100字范文 > 活血养阴方 promoting blood flow and deficiency of kidney英语短句 例句大全

活血养阴方 promoting blood flow and deficiency of kidney英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-24 23:49:20


活血养阴方 promoting blood flow and deficiency of kidney英语短句 例句大全

活血养阴方,promoting blood flow and deficiency of kidney

1)promoting blood flow and deficiency of kidney活血养阴方

1.Objest:to discuss the influence to the status of serum/urine macrophage migration inhibitory factor(MIF) in patients with lupus nephritis(LN) bypromoting blood flow and deficiency of kidney.目的:探讨中药活血养阴方对狼疮性肾炎(LN)患者的血清/尿液巨噬细胞移动抑制因子(MIF)水平的影响。


1.Protective Mechanism of Promoting Blood Flow & Nourishing Yin Recipe on Kidney of Diabetic Rat活血养阴方药对糖尿病大鼠肾脏保护作用机制

2.Studies on Molecular Mechanisms of Yangyin Huoxue Decoction Delaying the Development of Chronic Renal Failure;活血养阴方延缓慢性肾功能衰竭进展的分子生物学机制研究

3.Effect of Peroxynitrite Anion and Prevention and Cure Mechanism of Promoting Blood Flow Nourishing Yin Recipe on Diabetic Myocardial Damage of Rat;过氧亚硝基阴离子对糖尿病大鼠心肌损伤的作用及活血养阴方药防治机理研究

4.The Treatment of Lupus Nephritis & the Influence of Serum/urine Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor by Promoting Blood Flow and Deficiency of Kidney活血养阴方对狼疮性肾炎的治疗及对血清/尿液巨噬细胞移动抑制因子水平的影响

5.The Clinical Research on the Children with Kidney Blood in Urine with the Yang Yin Qing Re Huo Xue Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine;养阴清热活血方治疗小儿阴虚内热型肾性血尿的临床观察

6.In Vivo Experimental Research of Yangyin Huoxue Recipe Resist Chronic Nephrotoxicity of Cyclosporine A in Rat;养阴活血方药拮抗大鼠环孢素A慢性肾毒性机理的体内实验研究

7.Theoretical and Experimental Study on Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B with YiqiYangyinJieduHuoxie Decoction;益气养阴解毒活血方治疗慢性乙型肝炎的理论与实验研究

8.In Vitro Experimental Study of the Antagonism of Yin Nourishing and Blood Circulation Promoting Formula on Chronic CsA-induced Nephrotoxicity;养阴活血方药拮抗环孢素A肾毒性的体外实验研究

9.The Protective Effect of Nourishing Yin and Promoting Blood Flow Recipe on the Aortic Endothelium Injury of Diabetic Rats养阴活血方药对糖尿病大鼠主动脉内皮损伤的保护作用

10.Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine on the Level of PDGF-BB and c-myc in Rabbit after Artery Injury益气养阴活血方对兔动脉内膜损伤后PDGF-BB和c-myc水平的影响

11.Yiqi Yangyin Decoction Effect on Experimental Congestive Heart Failure Rat Tumor Necrosis Factor-α益气养阴活血方对实验性心力衰竭大鼠TNF-α的影响

12.Initial Investigation on Principle of Replenishing Qi,Nourishing Yin and Activating Blood Circulation for Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy益气养阴活血法治疗糖尿病肾病初探

13.The Damaging Effect of Peroxynitrite and the Prevention and Cure Mechanism of Nourishing Yin Promoting Blood Circulation Recipe on Liver Mitochondria of Diabetic Rats;过氧亚硝基阴离子对糖尿病大鼠肝线粒体损伤作用及养阴活血方药的防治

14.Experimental Studies on the Treatment of Ischemia Cerebral Vascular Disease by Benefiting Vital Energy, Nourishing Yin and Activating Blood Circulation;益气养阴活血法治疗缺血性中风的实验研究

15.Effect of Yangyin Jiedu Huoxue Recipe on Hormone Withdrawal and Disease Activity in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus养阴解毒活血方对系统性红斑狼疮患者激素撤减和疾病活动程度的影响

16.Study on Treating Diabetic Nephropathy Using Yi Qi Yang Yin Huo Xue Decoctionin;益气养阴活血汤治疗糖尿病性肾病临床观察

17.Clinical Study of Reatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by the Method of Supplementing the Qi, Nourishing Yin and Promoting Blood Circulation;益气养阴活血法治疗2型糖尿病的临床研究

18.The Clinic Study on Treatment of Diabetic Foot by the Methods of Supplementing Qi, Nourishing Yin and Promoting Blood Circulation to Remove Meridian Obstruction;益气养阴活血通络法治疗糖尿病足的临床研究


Nourishing Yin and Promoting Blood Circulation Formula养阴活血方

1.Effect ofNourishing Yin and Promoting Blood Circulation Formula on Ventricular Remodeling of Transgenic Mice with Mineralocorticoid Receptor Overexpression;养阴活血方对转基因盐皮质激素受体过度表达小鼠模型心室重塑的影响

3)Yiqi Yangyin Huoxue prescription益气养阴活血方

1.Experiment study of the effect ofYiqi Yangyin Huoxue prescription on blood sugar;益气养阴活血方降血糖的实验研究

4)Yin-nourishing Qi-tonifying and blood-activating recipe养阴益气活血方

1.Influence ofYin-nourishing Qi-tonifying and blood-activating recipe(养阴益气活血方) on anticoagulation and fabrinolysis of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells;养阴益气活血方对培养人脐静脉内皮细胞抗凝和纤溶功能的作用

5)Yiqi Huoxue Yangyin Recipe益气活血养阴方

1.Effect ofYiqi Huoxue Yangyin Recipe on elderly man with lung cancer receiving radiotherapy;益气活血养阴方在老年肺癌放疗中的作用

6)YYQRHX Decoction养阴清热活血方


