100字范文 > 晚期食管癌 advanced esophageal cancer英语短句 例句大全

晚期食管癌 advanced esophageal cancer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-13 03:46:59


晚期食管癌 advanced esophageal cancer英语短句 例句大全

晚期食管癌,advanced esophageal cancer

1)advanced esophageal cancer晚期食管癌

1.Clinical observation of capecitabine plus cisplatin as first-line chemotherapy inadvanced esophageal cancer;卡培他滨联合顺铂一线治疗晚期食管癌的临床观察

2.Radiofrequency of electronic endoscopy combined radiotherapy treatment foradvanced esophageal cancer;经胃镜腔内射频联合放疗治疗中晚期食管癌

3.Clinical application of covered self-expanding stent to treatment ofadvanced esophageal cancer with obstruction自膨胀覆膜内支架治疗晚期食管癌梗阻的临床应用


1.Covered nitinol stents in 44 patients with malignant esophageal strictures44例食管带膜支架治疗晚期食管癌临床分析

2.The clinical observation of concurrent chemoradlotherapy on locally advanced esophageal carcinoma局部晚期食管癌同步放化疗疗效观察

3.Clinical Curative Effects And Complications About Esophageal Stent Implantation Treating Advanced Stage Esonhageal And Gastric Carcinoma食管支架置入术治疗晚期食管癌贲门癌疗效及并发症分析

4.Clinical observation of combined chemotherapy with PTX and DDP for treatment of terminal esophageal cancer紫杉醇联合顺铂治疗晚期食管癌近期临床观察

5.The Short-term Efficacy of Chemotherapy Combined with Radiotherapy for Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma放化疗联合治疗中晚期食管癌近期疗效观察

6.Advanced esophageal cancer surgical resection combined trachea method is discussed.晚期食管癌联合气管部分切除术式探讨

7.Random Study in Radiotherapy and Combined Chemotherapy for Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma of 112 Patients中晚期食管癌放疗和联合化疗112例的随机研究

8.Clinical Observation of Combination Therapy of Arterial Intervention Therapy and Radiotherapy in 36 Cases with Advanced Stage Esophageal Cancer动脉灌注化疗合并放射治疗中晚期食管癌36例

bination of External Radiotherapy and LIFEIN in the Treatment of Esop hagus Cancer晚期食管癌放射治疗合并力尔凡的临床观察

10.Clinical Study of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Advanced Esophagus Cancer;同时放化疗治疗晚期食管癌的临床研究

11.Clinical Observation of Combined Chemoradiotherapy Treatment on Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma;放化疗联合治疗中晚期食管癌的疗效观察

12.The Chemotherapeutic Effect and Prognostic Factors of 145 Pationts with Advanced Esophageal Cancer;145例晚期食管癌的化疗疗效和预后因素分析

13.Clinical Analysis of Radiotherapy of Patients with Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma after Stent Implantation中晚期食管癌支架置入后放射治疗的疗效分析

14.Clinical application of advanced stage esophageal carcinoma by Implantation of stent with particles带粒子支架植入治疗中晚期食管癌的临床应用

15.Advanced Esophageal Cancer Patients in Clinical Observation of Mediastinal Perfusion Chemotherapy晚期食管癌术中纵隔热灌注化疗的临床观察

16.Clinical observation of radiotherapy combined with taxol chemotherapy on locally advanced esophageal carcinoma放疗联合紫杉醇治疗中晚期食管癌的临床观察

17.Regimen based on platinum compound plus docetaxel for the treatment of advanced esophageal carcinoma as a first-line drug铂类联合多西他赛一线治疗晚期食管癌

18.Analysis on influencing factors of chemotherapy prognosis of 72 cases with advanced esophageal cancer72例晚期食管癌患者的化疗预后影响因素分析


advanced esophageal carcinoma晚期食管癌

1.High-dose-folinic acid,5-fluorouracil bolus and continuous infusion 48 hours combined with cisplatin in treatment ofadvanced esophageal carcinoma;大剂量醛氢叶酸加5-FU持续滴注联合DDP治疗晚期食管癌及生存分析

2.Clinical Observation of Nedaplatin Combined with Vinorelbine in Treating Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma;长春瑞滨联合奈达铂治疗中晚期食管癌的临床观察

3.Observation of curative effect of gastroscopic microwave cauterization combined with partial chemotherapy onadvanced esophageal carcinoma;胃镜下微波烧灼联合局部化疗治疗晚期食管癌疗效观察

3)advanced esophageal cancer中晚期食管癌

1.Clinical observation of nedaplatin combined with tegafur therapy foradvanced esophageal cancer;奈达铂与替加氟联合治疗中晚期食管癌的临床观察

4)local advance esophageal carcinoma局部晚期食管癌

5)Terminal squamous cancer of the esophagus晚期食管鳞癌

6)Advanced distal esophageal carcinoma晚期食管下段癌


