100字范文 > 清热泻火 eliminating heat and purging fire英语短句 例句大全

清热泻火 eliminating heat and purging fire英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-20 06:55:51


清热泻火 eliminating heat and purging fire英语短句 例句大全

清热泻火,eliminating heat and purging fire

1)eliminating heat and purging fire清热泻火

1.Objective:To observe the curative effect of facial acne treatment with the method ofeliminating heat and purging fire.目的:观察清热泻火法对面部痤疮的疗效。


1.The Effect of Qingrexiehuo on Nerve Media of the Pigeon in Vomiting Due to Chemotherapy;清热泻火法对家鸽化疗呕吐神经递质的影响

2.Clinical Observation on Clearing Away Heat and Reducing Fire Treatment to Acute Carotid Artery Atherosclerotic清热泻火为主治疗颈动脉粥样硬化疗效观察

3.Study on Effects of Clearing Away Heat and Purging Fire from Gypsum and Baihu Decoction石膏及白虎汤清热泻火功效的实验研究

4.So she took large amount of heat-clearing and fire-purging drugs. The symptoms were relieved after taking the drugs but reoccurred if she stopped taking them.忽感咽喉疼痛,饮漱难下,遂用大量清热泻火之药,症状得以缓和,但药停即发。

5.Evaluation of Curative Effect and Research of Primary Mechanism of Action on Heat-clearing and Purging Pathogenic Fire (HPPF) Treating Essential Hypertention of Youth and Middle Age;清热泻火法治疗青壮年原发性高血压的疗效评价及初步作用机制研究

6.for fire-syndrome resulting from stagnation of vital energy and blood, expelling wind-evil and clearing away heat, purging fire and clearing away toxic material in early stage, and nourishing the liver and kidney to improve eyesight in late stage.气血遏郁化火者早期以疏风清热,泻火解毒,后期宜溢养肝肾明日为主.

7.Clinical Study on Tension-type Headache Treated with Removing Heat from the Liver Following Traditional Chinese Medicine清肝泻火法治疗神经性头痛的临床研究

8.The report of 65 examples about using alleviates fever dispels for the spleen to treat the young child autumn diarrhoea;清热祛湿健脾法治疗小儿秋季腹泻65例

9.Aloe can purge head, purify liver, keep clean and kill parasite as the main material for skin care product.芦荟具有泻火清肝、保洁杀虫等功用,是护肤品的主要材料。

10.The Effects of Qinggan Xiehuo Prescription on Graves Disease Rats about the Expression of Inflammatory Factors and Related Proteins清肝泻火方对Graves病大鼠炎性因子及相关蛋白表达的影响

11.Clinical Study with Method of Qing Gan Xie Xin and Zi Yin Run Zao in Treating Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Xin Gan Yu Re Syndrome;清肝泻心 滋阴润燥法治疗糖尿病(心肝郁热证)的临床研究

12.To undergo or cause an emptying of the bowels.使…泻清完成或引起肠胃的泻清

13.Clinical study of Xiexin capsule on stenocardia of coronary heart disease in fire-evil stagnation type and effects of it on inflammatory factor泻心胶囊对火邪热结型冠心病心绞痛的临床观察及对炎症因子干预作用

14.Tending to cleanse or purge, especially causing evacuation of the bowels.催泻的,净化的尤指导致腹泻的净化或清洗的

15.The Clinical Observation for the 108 Endoretention of Damp Heat Samples that Taken Xie Li Xiao Capsules泻痢消胶囊治疗湿热泄泻108例临床观察

16.Effects of QingReJiangHuoFang on Recurrent Oral Ulcer Rats with Type of Hyperactivity of Fire Caused by Deficiency of YIN;清热降火方对阴虚火旺型复发性口腔溃疡的影响

17.Care should be taken to eliminate sources of ignition such as sparks from electrical equipment, static electricity sparks, open flames, or any extremely hot objects.必须特别小心地清除火源,如电力设备的火花、静电火花、明火或任何很热的物体。

18.The"Xiehuo"Effect of Guangdong Herbal Tea and Its Composition广东凉茶的“泻火”作用与物质基础研究


Heat-clearing and Purging Pathogenic Fire清热泻火法

1.Evaluation of Curative Effect and Research of Primary Mechanism of Action onHeat-clearing and Purging Pathogenic Fire (HPPF) Treating Essential Hypertention of Youth and Middle Age;清热泻火法治疗青壮年原发性高血压的疗效评价及初步作用机制研究

3)heat-clearing fire-draining formula清热泻火剂

4)Qingrexiehuo capsules清热泻火胶囊

5)clearing ministerial fire清泻相火

6)clearing heart-fire清心泻火


