100字范文 > 林业保险 forestry insurance英语短句 例句大全

林业保险 forestry insurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-14 05:35:46


林业保险 forestry insurance英语短句 例句大全

林业保险,forestry insurance

1)forestry insurance林业保险

1.The main difficulty lies in existing forestry risk determined,confirming the insured amount,charging for the premium,compensating for risk accidents,coordinatingforestry insurance and forestry protection,short of insurance legal system etc.我国林业保险发展缓慢,近来更是停滞不前,经营中存在的林业风险难以测定、投保保额精算困难、保费筹集不易、赔偿处理麻烦、林业保险与保护难以统一、保险行为所依据的法律体系不健全等技术问题是造成这一经营局面的重要原因。

2.By the way, the paper gives the ways to complete the forestry right mortgage system, which are completing the forestry right register system, culturing the intermediary market of forestry right, building the transaction system of forestry right andforestry insurance system.通过对福建、辽宁、河北等地林权抵押的实践分析我国林权抵押存在林权登记制度不完善、林权抵押成本高昂、林权抵押权实现困难等制度障碍,并提出应从完善林权登记制度、培育林权中介市场、建立林权交易体系和林业保险体制方面完善我国林权抵押制度。

3.It should complete the forestry right register system,culture the intermediary market of forestry right,build the transaction system of forestry right andforestry insurance system to complete the forestry right mortgage system.通过分析集体林权的物权属性,指出中国林权抵押存在林权登记制度不完善、林权抵押成本高昂、林权抵押权实现困难等制度障碍,并提出应从完善林权登记制度、培育林权中介市场、建立林权交易体系和林业保险体制方面完善中国林权抵押制度。


1.Mechanism Analysis of the Forestry Standardization Bringing about an Advance of Forestry Insurance;林业标准化促进林业保险发展的机理分析

2.The Study on the Problem of the Policy Agriculture Insurance Development of Jilin Province;吉林省政策性农业保险发展问题研究

3.A Research Report on Commercial Insurance Demands in Ji Lin Province;吉林省商业保险市场需求的调查报告

4.Study on further Expanding the Forestry Insurance Business;关于进一步拓展森林保险业务的研究

5.Study on the Countermeasures for the Forest Insurance in South China"s Collective Forest Regions我国南方集体林区森林保险事业发展对策研究

6.The New Direction of the Development of Endowment Insurance in Jilin Province-Enterprise Annuity;吉林省养老保险发展的新方向——企业年金

7.Insurance Lock" of Insurance Industry--Interpretation of the New Insurance Law;保险业的“保险锁”——新保险法解析

8.The Insured involves in mining, lumbering, building, transporting, waterborne, aloft, or other similar occupational activities.被保险人涉及采矿业、森林砍伐业、建筑工程业、运输业、水上作业、高空作业之类职业活动。

9.(The writer is an insurance sales representative.)(作者从事保险业)。

10.The comparative study of agricultural insurance and disaster relief--A research on 494 rural families in Jilin province农业保险和巨灾救济的比较研究——来自吉林省494户农民的调查证据

mercial blanket fidelity bond insurance商业总括忠诚保证保险

12.The insurance won"t cover this.保险业不会保护这个。

13.in the city, efforts will be made to set up and improve the security system including the old-age insurance, medicare insurance, unemployment insurance, and child-bearing insurance.在城市,建立健全养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、生育保险等保障制度。

14.banking and insurance services银行业务和保险业务

15.general liability business [insurance]一般责任业务〔保险业〕

16.Familiar with insurance industry and insurance law, etc.熟悉保险行业、中华人民共和国保险法。

17.The insurance covers fire, theft and loss of work .保险范围包括防火、防盗及失业保险。

18.Institute Cargo Clauses-W.A.伦敦保险业公会货物保险条款


forest insurance森林保险

1.Current status and countermeasures offorest insurance development in China;我国森林保险发展的现状、问题与对策研究

2.With a history of nearly 100 years,theforest insurance started from Europe.森林保险起源于国外,瑞典、芬兰、日本等国家的森林保险发展水平较高。

3)forestry insurance森林保险

1.By the research offorestry insurance,discussed the significance offorestry insurance,the foreign experience offorestry insurance,domestic experimental experience,the characteristic offorestry insurance,rate classfication offorestry insurance,the bid confirmation offorestry insurance,compensation princinple of forestry loss,etc.通过对森林保险的研究,论述了森林保险的重要意义,森林保险国外经验和我国森林保险试点经验,森林保险的特性,森林保险等级的划分,森林保险标的的确定,森林损失补偿原则等,并针对目前森林保险工作存在问题,提出解决的办法。

2.It plays a significant role in developing the ecological civilization, andforestry insurance is the essential guarantee of the sustainable development of forestry.林业是一项重要的公益事业和基础产业,在建设生态文明中起着不可替代的重要作用,而森林保险是林业可持续发展的必要保障。

3.Because of the existence of market failure,government should provide policy support for the insurance companies runningforestry insurance to achieve the widest coverage of forestry producers.森林保险是我国农业保险体系中的重要组成部分,具备降低受灾损失和为林业改革提供保险保障两方面的作用。

4)forest insurance林木保险

1.In China,subsidy is a main form to promote the development offorest insurance.我国在促进林木保险发展时主要采取补贴方式,具体分为向林农补贴和向保险公司补贴两种方法。

2.Theforest insurance experimental work begun at 1984 in China, but little progress has been made, and has a far cry from meeting the demands of the forestry development.从林业的准公共产品性质、我国林业和林木保险发展需要,以及我国政策性农业保险的成效、国外林木保险发展经验出发,指出在我国建立政策性林木保险制度的必要性,认为建立政策性林木保险制度是促进林木保险发展,促进林业发展的有效途径。

5)Forestry Risk林业风险

6)insurance companies保险企业

1.Sustaining development of insurance industry of China relies heavily on innovations ofinsurance companies which haven t behaved so well in the past years.当前我国保险业的持续健康发展需要依靠保险企业良好的创新表现,但实践表明,我国保险企业的创新表现并不理想。

2.Being confronted with the challenge after " entry to WTO " and facing the enormous potential insurance market, China nationalinsurance companies should seize the opportunity, be ready for the challenge, and adopt the positive marketing strategy to improve its competence in the market .但现在的一些保险企业不思提高经营管理水平,完善经营活动,而是一味采用加费返佣,提成回扣等不正当手段来促进销售,在致使其经营状况恶劣的同时,也严重影响了我国民族保险的声誉。


