100字范文 > 人流量 volume of flow of people英语短句 例句大全

人流量 volume of flow of people英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-21 09:00:17


人流量 volume of flow of people英语短句 例句大全

人流量,volume of flow of people

1)volume of flow of people人流量


1.Question9: Do the passenger train pairs and passenger flow volume in Appendix–2 are meant for peak time daily passenger flow or peak time hour passenger flow?附件-的列车对数和人流量是指高峰日流量还是高峰小时流量?

2.Success is measured in blood; yours or your enemy"s.成功衡量于你或敌人所流的血量多寡。

3.Study on influence of human activity on surface runoff in Haihe River Basin人类活动对海河流域地表径流量影响的研究

4.The Measurement System for Thermal Flux of Superheated Steam Based on Artificial Neural Networks;基于人工神经网络工业蒸汽热流量计量系统

5.The mass of the rural population was rapidly going bankrupt农村人口迅速而大量地流离失所。

6.There was no flux, no people and no business.没有流量,没有人气,没有生意。

7.Ireland has suffered a huge brain drain in recent years.近年来,爱尔兰人才大量流失。

8.The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it. --Thomas Woodrow Wilson逆水游泳的人知道潮流的力量。——威尔逊

9.Measure developer turnover risk of software project using infor-mation entropy用信息熵度量软件项目人员流动风险

10.The Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on Flood Runoff and Sediment Transportation in Gushanchuan Basin气候变化和人类活动对孤山川流域次洪径流量和输沙量的影响

11.Unfortunately, there is evidence here of the drain upon our engineering and managerial resources.令人遗憾的是大量工程及管理人才外流。

12.The Brain Drain and Economic Growth: An Econometric Analysis of the Loss of Brain Drain;人力资本外流与经济增长——对人才外流损失的计量分析

13.Venturi-meter coefficient文丘里流量计流量系数

14.extraction flow排气流量, 抽气流量

15.indicating flow meter指示流量表指示流量计

16.Oil-water two-phase flow measurement using vortex flowmeter利用涡街流量计测量油水两相流流量

17.We keep developing towards to collectivize way because of surpassing talent, top class service, good prestige and high quality.一流的人才,一流的服务,一流的信誉,一流的质量,公司向集团化经营迈进的有利保证。

18.Drinking plenty of liquids to replace those lost through sweating can help you get through a fever more comfortably.喝大量的水补充流汗时流失的水分,可以让人在发烧时好过一点。


major pedestrian movement大量人流

3)Pedestrian flow detection人流量检测

1.APedestrian flow detection method in public transport system based on the computer vision is presented.提出了一种基于计算机视觉的公交系统人流量检测方法。

4)effictivi stream of people有效人流量

5)distribution of population人流量分布

6)pedestrian counting人流量统计

1.A surveillance system forpedestrian counting is introduced in this paper, which can updates the background adaptively.介绍了一种人流量统计视频监控系统,自适应更新背景信息,利用背景相减法获得运动物体图像,并根据运动物体轮廓形状识别人体,利用目标跟踪技术统计人流量。


