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量子间隔 quantum interval英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-26 22:49:20


量子间隔 quantum interval英语短句 例句大全

量子间隔,quantum interval

1)quantum interval量子间隔

2)gap metric间隔度量

1.Application ofgap metric for SISO systems;关于SISO系统间隔度量的应用问题

3)quantized interva量化间隔


1.Conversion of an analog signal to a digital signal, with steps between specified levels.利用规定量化间隔,把模拟信号转化成数字信号。参阅quantization。

2.Airport terminal area flow optimization based on aircraft traffic gaps基于机型间隔的机场终端区流量优化

3.Development and application of engineering for measurement equipment calibration interval analysis method测量设备校准间隔确定方法工程化应用与发展

4.A Method of Time Interval Measurement Based on Time-phase Procession一种基于均匀量化移相的精密时间间隔测量技术

5.Chaotic FH Sequences With Given Minimum Gap Based on Chaos and Twice Interval-Division基于区间二级划分动态量化宽间隔混沌跳频序列

6.A Quantitative Study of Students Learning Intervals during Online Learning;远程网络教学中学习者行为间隔的量化分析与反思

7.Long-term Impact of Transcatheter Atrial Septal Defect Closure in Cardiac Remodelling and Exercise Capacity房间隔缺损封堵后远期心室重构及运动耐量的变化

8.Optimization of Calibration Interval for Automatic Test System Based on Support Vector Regression基于支持向量回归的自动测试系统校准间隔动态优化

9.an instrument for measuring the time difference between two events.测量两个事件时间间隔的仪器。

10.an instrument for accurate measurements of small intervals of time.精确测量小的时间间隔的仪器。

11.The Design of a High Resolution Time Interval Measurement Instrument高分辨率时间间隔测量仪设计与实现

12.Design of High-precision Ultrashort Time Interval Measurement Module高精度超短时间间隔测量模块的设计

13.A Design for the Precise Time-interval Measuring Instrument Based FPGA基于FPGA的精密时间间隔测量仪设计

14.The amount of time between two specified instants, events, or states.间隔两个特定瞬间、事件、或状态之间的时间量

15.Ultra-short Interval Measurement Based on TDC Technique基于时间数字转换技术的超短时间间隔测量

16.A register whose content changes at regular intervals in such a way as to measure time.其内容按有规律的间隔进行变化的一种寄存器,可用来度量时间。建议使用timer。

17.The components occur at infinitisimally small frequency.分量是在无限小频率间隔上出现的。

18.The Energy-Level Gap of Coordinate-Momentum Cross Coupling Harmonic Oscillators坐标-动量交叉耦合谐振子的能级间隔


gap metric间隔度量

1.Application ofgap metric for SISO systems;关于SISO系统间隔度量的应用问题

3)quantized interva量化间隔

4)augmental interva增量间隔

5)pipe way管子隔间

6)spindle distance锭子间隔


单量子阱(见量子阱)单量子阱(见量子阱)single quantum well单且子阱sillgle quantum well见量子阱。
