而为应用三相分析法进行谐波分布计算奠定了基础。

4)spherical harmonic model球谐模型

5)resonant model谐振模型

1.By study the reflection coefficients of different thicknesses of fluid layers,two models,resonant model and spring model,are developed to characterize the thickness of fluid layer respectively by the resonant frequency and stiffness coefficient.通过对不同厚度流体层反射系数曲线的理论分析,得到流体层厚度超声反射系数测量的谐振模型和弹簧模型,即通过流体层的谐振频率和刚度系数来表征其厚度。

6)energy-absorbing resonance eliminator吸能型消谐器


