100字范文 > 反流性疾病问卷 Reflux disease questionnaire英语短句 例句大全

反流性疾病问卷 Reflux disease questionnaire英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-23 07:55:41


反流性疾病问卷 Reflux disease questionnaire英语短句 例句大全

反流性疾病问卷,Reflux disease questionnaire

1)Reflux disease questionnaire反流性疾病问卷

1.Diagnostic value of reflux disease questionnaires in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease反流性疾病问卷对胃食管反流病的诊断价值


1.Diagnostic value of reflux disease questionnaires in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease反流性疾病问卷对胃食管反流病的诊断价值

2.The Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse Questionnaire(CECA.Q):Reliability and Validity in Depressive Disorder;儿童虐待史问卷在抑郁性疾病群体中的信效度

3.The Epidemiological Study of GERD and FGID胃食管反流病和胃肠道功能性疾病的调查研究

4.A Correlation Study on the Pancreaticobiliary and Duodenal-biliary Refluxes in Biliary Tract Diseases胆道疾病中胰胆反流和肠胆反流现象的观察及相关性的研究

5.autoallergic disease自身变态反应性疾病

6.Effect of Qi-Iowering and Stomach Regulating in Patients of Chronic Olbstruetive Pulmonary Disease with Gastroesophageal Reniix Disease降逆和胃方治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病伴有胃食管反流病的研究

7.Overlap between gastroesophageal reflux disease and functional bowel diseases:an analysis of related factors胃食管反流病与功能性肠道疾病的重叠及其相关因素

8.Prevalence analysis of common allergies in respiratory allergic diseases of children in Guangzhou urban districts广州地区儿童呼吸道变态反应性疾病常见变应原的流行病学分析

9.Study on Minimally Invasive Treatment of Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease and Application of Chinese Herbs in Perioperation;胃食管反流性疾病的微创治疗及中药在围手术期应用的研究

10.Effect and mechanism of bile reflux disease on gastric motility induced by benign biliary disease胆道良性疾病致胆汁反流对胃运动的影响及机制探讨

11.Laparoscopic 180°anterior fundoplication for gastroesophageal refulx disease腹腔镜180°前胃底折叠术治疗胃食管反流性疾病临床研究

12.The cause of death in chronic non-communicable diseases epidemiological studies慢性非传染性疾病死因流行病学研究

13.a recurring problem, error, illness反复出现的问题、 错误、 疾病

14.The rapid spread of a disease throughout a population is an epidemic.在人口中快速传播的疾病称为流行性传染疾病。

15.A real pandemic, of course, would throw up a host of other problems.一场真正的流行性疾病,当然将产生许多其他问题。

16.There" s a / some virus going round the office, ie making people ill.办公室里流行着一种[某种]病毒性疾病.

17.Epidemiology of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction among People Some Communities in Shandong People;盆底功能障碍性疾病的流行病学研究

18.Epidemiological analysis of STDs in Shenzhen City in 深圳市性传播疾病流行病学分析


Reflux diagnostic questionnaire反流性疾病诊断问卷

1.MethodsReflux diagnostic questionnaire(RDQ)was used to investigate the symptoms of patients of GERD among parts of regions of Anhui Province.方法对合肥、蚌埠和淮南168例经反流性疾病诊断问卷(RDQ量表)拟诊为GERD的患者进行问卷调查,记录患者的基本情况和接诊医生的用药情况。

3)gastroesophageal reflux diseases反流性疾病

1.Study on relativity between Helicobacter pylori and thegastroesophageal reflux diseases;幽门螺杆菌与胃及食管反流性疾病关系的研究

4)illness perception questionnaire疾病感知问卷

5)Gastroesophageal reflux disease胃食管反流性疾病

1.ObjectiveTo summarize the experience of laparoscopic antireflux procedure in managing gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD).目的总结腹腔镜食管裂孔疝修补和胃底折叠术治疗胃食管反流性疾病的经验。

6)Gastro-esophageal reflux disease胃食管反流性疾病

1.To determine the best surgical treatmentfor gastro-esophageal reflux disease.目的比较腹腔镜Nissen与Toupet、食道前180°和食道前90°胃底折叠术治疗胃食管反流性疾病的手术效果和术后并发症的发生率。


